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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. LindsayT

    CPAP users

    I'm down 60 lbs and am still having apnea events according to my machine. Once I get to goal, I may look into another sleep study.
  2. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    That's great losses, both of you. Congrats! It's easy to get caught up with the end goal and the number on the scale scale, but there is so much to celebrate on the way. I'm down 60 lbs since the start of the pre-op diet (45lbs since surgery). I haven't made it to "onederland" yet, but I'm close. However, my clothing sizes have changed a bunch. I started in a tight US 18 and can now fit in a US 14 or US 12, depending on the brand. My overall health has been improving. Mostly less pain, more energy, and improving stamina. I'm still dealing with sleep apnea, unfortunately, but I have hope that'll get better down the road.
  3. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    How is everyone doing as we start to hit our 3 month mark?
  4. LindsayT

    Finally cleared

    My primary doctor was against it, too. But for some reason, she gave me the referral to speak with the surgeon so I could educate myself. That was dumb on her part because I had it done anyway. My situation was unique because I had it done on a military base, so once I got my referral, the hospital on base took over all my care surrounding the surgery.
  5. LindsayT

    I had to share

    He was. It's crazy how much came off so quickly
  6. LindsayT

    I had to share

    He was. It's crazy how much came off so quickly
  7. LindsayT

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    It's so different for everyone. For me, I had minimal pain, but was tired ALL THE TIME. I definitely got tired of liquids and protein drinks. I struggled with that part. I didn't want to cook either because I couldn't eat it. So if you have a family to take care of, maybe make some freezer meals ahead of time. Weeks 3 and beyond weren't bad. The puree stage was tolerable. I made things I liked and just pureed them, so it wasn't awful. To be honest, the first 6 weeks can be a challenge, but it's totally worth it. Keep with your program and continue to read posts on here to get an idea of what to expect. But keep in mind, for every bad experience, there are at least 20 good experiences. I am looking forward to hearing more about your journey!
  8. LindsayT

    I had to share

    That's what I thought. My surgeon estimated me to be 208 by 3 months.
  9. LindsayT

    I had to share

    Thank you. You'll get there. I know there are different factors on how and how much weight we lose.
  10. LindsayT

    Eating expectations vs reality

    It takes time. This soon after surgery there is still swelling that limits what you can ingest at a time. Just keep at it.
  11. LindsayT

    Vitamin Intake

    It depends on the amount of each supplement in the dose. Those amounts are different for each person and each surgery. I would listen to the nutritionist on the dosing.
  12. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    I didn't have much pain once the gas passed, which was at the hospital. I never took pain meds at home, only Tylenol.
  13. LindsayT

    Hydration is a full time job!

    Yep. ALL. DAY. LONG. It's worth it though. It really becomes second nature as time goes on.
  14. This may be a program and/or person specific. My program, for example, says no more than 8 oz of food at a time for life. At almost 3 months, I can take in about 4-6 oz at a time; depending on what it is.
  15. LindsayT

    Surgery Aug2

    That seems about right. The cream.of wheat and mashed potatoes need to be thinned out with liquid to a consistency that it will easily pour off the spoon... basically watered, well, milked, down. Think thick soup or stew broth. You mentioned not doing the baby food meat....I don't blame you. Just make sure you're getting enough protein though supplements and approved foods. I felt like I was eating or drinking every waking moment my first 4-6 weeks.
  16. By chance, are you using a straw?
  17. LindsayT

    Surgery Aug2

    Mashed potatoes will be during the puree stage starting at 3 week. HOWEVER, each program is different.
  18. LindsayT

    Surgery Aug2

    If you're talking about the 2 weeks after surgery, it's all liquid, no chunks of any kind. So broth, strained soup with protein powder, milk, protein drinks, water, and sugar-free popsicle.
  19. LindsayT

    Emergency contraceptive

    My surgeon said to double up on birth control because the extra estrogen released after surgery, when you're losing, can make you super fertile. I had my tubes tied after the birth of my third, so I can't speak to the effectiveness of the pill.
  20. LindsayT


    It has started. My hair is falling out in tub clogging, brush filling, handfuls. I knew it was coming, but nothing prepares you for it. I've noticed the touch of my hair has changed. I mean, it's dry. I just got a haircut a few weeks ago, I use good quality moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and a leave in conditioner. Is it normal for it to be dry too?
  21. Have you tried Miralax for the constipation?
  22. Oh, yes, the hormones. Ugh... I am still dealing with acne at 40, so I feel your pain. Dermatology is very helpful. I'm on 2 topical prescription creams and an oral medication to help control my acne. My skin overall has gotten drier since surgery. I use an in shower moisturizer and another one once I get out and dry off. It's help my body skin a lot. I also use a heavier cream at night on my face. Just be careful if you're acne prone on which products you use.
  23. LindsayT

    Depressed before surgery

    Totally understandable.
  24. Meats from the deli are definitely better than the prepackaged stuff. But they both are not doing it for me. I've been craving cured Italian meats, but they are much higher in fat and calories...bummer.
  25. Lunch meats are funky to me as well, but I do like adding lean meats to my boxes like leftover chicken, turkey, ham, or steak (steak is touchy for some, so see how your stomach reacts). And be careful that the meats aren't too dry. Leftover meat can dry out and cause your stomach problems. I also like imitation crab or shrimp cocktail for some different protein options. For me, it's all about mixing it up so I don't be bored. Eating again is so much more enjoyable. Food just hits different, ya know. The taste, texture, and smells are like trying something for the first time. Just keep in mind things that you liked before, you may not like after surgery or when you start eating again. That one weirds me out. I'm hoping my liking to those foods comes back as time goes on.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
