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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. LindsayT


    I second the miralax. I have to keep up on the constipation issue. Such a wonderful side effect...ugh.
  2. LindsayT


    Constipation or water retention. Stalls are the worst. I stall often, about every 10 days, but I've still managed to lose a total of 63 lbs in about 4 months. Just stick with it. The head hunger is no joke. It's really something I had to work through. And there are days that it's awful. I just try to keep busy. My faith has played a huge part in this as well. Every bit of help, whether it's God, mom, therapist, friends or keeping busy is important.
  3. Just make sure you're taking progress photos for yourself. It crazy to look back and comes in handy during a stall.
  4. LindsayT


    Those first weeks are definitely hard. I was SOOO tired of liquid and puree and soft foods. But, it does get better. Especially as the weight comes off and health issues improve. The compliments are definitely confidence boosting. Things that can help are talking to someone about how you're feeling. It's a very emotional time right now. I cried a lot too and my therapist was a tremendous help walking through all the emotions I was feeling. Thank you for sharing.
  5. LindsayT

    Easy way out

    What everyone else said, plus screw 'em. For me, I did this for me. My health. My confidence. My life. Next time, I'd just walk away and tell them I don't need your judgment and negativity. Sorry that happened to you. People can be so insensitive.
  6. LindsayT

    I made it to....

    Thanks everyone!
  7. LindsayT

    I made it to....

    Thanks! Yes, SOOO excited
  8. LindsayT

    Kids meals!

    It's better to just order what you want that's healthy and box half of it or more before you start eating. Kids' meals are usually full of fat and carbs and are not good.
  9. LindsayT

    Food Before and After Photos

    That looks amazing. We're going to a place here that makes paella in September. Each month they do a Paella on the Patio event.
  10. LindsayT

    There are some days...

    There are some days that I'm SOOOO hungry. Not every day, just some days. What do you do about it? I eat high protein snacks/meals/shakes, but it's not enough. I'm not satisfied. Then there are days I have to make myself eat. I just don't get it.
  11. In the beginning, I just did the reduced fat mayo and tuna, and added some seasoning. Like someone said, I only had room for the protein. As your progress, you'll find what to eat it with. For me, I use reduced fat wheat thins, maybe 4 or 5 of them. I like to crush them so it's more of a topping than a vehicle to get the tuna salad to my mouth. Veggies are aways a great option as you can tolerate it.
  12. LindsayT

    There are some days...

    Being only 3 months out, it's hard to deviate from the plan. We did go for some Chinese yesterday and that seemed to satisfy my hunger, but man, I didn't feel well after. Hopefully the right balance will figure itself out soon.
  13. LindsayT

    There are some days...

    Oh, that would be nice... I'm one pound away from ONEderland.
  14. Has anyone come across a good treatment or procedure for cellulite?
  15. LindsayT


    Thanks for the information. I'll looked into it. It looks like it'll help some. I'm thinking exercise and surgery will be my only best option. Thankfully it's not too bad, but I hate it, especially on my legs where everyone can see it when I wear shorts or dresses.
  16. LindsayT

    Still in hospital in HELL

    Normal for me. Nothing the day of surgery and nothing until the leak test. They have moist sticks you can use, at least my hospital did. And ask for chap stick, if you don't have it. It sucks, but is necessary.
  17. LindsayT

    Food Before and After Photos

    My favorite it Godiva dark chocolate with raspberry filling. I can't find it anymore, which is super sad.
  18. I've lost a total of 60 lbs! Fifteen was during the preop diet and 45 since surgery on May 1. So flipping excited. I haven't done pictures yet. We do those the first of each month.
  19. LindsayT

    I had to share

    Lol, no. It's definitely a lot of work. Thanks!!
  20. LindsayT

    I had to share

    Lol, no. It's definitely a lot of work. Thanks!!
  21. LindsayT

    You can't tell me NOTHIN!!! lol

    Lookin' great!
  22. LindsayT

    I had to share

    Night before surgery and today. Three months and 60lbs apart. Ironically, it's the same PJs, but it really shows the difference in the fit. The pants are definitely getting loose now. They were pretty tight before.
  23. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I'm so sorry this is happening. Have you talked to your surgeon about a revision?
  24. LindsayT

    First real food? Cherries!!

    Salmon from Bonefish Grill. I remember when I started eating regular food almost everything was the best thing I've ever eaten. It was like trying food for the first time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
