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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. Today, I was able to do a hike at 14, 265 ft. on the top of Mt. Evans in Colorado and not be completely out of breath or have muscle fatigue. Here's a couple of pictures from the summit.
  2. Today, I was able to do a hike at 14, 265 ft. on the top of Mt. Evans in Colorado and not be completely out of breath or have muscle fatigue. Here's a couple of pictures from the summit.
  3. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    This may help answer questions. I also suggest a dietitian who is knowledgeable with WLS https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/metabolic-and-bariatric-surgery-blog/2018/march/make-protein-a-priority-after-weight-loss-surgery
  4. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    Protein supplement are pretty important until you can begin eating your protein requirements. You should be shooting for a minimum of 70g of protein per day.
  5. I finally understand the "it hurts to sit". The butt padding is gone, which if fantastic, but OUCHY. 😆
  6. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    Oh, ya. The waking up from surgery was awful. I was in so much pain. Good to hear all is well
  7. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    Great news!
  8. Unfortunately, it all comes down to insurance requirements. If you're self pay, then that's the doctor's call, and you'll hopefully get answers at your appointment.
  9. LindsayT


    The iron may be what's upsetting your stomach. I take my vitamins and supplements with protein drinks to get something in my stomach to keep it from getting woozy. I was told no gummy vitamins or supplements. There are a lot of chewables out there to choose from. Also, I take mine one at a time over about 20 minutes, so it's not so much at once. I get nauseous if I take my vitamins and supplements too fast.
  10. I'm 3.5 months out and go to dinner all the time. You just have to be aware of what you order and how much you're eating. And to answer your question, I eat about 2-2.5 oz of Protein and about 2-4 tablespoons of veg depending on how dense the meal is for my main meal. It varies throughout the day.
  11. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Great job on the progress! Way to be a loser 🤣 I'm down 64 lbs. SW 262 CW 198 I've gone from a tight size 18 and 2x shirts to a comfortable size 14 and L shirts. I'm super happy with my current progress. Though, the losses have been slower, which is fine as long as I'm still losing. Goal is 160, which is 38 lbs to go. I'm hoping to make that by the end of the year, beginning of next, bit definitely before the year mark. We'll see what happens and what my body has to say about that. I was 160 before and was very comfortable there. I haven't had too many issues. I had what the doctor thought was dumping, but my only symptom was cramping. And yesterday I had a bit too much ice cream (guilty...working on that) and it made me nauseous, which was the only symptom. Not sure if these were dumping episodes becauae it wasn’t like what I've read about. Still some learning to do. Otherwise, I make my goals most days and average about 750 calories per day Working out has been an issue and I have no excuse as to why I don't very much. But I'm working on that as well.
  12. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    They're supposed to make sure your internal incisions and staples are not leaking before your drink. It's pretty standard.
  13. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    Pre op for me was great. They started an IV and took blood and urine to do a pregnancy and nicotine test (not sure what else they tested for) It was about 2.5-3 hours before they wheeled me back.They gave me drugs during pre op after I signed consents, spoke with the doctor and anesthesia. I don't even remember being wheeled back. That is probably hospital specific. After surgery you won't be able to drink anything and not anything the next day until after your leak test. I stayed 2 nights (for a total of 3 days) and was able to leave late afternoon. Couple things. Walk walk walk as soon as you can. It helps with the gas. Also, when you are able to drink, work on getting your fluids in. Best of luck tomorrow!
  14. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    After surgery, I was EXHAUSTED for several weeks. If you can get through being tired 24/7, I would say you could go back after a week as long as your job doest require lifting, a lot of physical activity, and you're off the pain medication. You also need to be able to drink your fluids ALL DAY. It really comes down to your specific job and required work. Maybe speak to your management about what work you can do if your job is more physically demanding With that said, to specifically answer your questions. I take care of my home and children, so I don't actually have a paying job, but the work is just as demanding. I couldn't lift anything over 15lbs per my surgical team until 6 weeks post op. I started to feel more like myself around week 3-4.
  15. It that, but it's also the confidence I feel and project that makes being intimate more enjoyable and fun. My husband has responded to that more than being able to get there easier.
  16. I have a new NSV... I can comfortably cross my legs when I sit. AND they stay on their own without having to hold them. It really is the little things that feel good
  17. I do mine once a month along with body measurements. I also get a bodpod, or body far composition test, done as part of my post op care. I love seeing the difference.
  18. LindsayT

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    Usually during puree stage as long as they're smooth and a bit runny
  19. LindsayT

    Unflavored protein powder

    I like the protein shots from the Bariatric Pal store. It has been the only protein supplement I can tolerate. And if you do get them, mix with 4 oz of water and ice. They do tend to be a bit tart.
  20. LindsayT

    Unflavored protein powder

    I like the protein shots from the Bariatric Pal store. It has been the only protein supplement I can tolerate.
  21. LindsayT

    Heartburn after Gastric BYPASS

    I was required to be on a PPI for the first 3 months after surgery. I'll reduce my dose for months 4-6 and after 6 months, I think I'll completely go off it- with my doctors blessing, of course
  22. LindsayT

    Pain after surgery?

    Ya, the extras you mentioned are expensive. The protein alone is pricey. I hoping to get my protein from food more than the protein supplements soon. It's just hard to make goal. I try to look at the expense of better food as an investment in myself and my family. But eating out IS way cheaper. I don't drink and my husband and I split a meal when we do go out...which isn't often anymore. Like you said though, TOTALLY worth it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
