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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. LindsayT

    Protein shake recipes

    Our milk has 8 g of protein per 8 oz. At that amount, I can't use it as a meal replacement. I may looking into milk powder to add to the milk. Thanks!
  2. LindsayT

    Protein shake recipes

    Thank you! Do you have a brand of protein powder you like? I have some "unflavored" left, but I can still taste it.
  3. I was diagnosed with fibro before surgery. My pain and fatigue were awful. After surgery, I have zero symptoms. I'm not sure if it was a misdiagnosis or if it was something to do with surgery. My only pain now is the areas I have confirmed arthritis.
  4. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    My surgery was May 1. I'm down 88 lbs and I feel great! 14 more to go until I hit my goal.
  5. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Welcome! How's post op going?
  6. Awe, thanks! No lavender highlights. It just the lightning. My color is all natural and quickly turning grey; which I'm not mad about.
  7. I'm only 5.5 months out and 16 more to go until goal. Sw262 size 18 Cw 176 size 10/12 Gw 160
  8. LindsayT

    Protein absorption

    That's what I do, plus I add about 8 oz of water to the shot. I take all my mornings meds and vitamins with the protein as well. It takes me forever to get it all in. If I take my medications too fast it upset my stomach. "She" is very temperamental in the morning.
  9. I read that we can only absorb 30g of Protein per meal. Is this true? What have you heard from your nutritionist? Thanks in advance! Edit: Does this include all types... whey and collagen specifically.
  10. LindsayT

    Protein absorption

    I knew about the collagen, that's why I added more whey to this drink. Between the protein shot, which is collagen and whey, and the whey I add it's a total of about 39g. The company won't give me the exact breakdown of its product, so i'm not 100% collagen vs. whey. I know there is at least 14g of whey that i add. I just want to make sure that what I drink for breakfast is all absorb. Otherwise, I will need to break it up. I don't like to actually eat breakfast, it messes with my stomach. All my meals contain protein 😉
  11. LindsayT

    Protein absorption

    I do break it up. My drink in the morning has whey and collagen (mostly colagen) and I need to add more whey which puts me over the magic 30g. Just trying to figure out if I'm wasting protein at this point.
  12. LindsayT

    Food Before and After Photos

    I am ALWAYS cold. I hope this normalizes
  13. LindsayT

    Food Before and After Photos

    I'm not normally a sandwich girl, but that looks really good. Since surgery, deli meat has been a total turn off. I may try it again
  14. LindsayT


  15. I have officially made it out of the obese BMI category!
  16. LindsayT

    Extensive weight loss

    Hopefully they get this figured out and there is in fact nothing seriously wrong. Best of luck!
  17. LindsayT

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Ask your doctor or dermatologist for Tretinoin (aka Retin A). It's an amazing product for all things skin.
  18. LindsayT

    Extensive weight loss

    Have they done any blood work or scans to rule out anything serious? At 97lbs, your BMI is almost to the underweight category. I'd keep pushing for tests just to make sure it's nothing serious. Especially since you said you're eating more; which I'm assuming is to gain weight.
  19. LindsayT

    Starbucks Coffee or Latte's

    I started drinking caffeine again around 2 months...once I established good eating and drinking routines (making protein and fluid goals). I spoke with my nutritionist about it and he said not to count the caffeine beverages towards my overall fluid goal.
  20. Skinny Girl makes some really good salad dressing. I think it's like 5 calories for 2 tablespoons. The balsamic and raspberry vinaigrette are my favorites.
  21. LindsayT

    Starbucks Coffee or Latte's

    The only sugar-free syrup product Starbuck has is the vanilla. They have several herbal teas that are nice. I enjoy the peach tranquility. I have also started drinking caffeine and also enjoy an iced green tea. I wish they'd offer more sugar-free options. It's hard not falling back into the coffeehouse coffee habit.
  22. If it's a surgeon's requirement, could you find another surgeon who doesn't have this requirement? If it's an insurance requirement, then there isn't really a workaround. I wasn't required to lose any weight or stay at my pre-surgery weight beforehand. Just a thought.
  23. LindsayT

    Vaginal bleeding after surgery?

    If you're done having children, ask for an endometrial ablation. I had absolutely horrible periods (way before WLS), and after my procedure, I haven't had one since. Even after the WLS and the estrogen surge. If you're not done having kids, seek a second opinion from a GYN.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
