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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. So nervous. AND excited [emoji4]
  2. I've been sampling proteins in preparation for surgery. I found that I like Fairlife chocolate (premade) the best. I'm waiting for the clear proteins to get here to try. I have also seen protein shots on Amazon. Not sure about flavor, but they may be easier to get down in a few, approved, gulps. I feel ya. Protein drinks are not great. I haven't tried flavorless protein powder to add to foods-maybe that's an option for you.
  3. I have my final clearance on Thursday too. It just got so real. Hoping for a surgery date at this appointment as well. Good luck Thursday!
  4. I have my final clearance appointment with the surgeon on March 16th. I started this process on January 4th. I cannot believe how fast it's moving along. Any questions I'm not thinking of I should make sure to address at this appointment?
  5. LindsayT

    New Here

    Welcome! Great job on your progress so far. I'm still in pre-op stages and planning on rny in late spring. I'm so ready.
  6. LindsayT

    Food Boredom

    Dealing with health issues is definitely NOT a love affair with food. I deal with depression, and while I never emotionally ate, the medications I was on to treat it contributed to me gaining almost 80 lbs in roughly 18 months. People struggle with their weight for more reasons than overeating.
  7. LindsayT

    Coming off caffeine/coffee

    Caffeine headaches are no joke. Have you tried stepping down to tea? I know it's not as exciting as the juice 🤣, but it helps. Good luck!
  8. I'm still pre-op and don't have a surgery date yet. So my problem is, I am hungry ALL. THE. TIME. I eat ALL. THE. TIME. Is this an unconscious pre-surgery last hoorah? If so, that's not my intention. I don't have an eating disorder. I haven't started a new medication. Maybe hormones, but I don't have a period, so not sure there. My husband is away on business, but this isn't a new thing for us. Has anyone experienced this? My dietitian tells me to focus on protein and fiber. Trying, but not helping. I'm in therapy and have dealt with about 90% of my issues. I've never been one to emotionally eat. I do take antidepressants, but I haven't had issues with eating with the new cocktail of meds I'm on. This is a new issue for me and I don't understand what's going on. Thanks for your insights and help.
  9. LindsayT

    Anyone willing...

    Great job. Thanks for sharing. Of the whole bariatric experience, saggy skin scares me. I know plastics is an option, but...
  10. LindsayT

    Chronic pain, WLS, and exercise

    Thanks for the information. I mostly sit around feeling sorry for myself for the pain and then feel frustrated because I'm not doing anything about it. I'm doing PT and OT at the moment, I just need to get to the gym.
  11. I'm trying to think ahead before surgery. I have fibromyalgia, aka chronic pain and other fun stuff. It's hard to be overly active because it flares the pain and I'm down for awhile. Tips? Tricks? Is anyone else in the same boat? I guess my concern comes down to being active enough to help maintain weight after surgery. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. LindsayT

    Anyone willing...

    Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your vulnerability.
  13. LindsayT

    Anyone willing...

    Thanks for sharing. Awesome job on your journey.
  14. LindsayT

    Anyone willing...

    That's amazing.
  15. LindsayT

    Anyone willing...

    What are you referring to? I'm still pre-op. I'm fat. Unhappy. And nervous. CW 250. My BMI is 40. I have sleep apnea, high cholesterol, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. Any other sensitive information you would like to know? At any rate, people have the choice to respond. I'm not making them do anything.
  16. LindsayT


  17. LindsayT


    You will definitely need one to get back into the US.
  18. I think I've settled in on getting bypassed, so I'm trying to gather all the information I can. Dumping doesn't sound pleasant and I want to get as much information about that as I can. I have read sugar and fat is the biggest contributing factor to dumping. I get added sugar and fat, but what about items that have natural sugars, like fruit? Or natural fats like avocado or nuts? What about sautéed vegetables in olive oil? Or is Dumping more of a personal trigger? What are your go-to alternatives for sugar and fats (oils and butter for cooking) Thanks all! Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. LindsayT

    Miss eating?

    Do you miss eating? Like the comfort of it, not in an emotional eating way, just the joy that comes from really good food. I understand the new mindset is to eat for fuel and I'm fully on board with it. But I also have 40 years of programming that is opposite to that way of thinking.
  20. I've been nosing my way around the forums for a few weeks and have noticed a lot of concerning, scary, and intimidating information. I know that this is not the norm, but still. Going through everything, is it worth it? I'm still going through all my pre-op appointments and will hopefully see the surgeon for final approval at the end of March and bypass in April or May (as long as there are no hiccups). Thanks!
  21. LindsayT


    I'm considering the sleeve but I'm concerned with increase in GERD symptoms. I already have reflux that is controlled with medication. My doctor keeps saying once I lose weight that the GERD will improve. What are your experiences? I've considered the bypass, but absorbing the correct amount of medication and dumping syndrome are holding me back from that procedure. Thanks! Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. LindsayT

    I hate myself for going through with WLS

    I'm sorry about your experience. I'm surprised Ramstein Air Base didn't have a bariatric team. I'm working with a team at an Army base here in Colorado and wasn't even given the option for an off-base provider for this procedure despite all my medical being done by civilian medical offices. I don't want to give a bunch of unsolicited advice, but just validate how you feel. You have an absolute right to be angry and upset (which I'm sure is an understatement). Life as you know it is forever changed and it's not fair that you weren't properly prepared. I will say though, are there medical lesions are your base that you can speak to about the process and treatment you had? I know they cannot change what happened to you, but maybe something good will come from it. Lastly, know you have support from others in this forum who maybe feel frustrated about different aspects of the surgery and experiences they had.

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