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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. Hey all. I'm having RNY in a few weeks. My question is, do they ever take out the bypassed portion of the stomach and intestines or always leave them in? Why leave them if they're not used?
  2. LindsayT

    6 weeks in….

    Awesome progress so far!
  3. LindsayT

    May Surgery Dates

    It's coming up soon! Mine is 5/1 too.
  4. LindsayT

    May Surgery Dates

    Same to you!
  5. LindsayT

    Salad dressing ideas?

    You can also blend fruit with a bit of olive oil if you want something less creamy. Strawberries, mango, blueberries, or raspberries are all good options.
  6. LindsayT

    May Surgery Dates

    I'm having RNY May 1st. I start my pre-op diet Monday [emoji15] It's coming so fast, but I'm excited.
  7. LindsayT

    Salad dressing ideas?

    What about hummus? There are so many different flavors. I'm not sure the fat content right off. Also, you can mix dry ranch packet with fat free Greek yogurt. Both of these options would give you some extra protein.
  8. I start my pre-op diet on April 17th. I am so much in my head about all the things I can't have for the next couple of months. I'm trying to stay focused on my goals and reasons why I chose this path. I know what I'm supposed to do, but I guess I'm just nervous about the unknowns and the experience of it all.
  9. LindsayT

    Food FOMO

    Unfun. I'm having RNY so I'm kinda expecting it may happen.
  10. LindsayT

    Food FOMO

    Good point. Did you have RNY by chance?
  11. LindsayT

    Food FOMO

    Is hunger cues different for VSG vs RNY? I think I remember reading something about it.
  12. LindsayT

    Food FOMO

    Right! I guess that's what the first year is all about- learning healthy habits for when the hunger strikes again. 😆
  13. LindsayT

    Food FOMO

    Thanks for the insight. It's a lot to process. I'm curious though, does the hunger ever come back?
  14. LindsayT

    Food FOMO

    Oh man. I can only imagine. Is yours full liquid? I can have some solid foods, but it limited to 3 oz lean protein, certain vegetables and fruits, and a carb limit. I can't remember the specifics at the moment. So it's basically 2 protein shakes and a limited dinner. I can have all the sugar free jello I want, so there is that 🤣
  15. Protein feeds muscle. That's your key. Maybe up protein and focus on higher quality proteins. Also, higher weights and less reps build muscle. If your able, higher a personal trainer for a few sessions to get you started. We are unique in how and what we can eat. Maybe another thing to do is speak with your dietitian on how to improve your nutrition to better feed your muscles and bulk up. Best of luck to you.
  16. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Congratulations, everyone, on your surgery dates! They will be here before you know it. Mine is May 1st.
  17. Got a call today that my surgery was moved back to May 1st (was scheduled for April 24th). I'm so glad I didn't start the pre-op diet yet. I guess they double booked the OR. At least it's still happening soon.
  18. It should work itself out.
  19. I am working on detoxing caffeine before surgery. I mostly drink black coffee (about 1 cup a day) and rarely take in caffeine from other sources, though it does happen. What tip do you have to avoid withdrawal? Also, what do you do post-op to enjoy a hot cup? Thanks! Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. LindsayT

    New here

    How exciting! It's a big, personal decision. I started my process in January of 23' and my surgery is scheduled for April 24th. I decided on bypass because of my preexisting GERD. I, too, am ready to get healthy.
  21. My RNY has been scheduled for April 24th. I'm so excited and nervous. What items will I need for preop, in hospital, and the 2 week post liquid? I've ordered several protein products and my vitamins. What else? Thanks for the input! [emoji4]
  22. Full disclosure, I haven't had surgery yet, but I wanted to share how I made my decision (surgergy is April 24th). I chose gastric bypass (RNY) because I have GERD, and the overall outcome is slightly better than sleeve. There are pros and cons on both surgeries, so it really comes down to what you're willing to live with. And what actually transpires is different for everyone, so there is no way to predict what will happen until after the procedure. For example, RNY can cause dumping syndrome, and sleeve can increase GERD, but not in everyone. I recommend doing your research and speaking with your surgeon about any concerns you have. It is such a big decision. Best of luck!
  23. RNY on April 24th for me! Wishing everyone the best for their upcoming surgeries.
  24. LindsayT

    April 25th is my RNY date! Buddies?!

    Mine is April 24th! I'm having an RNY. So excited and nervous.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
