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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    That's awesome your daughter is following your lead. Surgery is 5 days away! 😳 I'm so excited and nervous. I'm so ready for the next chapter of this journey.
  2. LindsayT

    Why am I so depressed

    Full disclosure I haven't had surgery yet. But. I deal with depression and other mental illnesses. I want to echo that therapy is huge. Talking out how you feel, what's bothering you, and getting healthy coping skills is vital. And, there is no shame in it. Something else, if you're open to it, is medication to help ease the symptoms of depression that help you gain some head space to process what you're feeling. Personally, I can not function well without mine. I also lean heavily on my faith. Treatment doesn't have to be forever, but it may be necessary to get through this chapter of life.
  3. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Oh, man! YES! I gained 15lbs from the time I started this process until my preop diet... 3.5 months. I couldn't get enough food. Something in me snapped. I'm now a week into my pre-op diet and those thoughts and feeling have settled down a lot. I still miss food sometimes, but not at the levels it was at. I am getting tired of shakes though and that's causing other issues, but I'm working through it. Best advice. A solid support system; on here and around you at home. I've talked to several friends I know personally, who have had bariatric surgery, and it helps a lot. My husband is my biggest supporter. I don't think I could do with with out him or my faith. Good luck to you. You got this.
  4. I'm a week into my pre-op diet. Things have finally started to settle down. My question is, is it normal to not be hungry? I forgot about my lunch protein drink until 2 pm, and 2 hours later, I'm still sipping on it. I just don't want it. I'm drinking it because I know I need it, but still. Thanks for your input.
  5. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    The Baritastic app is a great way to keep track AND you can set up reminders. I'm using it for my pre-op diet now.
  6. What are you referring to?
  7. LindsayT

    Pre-Op Diet Hell

    Good to hear things are getting better. Are you allowed sugar free gum? Might help the chewing.
  8. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I feel the same way. All the unknowns are pretty worrisome. I'm trying to approach it one day and one phase at a time. I'm sure we'll get the hang of it.
  9. LindsayT

    Pre-Op Diet Hell

    I'm about a week into the pre-op diet, and it was ROUGH. But, it gets better. The headaches finally stopped, and today, I have barely thought about food. In fact, it's almost 4 pm right now, and I'm still sipping on lunch. A lunch, by the way, I forgot about eating. We even went to the grocery, and I was totally fine. The weird part was all the smells and food was actually calming. It gets better. Keep pushing through. YOU GOT THIS!!!
  10. LindsayT


  11. LindsayT

    Protein shots

    Does anyone try or use protein shots? Recommendations
  12. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Yes. Preop is rough. Mine is 14 days. So I'm 7 days into it. The headaches are getting better, finally. I'm so over the shakes. I have 2 per day and 3 oz lean protein, a cup of veggies, and small amount of whole grain pasta or brown rice for dinner. I can also have a snack of cottage cheese, fruit, or yogurt. Yes, I miss variety too. But, like you said, this is temporary.
  13. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Mine is May 1st too! My preop diet is 14 days. It's been a rough first week.
  14. LindsayT


    Thanks for the insight. It'll be 2 months post surgery when we leave. So, I'm super nervous about navigating regular food. I'll have only been off my 6 week post op diet a couple of weeks by then, hopefully. I'll definitely have to get creative.
  15. LindsayT

    Pre-op diet

    No joke. 3 was hard too. The 4th wasn't too bad. So it is getting easier. That first week, though.
  16. The pre-op diet is kicking my butt. I'm so hungry ALL the time.
  17. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Hey, May buddies. I just wanted to say that the pre-op diet is rough. If you can, start reducing your caffeine intake now (if you can still have caffeine pre and post op, lucky). I didn't reduce my caffeine and went cold turkey... BIG mistake. Also, variety in protien drinks is recommended. Im day four and can barely stomach my shakes. Good luck to you all.
  18. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    The headaches are really bad for me. I'm hoping they will subside soon.
  19. LindsayT

    Pre-op diet

    They are calling it the liver shrinking diet. I can have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch. And 3 oz of lean protein and 1 cup of vegetables and a choice of whole grain pasta or brown rice. Or some fruit. I have a few options for snacks. It equals out to roughly 600-800 calories per day. I aim for 60-80g protein, 64+ oz of fluid, and under 60 carbs.
  20. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Our surgeries will be here before you know it. All the emotions are creeping in. The pre-op diet is hard. And I'm just ready for the next phase.
  21. LindsayT

    Pre-op diet

    Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement. I greatly appreciate it.
  22. LindsayT

    Pre-op diet

    I sure hope so. The 24/7 headaches are so unfun.
  23. LindsayT

    Pre-op diet

    Mine is 2 weeks as well. Totally not prepared for it.

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