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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    First, congratulations on your surgery. That's exciting. I'm at 3.5 weeks and the fatigue feels like it's getting worse. I'm trying to get more calories in, but I'm still averaging around 400 calories per day; even being on puree. My team wants be closer to 500 and I'm struggling to get there, despite trying. I have noticed that I'm having more apnea events (I have sleep apnea), so I wonder if that doesn't have something to do with it.
  2. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Being tired is really my biggest complaint. Besides being over the protein drinks. Which aren't going away anytime soon. The only medication I'm on is my vitamins, constipation medication, and omeprazole for GERD. I do use a C-PAP, but that's not going to cause problems. It's so hard being productive when I'm so incredibly fatigued.
  3. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    That's exciting. Congrats. I'm down 32 lbs since the start of the pre op diet and an thrilled. I've stalled though, so waiting for that to break.
  4. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I'm sorry things are not going as planned. I hope they find out what's going on. Keep us updated.
  5. LindsayT

    Post-OP Liquids

    I like the bariatric pal protein shots. If you get them, make sure they are the complete protein. My favorite flavors are the cran-grape and apple. They come in 25g and 15g. It's the only protein I've been able to tolerate flavor wise.
  6. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Seriously! So frustrating. But this too shall pass.
  7. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Some of us are coming up on the 3 week stall. This article is very educational on why and what weight loss looks like moving forward. https://www.sagebariatric.com/what-you-can-do-about-weight-loss-stalls/
  8. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Oh my gosh, seriously! The doctor assured me me today that it's normal and will pass...eventually. Until then, ZzZz. On a good note, my 3 week check-up went really well
  9. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Yep! I plan on modifying it as my stages advance. Some turkey meatballs or zucchini noodles would be really tasty. I made this for my family too; with garlic bread, and they loved it.
  10. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I am SO TIRED. Is anyone else not able to shake the fatigue? I'm just over 3 weeks out, on puree and eating more calories - roughly 500. I usually get my Protein goals in. liquids are hit or miss, but I normally hit that or close on most days. Maybe dehydration? Not sure. But, man, I could sleep all day.
  11. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I had mind during the puree stage. You just need to make sure you puree the sauce if needed. The mozzarella cheese on top was a no go once it started setting up.
  12. LindsayT

    Food Portions - 6mos post op

    Of course. It's definitely a learning curve. You'll figure out what works for your body.
  13. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I haven't had tuna yet. I did make the infamous ricotta bake. It was pretty tasty.
  14. LindsayT

    Food Portions - 6mos post op

    My program says no more than 8 oz per meal or until full, whichever comes first. If you're as full as you say 15 minutes later, are you still taking your time eating and not drinking while you eat?
  15. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    It's not just you. I had a hard time finding foods and protein that tasted good. It's a process for sure.
  16. I'm 3 days post op and NOTHING tastes good. I dread drinking anything. I'm so miserable.
  17. No, nothing has changed. I'm thinking ketosis. I have an appointment with my team Wednesday
  18. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I would keep with the 1 oz every 15. And try to up it from there, to maybe 1.5 oz.
  19. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Oh man, I know how you feel. It's been an adventure finding g something I like.
  20. I thought about that too, but it doesn't seem like it.
  21. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    As far as getting liquids in, I'm finding it harder now that I'm in puree stage. For each meal I have to wait 30 minutes before and after, as well as the 30ish minutes it takes me to eat. So for 3 meals I'm losing 4.5 hours of drinking time. I drink as fast as I can without overdoing it, but I still seem to come up short a lot.
  22. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Sometimes. If the liquid is too cold or I gulp too much at once.
  23. My rny was May 1st, and I've lost 15lbs since surgery (30 since the start of pre-op diet). I just feel like 15 lbs is low. It's an average of less than a pound a day. I've already stalled once at about 2 weeks out. I'm just looking for some guidance. Thanks.
  24. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I had mine on the 1st as well. How are you doing?
  25. LindsayT

    Dry skin...

    Probably once your incisions are completely healed

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
