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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LindsayT

  1. LindsayT

    Moving After Surgery

    Also, I would look into a dietitian in your new area as well.
  2. LindsayT

    Moving After Surgery

    I would start calling bariatric doctors in your new location and ask the questions. Different doctors have different requirements. For me, my doctor saw me at 3 wk, 6wk, and will again at 6 months and at a year, as well as and every year after. I am also required 6 month labs, year labs, and labs every year after.
  3. I like roasted edamame and chickpeas for a crunchy snack once and a while. They are a bit calorie dense but healthier than chips. They also give you a boost of protein (especially the edamame) and fiber. Low fat/ fat-free high protein yogurt is a great choice. Low fat cheese (I like the babybel). Raw veggies with dip. The dip you'll make is fat-free plain Greek yogurt and dry ranch dressing powder to taste. Great snake and another source of protein. For a treat, bryers ice cream makes a carb smart version that's pretty tasty, i get the fudge bars, which are around 60 calories, but limit that. Sugar-free pudding, jello, and popsicles are better. Another tasty treat is sugar-free redi whip with strawberries. Eggs are great for breakfast and so versatile: add a bit of reduced fat cheese or turjey sausage or low fat ham, make a crustless quiche, or boil; the ideas are endless. Tuna/chicken/egg salads are great for lunch or a quick dinner; just mix with low-fat mayo and whatever else you like. When I make them, I do enough for a few days and have lunch already made for the next day or two. If you do decide to eat pasta or rice, opt for whole wheat or protein pasta and brown rice on occasion. We had Italian the other night, and I literally only had 1/4 a cup of whole wheat rigatoni with my protein and sauce, and that was way more than enough. I ended up only eating half of my dinner (about a third to a half cup and finishing it a couple hours later for a snack). Leftovers are a great option for lunches and sometimes breakfast. I find that I plan those better/healthier than my other meals. I agree with some of the other suggestions, such as talking to your dietitian. They can offer you specific guidance and support. Another idea to try is therapy to understand why you are making the choices you are. It may only be 1200 calories, but the choices are poor with poor nutrients. Us RNY folks need to be on top of our nutritional game between food choices and vitamins and supplements. The habits you are building now will stick with you and may lead to an undesirable outcome in the future. I wish you all the best moving forward.
  4. LindsayT


    I feel the same way. At my heaviest, my health was declining so quickly. So happy to be getting my life back. Yes, the beginning sucks, but it is temporary.
  5. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    I'm more worried about calories, protein, and liquid. I obsess over making my goals each day. It's getting to be a bit much. The thought of dumping also gives me a ton of anxiety.
  6. Honestly, I'd get a second opinion. Especially since you have GERD. I'm not sure if an HH repair will help the GERD or not, but you shouldn't have to live with it either. And, long-term PPI medications are not ideal. Good luck!
  7. My choice on the bypass was solely made because I have GERD and I didn't want to possibly make it worse by getting the sleeve. I cannot imagine going through a revision surgery. A lot of people do, but that was definitely something I didn't want to experience, especially since the first 6 weeks after were very unfun. That said, it's your choice and either surgery will give you great weight loss results; just look at the possible cons of each surgery as well. As far as dumping with the bypass, it keeps me in check when choosing what to eat. I hope that works for my advantage later down the road.
  8. Just a thought about the hunger. Could it be head hunger vs. being hungry. I know around 3 weeks my head cravings were a beast. Every time I smelled food my brain would light up. As soon as I removed myself it would stop, usually. Maybe when those hungry thoughts come, go for a walk, if you can; drink something with some flavor, or do something else distracting. It can be a lot in the beginning.
  9. How long were you on supplemental protein after surgery? I'm tired of it. It's expensive. And I'm at a loss on how to get extra protein in. Currently, I'm having two protein shots a day, each of which are 25 g. Fifty grams of protein is a lot to make up in food, plus make your fluid goals. How do you do it?
  10. I had issues with dairy for a few weeks after surgery. It's a lot better now in smaller doses. I've had ricotta, cheese, and yogurt just fine. I'm not a fan of milk right now. I'm not sure why, it just doesn't appeal to me. So maybe try dairy again in a few weeks to a month and see how you do.
  11. The protein shots are much better than the shakes. I tried a couple bars and didn't like them. As long as I supplements, I make my goals. I need to figure out breakfast and a morning snack. I think that would help me get off one of the protein drinks. The problem becomes, I can't eat a whole pot of yogurt yet, so it seems silly to waste.the room when I can do the drink so much.easier and then go straight into my fluids in the morning.
  12. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    My surgery was May 1 and I've stalled twice. It happens. Just keep doing what you're doing and it'll eventually break. With that said, I've lost 45lbs since the start of my pre-op diet on April 17th. That, to me, is pretty good considering two of those weeks I didn't lose anything. Trust the process.
  13. LindsayT


    We use coconut oil as well. It works better than anything on the market.
  14. It's hard because I want to get my fiber/fruits and veggies in too. I think those are also important. Being only 2 months out, it seems impossible to get in all the nutrients. I'm thinking I'll give it a couple more months and start phasing out 1 of the protein supplements.
  15. Also, try different temperatures of fluids. That may help with tummy upset while drinking. Warmer fluids feel better on my stomach than cold.
  16. I definitely don't make it with regular food. Yesterday, I even ate 2 snacks and I would have never made my protein goal without supplementing it.
  17. I definitely do a protein supplement in the morning. I've tried eating a few time in the AM, but it upsets my stomach.
  18. Right now, I can MAYBE get in 2oz of protein per meal. I'm required 70+g per day.
  19. The beginning is definitely hard. Make sure you're meeting your protein goals to help with hunger and healing. Do you have someone who can help you with cooking during the early stages? This was a huge help for me, especially during the liquid stage. Enough food was made that my family could have dinner and the leftovers again for lunch. Are there easier options for you to feed your family, pre made meals from the grocery? I promise your family will be fine for a few weeks with an alternative way of eating. During the liquid stage, I would eat away from my family because it was hard to be around food. Puree and soft food 5 a bit easier, and my family would eat a normal version of what I was making for myself. It definitely takes A LOT of planning. I will echo what others have said: please stick to your plan, therapy is important if you're struggling, and it will get easier. Hang in there, you got this!
  20. LindsayT


    You got this! It's a process. A marathon. But it's totally worth it. I'm almost 8 weeks since having surgery, so the post op stuff is still really fresh. Even now, I would do it all again.
  21. The post-op acne had started. My skin is fickle to begin with, and I've worked so hard with my dermatologist to clear up my hormonal acne and now.... [emoji24] Please tell me it gets better.
  22. I have definitely had the odd hot flash. It feels like I'm going to externally combust. Not a comfortable feeling.
  23. LindsayT


    Yep, I get it. My team recommended adding herbs and spices (not overly spicy) to my puree and soft foods so they were more enjoyable. Are you allowed to do that?
  24. LindsayT

    Eating Too Fast

    It's crazy that 1/4-1/2 cup of food should take about 30 minutes to eat. I too am/was a fast eater. Old habit are hard to break.
  25. I've been getting some periods of be extremely hot and then extremely cold. I would think with increased estrogen it would make hot flashes go away. Maybe our bodies are just having a hard time regulating our temperatures

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