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About DoOverGirl

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  • Birthday May 14

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  1. DoOverGirl

    I am going crazy

    Thank you for your response, it does make a lot of sense that it can be water weight. I had a tonsillectomy 12 days prior to my revision so I've had LOTS and LOTS of IV and fluids in the past month. As far as tracking my intake, I am terrible at it and not "tracking my calories". My surgeon more so suggested tracking protein rather than calories. I am still very early on (4 weeks today), so I am not eating a ton. Every meal I try to make it protein (eggs, ground chicken, etc).
  2. DoOverGirl

    Time of the month ...

    Just off the surgery or were you on the shot?
  3. DoOverGirl

    Time of the month ...

    Oh my goodness, four months sounds like a nightmare! BUT worth it in the long run. I'm going to trust the process and keep on with it and hopefully I can have similar results to yours. Also, while on topic, as a bariatric patient do you think that the depo has hindered any weight loss? I've read that the depo makes you gain weight.
  4. DoOverGirl

    Severe anemia

    Hi there! I have been anemic all my life. I recently saw a hematologist at the suggestion of my dietician. My ferritin was at 3, and he immediately had me do iron infusions. He also discovered that I was severely B12 deficient. Has your doctor checked your other vitamins? I've been able to maintain (although its been 6 months) But what worked for me was the 5 infusions along with b12 shots. For the first 4 weeks the shots were weekly and now I am maintaining at 1 a month. Also, post surgery I am doing the iron melts with Vitamin C. I have more bloodwork in March to see if its sustained the levels. Lastly, I HIGHLY recommend a hematologist rather than a PCP/OBGYN. My PCP and GYN just kind of brushed it off and told me to take vitamins. The one that got to the bottom of the cause of my anemia was a Hemo.
  5. DoOverGirl

    Time of the month ...

    I had my bypass revision on 12/13/2022, my period came down a few days after. It has now been close to 4 weeks of it non stop. Some days it's bright, other days its brown but the one thing is that its been constant. Previous to my surgery I had a Mirena for 1 year, I had not had a period for over 10 months. The Mirena was removed in November, a few days later I got the depo shot. So my depo was fairly recent to my bypass. I called my gyno and she is not concerned at this point since there is no odor, pain or fever. Has anyone experienced this? Do you guys think its the shock of surgery? A mix of all the BC hormones recently?
  6. DoOverGirl

    I am going crazy

    LOL, my body was in shock for sure! Those parks are brutal and it was 5 days of non stop. My body probably hates me right now lol. Hopefully it'll settle down soon
  7. DoOverGirl

    I am going crazy

    That can be it! I had a tonsillectomy 12 days prior to my bypass (which certainly helped with my pre op diet lol). But during that time I was drinking A LOT of salty broths. Being that it was 2 general anesthesia's back to back I know that we get pumped with fluids and stuff in IVs so maybe I just have to expel all that? Thanks for pointing that out as it makes a whole lot of sense
  8. DoOverGirl

    I am going crazy

    Thank you for your words of encouragement! Sorry about your reflux, I can definitely say that the revision has completely corrected that issue for me, I wish you luck and hope all goes well. As far as my protein intake, I think I have been managing fairly well especially last week. Since I knew I was going to overexert myself I upped my protein and even reached 100g a couple of the days. I am still early on so I am limited on what I can/cant eat and I am terrified of dumping so I have stayed away from carbs and sugar altogether.
  9. Hey yall! This is my first post. I had a VSG in 07/2017, everything was wonderful. I went from a HW of 390 to a LW of 200. The weight came off EXTREMELY quickly. COVID came and it just completely derailed me. Due to regain and heartburn, I just had a VSG revision to Bypass on 12/13/2022. I will be 4 weeks post op tomorrow. Everything was going amazingly great post op, I felt great from day 1 and did not even need pain meds (as opposed with my sleeve). I have been at a stall for 2+weeks and it is driving me absolutely insane. I have lost a total of 26lbs since preop diet (12/01/2022), I have spent the last week walking a TON at the Disney parks and did not weigh myself all week HOPING that when I came home the stall would be broken. I thought maybe the stall was because I was not having frequent BM's but all the walking did help in that area. Much to my surprise, I actually gained a pound when I got home. I am eating well, I am hydrating but just very confused as to why I am stalling for so long. I try to not associate it with my sleeve as my VSG the weight was coming off very rapidly, I was also way heavier. My doctor did warn that I will not lose as much and as fast as the sleeve since this is a revision. I just want to be on the losing path again, has this happened to any of you specifically with a revision?

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