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New To This23

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by New To This23

  1. New To This23

    Bowel movements

    7 days
  2. New To This23


    Does your clinic want you to track it? Personally, I hate, like really hate, tracking food, it's inconvenient and annoying. My clinic wants me to eat 5 very small meals a day that are balanced, protein, carb, veg, and fruit. For me, I am still losing weight and my energy increased once I was able to have these other foods. My goal was to eat how "normal" people should be eating. I do struggle with real meat and raw veggies, my system still does not like them, so I eat a vegetarian diet and cook/steam all veggies. I have learned when to stop eating based on how I feel, I now know when one bite will be one bite too much, that is how I track. I just did my labs today for my 3-month check-up ( hit 3 months Jan 27) so I will see what my clinic has to say about my labs on Feb 12th and I will make adjustments from there if needed.
  3. New To This23


    Hi I am 3 months out and I am experiencing hair loss, but honestly, even people that do Keto or Code Red where you basically only eat protein (btw hard on the kidneys) lose hair, so I think it's unavoidable. Things will get much easier once you can eat actual food (you'll learn by trial and error what works for you.)
  4. New To This23

    Vegetarian w/o meat substitutes

    I was a vegetarian for 12 years before I gave it up, and then life and the vicious cycle of weight gain and weight loss began for me. You can 100 percent get your protein without meat substitutes (which tend to be full of carbs btw). Beans with rice is a great way to get protein. Nuts and seeds, whole grains like oatmeal, couscous, quinoa, cheese, yogurt, and protein powders made out of peas. Ripple is a pea milk that is pretty good and has 8g of protein, it is very comparable to regular milk. I believe Ripple has other products too like protein powders and coffee mixes. If 8th continent still exists, that was the best milk substitute, I had a vegan bodybuilder friend who drank it like it was going out of style, lol. Don't forget about tofu, tempeh, edamame, and lentils (Not my fav). Chickpeas (hummus), peanut butter, There are other vegetarian and vegan protein powder options as well. I would suggest getting a good vegetarian cookbook, look for one that focuses on protein sources.
  5. New To This23

    Social media

    Okay, I set up a YouTube like just now, I have not posted but the name is BariatricStart2Finish, It's so new, I lost where my channel link went 😂😂, but the user name is BariatricStart2Finish. I do have an Instagram, it is currently set to private and I have not uploaded any photos, but I plan to. The Instagram account is BariatricStart2Finish it is currently private, but it does have a black and white picture of me for the thumbnail. If you are interested in following please do. Warning, it will be a bit of a slow start (it already has been,lol) I am in my final few weeks of school (I returned to school on top of all of this as an elder millennial). I will follow you under one of the above-mentioned accounts depending on the platform. The Instagram pic is the same as this profile pic, the YouTube on is me laughing next to a fish tank
  6. New To This23

    12 hours and counting

    you got this!!
  7. Hi Crystal, we are only a few days apart on our surgery date's mine was the 27th. How are you doing? are you tolerating food well? Have you tried anything you used to like and found you don't like it?
  8. Hi, I wanted to see who was having Roux-en-Y gastric bypass this October. It seems like more people in general get VSG, and we RGNY folks are on the fringes. I did a quick search and did not see a topic, so sorry if this is a repeat. I wanted a group just for RGNY because even though a lot of advice is similar there are some nuanced differences. My surgery is on October 27th I start my pre-op diet on Friday the 13th, but I decided to get a bit of a jump start by easing into it today.
  9. New To This23

    Social media

    I have considered it, I even made an Instagram account, but I have yet to post because I am so nervous/scared. I even turned off commenting on Instagram. I was thinking maybe YouTube would be better since I feel like people who are genuine would likely search for bariatric topics on YouTube, rather than have a new channel suggestion in their feed like on other sites. Might eliminate some of the mean people.
  10. I bought mine from this site the Bariatric Pal version. My program requires I take a multi with 45 grams of iron and this site had exactly what I needed, I did not know before I bought them how long I was required to crush my pills or use a chewable, so I bought the 3 months supply. After surgery, I found out I only needed to crush or use chewable for one month. That is okay though because I do not mind the chewable. Now to save a few dollars I bought the pill form of calcium citrate from Walmart and honestly I was so sick of crushing that horse pill and having it ruin my food over the course of 2 weeks AND after my first post-op appointment, I was told when I am done with the month of crushing, I would need to cut the horse pill, of calcium citrate in half to take it. This prompted me to just spend the money and buy the chewable from this site as well, and I am so glad I did. Both the multi and the calcium citrate are the bariatric pal brand. On my first day of taking the chewable multi, I did think it was gross, but on the second day, it tasted good. (this was right after surgery of course). I will be buying the year's supply of multi pills for $99 when I finish the ones I already bought, because that is the best deal since I did buy 3 months worth, and that will get me through to my first blood test and I will know if I should keep the same iron level or change it before I buy a years worth. As for the calcium citrate, I can't promise I will be the model patient, regarding taking it (and no, for anyone wanting to course correct me, I do not want a list of reasons why I should thank you ). But will likely keep with the chewable because I do not want to put the effort in of having to keep a pill cutter on me and make a production of cutting my pills around people. I can just throw some chewables in a bag and call it a day.
  11. I am surprised at the BMI of 39, most insurance will cover it with a BMI of 35 and two comorbidities after that it seems like once a person hits 40 BMI you only need one, and sometimes no comorbidities, and a BMI of 50 or more will usually get covered on BMI alone. None of this exempts you from any other insurance requirements though. If you are self-pay you should not have to worry about this at all only what the clinic wants you to do. As for heavier clothing, putting rocks in your pockets, and filling up on fluid before a first-time weigh-in, I did not do it, BUT I know others have. It could be a good idea if your insurance is going to require you to lose a percentage of your body weight before surgery approval. At that point, you'll be wearing the lightest breeziest outfit you have with no shoes.
  12. New To This23

    Cpap Machine right after procedure?

    I used mine right after the surgery, the first night in the hospital.
  13. @SarahP1220 I am so glad you are doing better, what an ordeal. I hope you continue to heal well, it sounds like the worst of it is over. I'm guessing the inflammation was from the trauma of the surgery?
  14. @SarahP1220 I am so glad you are doing better, what an ordeal. I hope you continue to heal well, it sounds like the worst of it is over. I'm guessing the inflammation was from the trauma of the surgery?
  15. New To This23

    Full Food Stage

    Can you talk to your team? That is what I would do, call or send a message and see what your dietician says to do.
  16. Hi @texasmade88 Welcome!! Congratulations on the 22lb weight loss!! is that after your surgery? Currently, I have been stalled and I am trying not to get stressed out (although there is a small thought of omg what if I did this surgery and nothing changes for me). I won't be a month out until November 27th so I am just telling myself to chill. How are you feeling about the upcoming holidays with food and stuff? I am actually glad I will not be able to eat Thanksgiving dinner this year, it takes a lot of pressure off of me to hang out with the family.
  17. New To This23

    Gastric sleeve

    And you should be able to FMLA for your surgery, so maybe ask your HR department about it.
  18. New To This23

    Gastric sleeve

    Well as long as some moron at the office doesn't lose your paperwork, and never returns your calls for 6 six weeks, it seems like it will take on average a month or two after completing all pre-req's.
  19. New To This23

    Weight gain 3 weeks after surgery

    @The Greater Fool Thank you for this, I am currently trying to figure this out, even though I am on the puree stage AND I never feel hungry either. My Dr. told me feeling full now is going to be different than before and I am still early out from surgery, but I am starting to get it.
  20. New To This23

    The value of a Recliner

    I didn't need one, but you can rent them from a medical supply if you want one and do not want to invest in one long-term. I give it 1. When I was in the hospital they would not let me lay back past 30 degrees and I hated it, I was so uncomfortable. I did tolerate sitting up well, there was a recliner in my hospital room, that I only used to get out of bed and sit upright in. Once home I was happy to be able to lay down.
  21. New To This23

    When did everyone start ?

    Definity do what your Dr says. I just got cleared to lift 25lbs at my two-week post op and I am allowed to do moderate cardio (walking or elliptical) but not the HIIT program on the elliptical like I used to do before surgery. I was told moderate cardio because my calorie intake is low, not because of healing. I did ask how long it takes for your insides to heal and I was told on average 8 weeks for most weight loss surgeries and with roue en y it is 8 weeks for the main part and 12 weeks for the side because you move that part of your abdomen more. I had roux en y and I was also told I was healing better than most people at this point.
  22. A small win for today. I put on a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly right before I had surgery and as I was walking around they just started slipping off of me, I can't believe it.  I have not lost THAT much weight since my surgery. I changed into another pair of jeans, that right before my surgery I could get on, but they were kind of tight (I am not the kind of person who will wear anything even a tiny bit restricting) and they fit great.!!

  23. New To This23

    Advice You Wish You'd Known?

    I made a list of questions before I went and I brought the list with me. The only thing I forgot to ask was when is your body (stomach) fully healed, I am going to be asking that on Wednesday when I go in for my 2-week post-op checkup.
  24. New To This23


    @ChunkCat I had the worst nausea in the hospital from the time I woke up until I got home the next day. I was worried about throwing up with my new stomach, but I did several times and everything held together lol.
  25. New To This23


    I am 8 days post-op, to be honest, I don't know. For myself most of the time I have not felt hungry at all, but I have had two days where I felt hungry similar to before the surgery. I think that we are going to go through feeling hungry and not feeling hungry plus many other changes over the next month, especially in the 2-week post-op diet phase. I think things will fluctuate a lot as we get to add foods to our diets during this healing period. I read that it takes 12 weeks for our stomachs to heal completely. I have an appointment on the 8th and I am going to ask for sure when the fully healed process is done.

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