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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sANDY7777

  1. sANDY7777

    Dr Pinson

    Has anyone used Dr Pinson from Tupelo Mississippi? If so can you recomend Him? Also, any additional info. would be helpful. What kind of experience did you have etc.
  2. hay robin sorry it took me so long to get to a rtesponse i don't know myway around this stuff yet thanks for caring i hope you are doing real well.

  3. EbonyRose - To answer questions about the specifics of my weight loss so far I will start by saying it has actually been a fun road. I lost 10 lbs the week before my final presurgery Dr's appointment. While on the pre-op high protien diet I lost 27 lbs and so far since surgery on the 4th of November I have lost 9 lbs. for a grand total of 46 lbs. WOW am I excited? Keep up the GREAT efforts EbonyRose and Bluebird29. If we keep doing the good things long enough Great things will happen. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  4. I was banded on November 4. I was expecting to be biting nails when i returned to the world from recovery. The pain from the surgery was very tollerable. :tongue2: Most of my pain was from a cronic back problem I have. :sad: (one reason I am on this journey) I walked around the nurses station 39 times while I was in the Hospital. 18 times is 1 mile. As a result I had none of the gas pains we hear about so much. I went home the next morning. Recovery was a non eventful. I walked 3 miles on my 5th day home from the Hospital. I have not been hungry since surgery. Eating is a learning experience for me. I started out liquids for 1 week post op then 2nd week small bites of limited mushies, 3rd week mushies small bites, waiting 30 sec between bites, with added Oatmeal, cream of wheat, mashed potatoes, refried beans... only about 1 cup or less total of food at each meal. I have lost a grand total, including pre-op and post-op, of 46lbs. :tt2: I feel so much better than I have for years. I hardly know that I have had surgery at this point. the incisions are not painful at all. The decision to be banded has proven to be one of the best decisiond of my life. I am excited about what the remainder of my life holds because I chose health and fitness. Hip! Hip! Hooray! :w00t:
  5. Greetings, I plan to just tell everyone I am at a strong point in my weight watching and will only be able to have little. I expect most to commend me for my efforts. Good luck Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  6. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    Alex Thanks for all the time you spent helping me out. I would have never figured it out. I really appreciate your help. Blessings :rolleyes2:
  7. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    Alex, I have downloaded Flashplayer as well as chrome I have activated it. I still cannot get onto the chat room. I had access to the chat room before my surgery but have not been able to get on since. I am so dissappointed. The error messages i am getting are still the same as i mentioned to you earlier: Internet Explorer cannot display most likely causes lister 1. not commected to the internet 2. Web sight is encountering problems 3. typing error. What can I do? Please help
  8. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    Alex, I have tried everything I know and I still can't get into the chat room. I was Banded on Nov. 4 and have not been able to get on the chat at all from the time of my surgery until now. I need the chat room for assistance. Is there anything you can do to help me.
  9. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    I continue to get a "loading settings" for about 8 minutes before I get the before mentioned error messageg. Any ideas?
  10. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    Thanks for your help. When i click in the Chat tab at the top of the page the following information comes up: Internet Expolorrer cannot display ... the most likeky causes are Not connected to the internet, Web sight is encouentering problems or typing error. Thanks for anything you can do to help.
  11. Greetings Ginny, Things are going well today Friday. I feel very good. Concerning the meds, When I was in the hospital the dr. sent the Hospital Pharmacist to my room and helped me convert all my meds to powder or liquid as needed. Most of my meds stayed the same I just break open the capsules and put the powder in a little Water 1 tablespoon and follow it with some water. This works well for all my meds except the extended release. Those I had to substitue with other meds. However I am able to take meds that are the size of a small ibuprofen (round and small). So far no problems at all with the meds for my back. I hope all goes well for you concerning this issue. I am certian it will. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  12. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    I have tried to log on to the chat room several times today and have not been successful. Can you help?
  13. Well - I had my surgery on Nov. 4. It is now Nov. 7 and I am recovering well. I had a couple of rough days from my back problems after surgery. I had little problem with pain from the Lap Band Surgery once I was in my room after the recovery room. Most of my pain was from my cronic back problem. They were wonderful to me in the hospital trying to help me feel comfortable from back pain. The pain I felt from the surgery was very minor compared to my back pain. I had to stop all my back pain meds a few days before the Lap Band surgery. Today I finally got my back pain under control. I went for two walks today each of about 1/2 mile. It was easy to do. I have been relatively active today. I took 1 nap in the afternoon. I am thankful so far for this procedures. I feel about 75% today. I expect to feel about 90% tomorrow if things continue as they have. I am glad I have had this procedure and fully expect it to be very successful as a weight loss tool. I am looking forward to continued improving health. I am following my Drs. orders to the letter. I imagine, if I didn't i might have complications. So I choose to be perfect through the 5 stages of relearning how to eat. This is also necessary for the protection of my new stomach pouch. I believe I have a great dr. who did a good job on my surgery, therefore due to that an the fact that I am doing my part, I fully expect to have no complications. I will be very healthy and much more active then I have been for many years. I am here to encourage you to have the procedure done. I would do it again tomorrow. I have a desire to be thin and healthy for my God, my spouse and my children. I will let you know how things go. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  14. Well - finally - Tomorrow (Tuesday Nov. 4) is my surgery. I am both excited and a little aprehensive. I am trusting the Lord for the results. I am doing this so I might do a better job physically living for Him. Also, I do this for my spouse and children. So I might be more for them. Finally I do this for myself. Oh to be healthy again. What a joy that will be. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  15. sANDY7777

    How's the pre-op going?

    We will do this. November Banders Thanks for the ideas for adding flavor to the protien shakes. I can have diet splash. That is a great idea to make the shakes better. I start the liquid phase tomorrow. Then surgery next Tuesday, November 4. I am doing fine about it. I am willing to give up the things that contributed to the process of bad health and obesity. I am sure looking forward to a free life as I travel the journey of thinness. I trust things will continue to go well for you and all the soon to be banded November Banders. Keep doing the right thing long enough and the good things will happen. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  16. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    Sorry I am kind of new at this. What is PM??
  17. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    About 1/2 the time here lately I have not been able to bring up the chat room. It gives me a message saying that there was an error logging on try again in a few minutes. I am about to have surgery Nov,4 and the chats really help. anything you can do to help would be appreciated. Thanks
  18. Greetings to all Nov. Banders. (Nov. 4 surgery date) I start the second phase of my pre-op diet on Friday Oct. 31. It is the "all liquid" phase. I don't mind. It is a small price to pay to reclaim my health. I know that from Friday on I will be only on liquids for a while. As I think about it, I am reminded of how precious life is and how I truely desire to be able to tie my shoes from the front, bend without having a hard time breathing, walking fast enough to keep up with my teenage son and not almost faint from lack of oxygen... Of course the list of things I will be able to do that I can't do now, when I reach "skinnyville", is rather lengthly. Yes there are struggles to face, anxieties to calm, battles to win. But when it's all said and done, it is a small price to pay for a longer and healthier life. Onward to better days ahead. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  19. WOW I have been on proop diet (high protien low carb) for only 5 days and have lost over 15 lbs. Of course it is mostly water. Hay, the way I look at it, weight is weight. My ancles are almost normal size (well not quite). Most of the water loss must have come from my ancles. I am pumped about my early success. I feel better and my back pain is allready getting a little better. I am feeling good about the hope we all have of being a more normal weight. Good health is a possability. Keep up the good work. Keep seeking for your dreams. Reach for the new heights of good health and energy. Hip! Hip! Hooray!
  20. sANDY7777

    How's the pre-op going?

    I have been on presurgery diet for 2 days now. High protien low carb. Only up to 30 carbs per day. almost everything has carbs. surprising. Well I can have steaks, eggs, and other protiens so that makes it good. I will have 5 days of liquids only right before surgery. I am hoping that with the protien drinks it will be bearable. Hang in there. be strong. You can do it. Keep your eye on the goals you have for being thin and healthy. In the end the sacrifice will be worth it. Together we can Hip! Hip! Hooray!!
  21. sANDY7777

    LapBandTalk CHAT

    Is the chat room still down? Trying to get on to no avail.
  22. Here I go too. I started my presurgery diet today. Surgery will be Nov.4. At this point (the first day) not so bad, high Protein low carb. Then 5 days before surgery liquids only. I am really ready to be able to tie my shoes from the front again. I know that is something small but it seems to be a sign post of progression for me. Just wanted to connect to all you Nov, Banders again. Everyone-keep up the good work. Together we can do it. Blessings :wink_smile: Hip! Hip! Hooray!!!
  23. My date is Nov. 4. I, like the rest of you November banders am on an emotional rollercoaster. I met today for the last time with my surgeon prior to surgery. He was very affirming. He told me that I will most likely have more pain from my bad back than I will from the surgery. I finally got some peace today. I returned to the understanding that starterd me down this journey. Yes I am doing this for myself. However, more importantly, I am doing this for my wife and my children. I want and need to be around for them. They need me. Even more importaintly, I am doing this for my God. I desire to be around for as long as possable to praise and worship Him with all that I am. I want to offer Him a temple that is full of energy, one that can with fleeting abandon worship and praise my glorious God. Once I returned to my original jurney starter I found the peace I was so looking for. I am not saying I won't slip back into the selfish mode that drives me into the roller coaster. What I am saying is as long as I keep my head on the peace is there. So my fellow banders, whaterver your reason for being banded and escaping the jail of obesity, remember it an return to your first love. There you will find peace. We can do it. Congratulation for caring about your life enought to take this awsome journey into the freedom we will all experience because we choose to be thin. Let's hang in there. Together we can do it. Hip! Hip! Horay!!!
  24. Greetings, I am a 55 year old hapily married christian man. I will be having surgery on November 4. I am hoping someone out there will walk through this journey with me. I will have lots of questions. I am allready experiencing some anxiety. I am trying to keep my surgery as confidential as possable. It would be good to talk to someone who has experience with this. :smile:
  25. Thanks I really appreciate the help. Can you tell me what pbing is?

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