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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mybandofgold2

  1. Please recall the joke:

    A man was in a flood sitting on the roof of his house. Along came a boat and a helicopter. To both he said, "go away, the Lord will save me". So the man drowns and he's in heaven and he asks the Lord why He didn't save him. And the Lord says, "I sent you a boat and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

    So, I looked at the surgery this way. It's a tool that the Lord has provided for me. It's up to me to use or to not use it. I'm 12 days in and I don't feel guilty in the least.

    Meanwhile, in hospital, I was banded the same day as another in my group who was recovering next door. His mother came to see me. Thelma is her name and all she talked about was what a gift the Lord has given. Both I and her son, Philip, were doing extremely well (I asked the doc). When she found out I was Christian, she felt free in saying that I had angels all around me, watching me and taking care of me.

    Both Philip and I are 300+, had zero pain in recovery, and surrounded by angels.

    Deu 25:15 [but] you shall have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shall you have: that your days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD your God gives thee.

    Who is to say what tool the Lord will give for you to use? If I needed heart surgery, I don't go to bed and pray for a healing and then die. I would pray the Great Physician lead my to the right physician and guide his hands.

    So what happens when you have friends who say that you aren't trusting in the Lord? or you are bypassing the Lord and losing the weight under your own strength?

    Well these are either skinny people who don't know what it's like to be obese or morbidly obese; or large people who are drinking too much milk instead of eating the meat of the word and are being held hostage by what they don't understand.

    If any Christian goes to a dentist to have a cavity fixed, are they're hypocrites if they are the same who keep lapbanding from you for you to repair your cavity?

    Hey thanks alot for those encouraging words, they really helped me! I am 5 days away from surgery and feeling a little nervous as well as in question of whether this is 100% the right thing to do. The example you use about the man on the roof really made a lot of sense.

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