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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Texasgirl1966

  1. Texasgirl1966

    Hot Air Balloon 2008 June

    From the album: Gina 2008

  2. Texasgirl1966

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    I only weighed 218 at my heaveist weight and when I tell some people that I am scheduled to have lap band surgery they say, "just exercise more and lose it that way". I've tried exercise, weight watchers, etc and it doesn't work for me. I am only 5' 1" and 218lbs makes my BMI at 41, how much more unhealthy do people think I should get before I have major health problems. My husband, kids and best friend are supportive of my decision and I know I can make this work.
  3. Fasting no, I am on a liquid protein diet per my nutritionist instructions. I have 2 high protein drinks a day and 1 high protein meal with extremely low fat or I can have a lean cusine meal once a day. Between meals I can have broth, sugar free jello, sugar free pop sickles etc. I'm making it okay. Somedays I'd really like something to eat, other days I am doing okay. Good luck to everyone on their up coming surgeries, mine is November 18th, 7:00am at UT Southwestern in Dallas.
  4. Thanks for all the information on Unjury. I just ordered some. Chocolate and Chicken soup.
  5. Where do most of you buy your protein drinks? I've found a few at Wal-Mart and Walgreens but haven't gone to GNC yet.
  6. My dietitioin requires that the protein be 20 or above, 7 grams or less of carbs/sugar and 5 grams or less of fat. It is tough to find all these combinations. I believe the slimfast only has 15 grams of protein. Does anyone know of protein drinks with 20 or more grams of protein?
  7. I am 11 days away from surgery and I am so excited. I'm sure I will get nervous right before, but I am doing okay right now. I agree that all the things that can, might, and have happend to the bandsters going before me, is a huge help to prepare me for what I can expect. A heartfelt thank you to everyone that puts their experiences on LBT!
  8. Texasgirl1966


    My periods have been getting heavier and heavier and now I'm having 2 periods a month. The Dr said I should have an endometrial ablation (novasure) for the menorrhagia. I am scheduled to have the ablation 2 weeks after my lap band surgery. I've already met my deductable for this year and I might as well get it all done in the next 2 months and start 2009 off right. Best of luck to you with your menorrhagia.
  9. Texasgirl1966

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on goal because my surgery date is less than 2 weeks away!! Liquid diets are possible and I can do this!
  10. I started my 2 week liquid diet yesterday also, and am also allowed a lean cusine meal for dinner. My surgery date is November 18th. I am dreading the 2 weeks of liquid but, excited about the surgery. Good luck to all November Bandsters!
  11. I am 5'1" and weigh 212 lbs. My BMI is 40+. I have high blood pressure, joint pain, and have had surgery on my feet. My BMI makes me a candidate for lap band and I am not wanting to put more stress on my body and organs. The Dr wants me to weigh between 112 to 124 lbs that is 88+ lbs that I am over weight. I would be happy at 140 or less. Regardless if your weight your BMI is the usual determining factor in having WLS. My surgery is scheduled for November 18th and I am so ready to get banded and begin to lose this extra weight.
  12. I am scheduled to have surgery with Dr. Daniel Scott on November 18th. I am having the single incision lap band procedure, but I am not self pay, my insurance covers the procedure. I met with Dr. Scott in September and will meet him again on the 13th, prior to my surgery. I really liked Dr. Scott, and he was very patient and answered all my questions and concerns at the first appointment. I don't have any idea how much the procedure will cost, I've already met my deductable for the year. I wish you the best of luck on you lap band surgery.
  13. Texasgirl1966

    "personal" smell

    Thanks for all the input on the smell. I am starting my liquid diet on Tuesday, and surgery on November 18th. If this happens to me, I will know what the cause is.
  14. I just completed my 6th month of medically supervised program on Thursday. I met with my surgeon, dietition, and financial advisor last Tuesday and had my psych evaluation on Friday and then I was then told some devistating news that the notes that my Dr put in my chart with each of my visits weren't specific and it is very possible that I will have to start all over! :tt2: I was devistated to say the least. My Dr. didn't think it was possible to have his notes altered since his dictations were all complete and signed after each visit. I just can't think about starting over. My Dr didn't realize how specific his notes needed to be and after 5 long days I got a message from him tonight that he was getting the notes revised and would have the corrections in a couple of days! I was so happy to hear those words. I just don't think I could face another 6 months of Dr visits. I had already started focusing on having lap band and begining a new way of life. Also, I have already met my deductable for this year and have saved all my vacation and sick days in prepration for having surgery this year. Right now it looks like it may still be possible to be banded in 2008! I would love to be banded in October or early November but, will take any date in 2008. Anyone else have a close call and it worked out in the end?
  15. Texasgirl1966

    Lap band is in my future

    I just got my surgery date - It's November 18th. I'm so excited, this is finally going to happen!! All the problems that I have encounterd along the way don't seem like such a big deal now, surgery is in my future!
  16. Texasgirl1966

    ~november bandsters~

    I just got the call!!! I am so excited, my surgery date is November 18th. I am having surgery in Dallas, Texas at UT Southwestern Hospital. Dr. Daniel Scott is my surgeon. Liquid diet will begin at the end of next week, I'm as prepared for that as I can be. It has been a long road and I am ready for the adventure that I will be my new life. It's going to be GREAT!
  17. I just got the call that my surgery is scheduled for November 18th!!! I am so excited, I didn't think that I would ever get a surgery date, it has been a long time coming. 6 months of medically supervised program and then going through all the hoops that the insurance company and Drs office want you to do. I am so looking forward to being banded. Having a liquid Thanksgiving meal this year sounds good to me, I'm just ready for the new adventure to the rest of my life to begin. Good luck to all the November Bandsters!
  18. Texasgirl1966

    Howdy from Texas!

    Welcome - I'm from Sulphur Springs Texas! I just got my surgery date and I'll be having surgery about a month after you on November 18th. Keep us posted on your progress.
  19. Texasgirl1966

    risky......anyone ever have a threesome?

    For my husband and I, rule #1 is we always "play together or not at all". This is a huge, unbreakable rule! We use condoms, we don't risk it. We also have a code word that can be used if we aren't comfortable with the situation, it is agreed that no matter what is happening, everything will stop if that word is said. We also keep good eye contact with each other. We both agree that we are in this for the pure pleasure of having sex and not to have a deep, romantic relationship with someone other than our spouse. We also have a rule that the women do the contacting; we don't have the man calling the other woman to try and set something up. Women call each other and then include the guys in the conversation and arrangements. We also must meet the couple in advance in a neutral, public place and get to know each other before anything else. We don't have jealousy and we don't have flings. We do this together! Each couple decides what rules work for them and make sure that the other couple understand up front. This lifestyle works for us. It is tough to find a couple that everything clicks, so don't be discouraged if it isn't successful the first time. Good luck!
  20. Texasgirl1966

    risky......anyone ever have a threesome?

    My DH and I have swapped with other couples 2 or 3 times. The first time I wasn't mentally ready and he didn't pay attention to me. The woman was very animated and made it seem like she had never been touched or had sex before - that was such a turn off. We learned from that experience, we have rules and keep a close watch on each other. The next time we swapped partners, we both wanted to do it for the right reasons. We also went to a clothing optional swingers resort in Las Cabos Mexico this summer and had a real good time, if you are seriously interested that might be something that you want to look into. My husband's fantasy is to have a mfm and we are currently looking for the "right" guy. This lifestyle isn't for everyone, but for some of us, it's a good thing. Good luck to you in all your adventures.
  21. Texasgirl1966

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I've been told that I'm worth it.
  22. Texasgirl1966


    Wow, you look great! such a difference - Keep up the good work.
  23. Texasgirl1966

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    congratulations on loosing the pound. Way to go!
  24. Texasgirl1966

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I got the call from my Dr. that my records are ready and I am getting closer to everything falling into place for my hopeful surgery. (pending insurance approval)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
