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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ohsnapitsjonny

  1. UPDATE!

    so I did do a no no but it was a live and learn lesson. at least I know to be more cautious now. I did have a different drink and was very buzzed after 3 sips I wanna say it was at least16oz and it was mixed the drink. It was called penicillin lol don’t know what was in it but I drank it very slow and was gone. I also had sips of shots of patron I think that’s what hurt my stomach the most. I also smoked and I really regret it. But like I said it was a live and learn thing won’t do it again. I will have another drink in the future just a little thought next time. I wanna thank everyone for the advice and I hope you all have an amazing new year and everything 2023 will bring you joy and beautiful memories. PEACE AND BLESSINGS.

  2. Question!? And I am sure this is repetitive but I can’t find a specific answer! So I am 8 weeks in post operation. And my friends invited me out for drinks I explained that I can’t drink and they said for me to just try a buzzball which is 19.9 grams in carbs, 22.1 grams in alcohol, 248 in calories and also it’s gluten free! And I think I could probably only do half of that anyway. So my question is can I have a little to drink ? And how would it affect me if I do? Besides getting intoxicated faster. Thanks in advance and hope everyone has an amazing new year!!!

  3. So!!! My fellow coffee lovers! Question…what are some alternatives that we can have? for those that had gastric sleeve? Im a huge Starbucks and Dunkin Donut freak! And I’ve been wanting some coffee? I’ve been told after a week you can have some (in portion of course) and I known you still gotta intake your Water. And also I heard to avoid whole milk? Anyone have any advice?

    I’m about to hit a month since my surgery!:)

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