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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by misskitty84

  1. misskitty84

    Looking for Bandsters in NW Houston

    I can't make it afterall... We have to go to a funeral on Saturday. I hope we can all meet up soon though.
  2. misskitty84

    College Students Report Here!

    Hey y'all! I'm a full-time college student, no husband (in a LTR though), and no kids. :laugh: I got banded on September 17th and have had pretty good success so far. Right now my degree is just in liberal arts - I'm not entirely sure what I want to do yet. I guess I'll figure it out when I transfer to a university.
  3. misskitty84

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    I'm in! The bf & I are going out of town for Valentine's Day so I need the extra motivation to look even better than I do now. :wink2: Name...........Start Lbs...........Current..........Goal..To Go Brandy..............198..............198...............190............ 8 janesays...........230..............230...............215...........15 leslie2lose..........220..............220...............210........... 10 LilMissDiva.........253..............250.6.............242.6.........8 misskitty84........313..............263................243..........20 SanDiegoPhotog..263.............191...............179..........12 Terilynn112.........224..............224...............200.........24 Tuger.................192...............192..............185.......... .7 twinmommie.........207..............207..............193..........14 Loveislovely.........223..............220...............208..........1 2 wowox7...............173............173...............163...........10 Bonnielass............168.............168...............159........... 9
  4. misskitty84

    Looking for Bandsters in NW Houston

    I'd love to meet up... I'll check back in here once I know if I'm working that day or not.
  5. misskitty84

    Samurai Running Weigh Loss

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to check in with my September Samurais and let y'all know that I've lost 50 lbs. I hope everyone else is doing fantastic!
  6. The first picture is at my friend's wedding in August (about 3 weeks before surgery - I was at my high of 313). The second picture was taken a couple days ago - I am now at 265. Almost 50 lbs gone!! The 3rd & 4th pictures are face comparisons... the 3rd one was taken some time in the summer before surgery and the 4th picture was taken a couple weeks ago.
  7. I was fine after 2 weeks (we hadn't tried before then). I didn't experience any discomfort from the port incision or anything... just discomfort from being fat, haha.
  8. misskitty84

    risky......anyone ever have a threesome?

    Maggies - just because you are married (or in a committed relationship) doesn't mean you stop being sexually attracted to other people. I have had a couple threesomes before (with the same people). The first time was a lot of fun but the second one was kind of awkward because me and the girl (we'd been friends for a couple years) developed feelings for each other and we were just doing it to be together again. I will say overall it was a great experience and I'd love to do it again but at this point in my relationship with my boyfriend I am not ready to add that extra element in and risk damaging our relationship. To the OP - whatever you do, have fun! I would also suggest not having that 3rd person be a friend... because friends can make the situation very uncomfortable afterwards.
  9. misskitty84

    Anybody's spouse an "eating buddy"?

    Yup, right here. We've been together 2 1/2 years and I gained 100 lbs in the first 2 years (I was already big when we met, too). He's a big guy and we both loooove to eat so we really bonded over things like going to dinner, vegging in front of the tv & eating, etc. I've been banded for 2 weeks now and even though it's such a short amount of time I don't feel like anything has really changed. If anything it's encouraging him to stay away from foods that I can't eat anymore (especially bread and pasta) or if he does eat them it's in much smaller portions. He was actually really excited about it because he knows his eating habits will change because mine are. Hang in there and don't let that sway you from doing what's best for you!
  10. misskitty84

    9 days post op,,depression

    I was also banded on the same day as you and I have been feeling pretty great but just remember that everyone heals differently. The first few days I was so sore I also wondered what I had done to my body and regretted it very much. Wednesday was really the first day I woke up and felt almost normal. My port incision is still tender but it will get better. Have you tried laying on your side with a pillow against your tummy? That helped me a lot. Keep your head up because the pain is a small price to pay for a lifetime of change!
  11. misskitty84

    Looking for Bandsters in NW Houston

    I'm down for Starbucks or Mexican. :tongue2:
  12. Hello fellow tokers! I was just banded last Wednesday. I'm not currently smoking right now because I'm trying to get a job but once that's done... :tongue2: However a lot of my weight gain throughout my life can probably be attributed to the munchies so if I find that is a problem post-banding I will not be partaking (at least not as frequently).
  13. misskitty84

    Maybe Losing my Band!!

    I'll definitely be sending good thoughts your way! I also had to fight my insurance for almost a year to get banded and I would be sooo sad to lose it (just got banded yesterday). Good luck!
  14. misskitty84

    What is your surgery date? Let's keep a list.

    Hey everyone! I was just banded yesterday. :crying: I was worried my date would be pushed back because of Ike but luckily it wasn't. Surgery definitely isn't the most pleasant experience but I'm really not feeling all that bad except for a lot of soreness in my abdominal area (which is normal of course). Everyone who had to be rescheduled just keep your heads up! :wink2: Becky - good luck tomorrow!
  15. Well.. I started my pre-op diet on Wednesday and today I totally cheated by having pizza. I wasn't even really hungry but it just smelled so good and I've been going crazy with not being able to eat real food that I caved and had 2 slices. I plan on following my liquid diet perfectly now until my surgery on September 17th but I guess I just wanted to get it off my chest.
  16. misskitty84

    Looking for Bandsters in NW Houston

    We made it through okay. Our power just came back on about 30 minutes ago. It had been out since around 3 yesterday morning. Our backyard fence blew over in 3 places.. 1 because a neighbor's 2 trees fell over into our yard. Other than a whole lot of debris our house, plants, and everything else seems to be fine. I hope everyone else is doing okay as well!
  17. misskitty84

    come out Come out Wherever you are.

    Hi, I'm Lauren. I prefer women over men but I'm in a hetero relationship. When my guy & I met things just kinda fell into place and we have a wonderful relationship. He is fully supportive of me though and understands if I meet a woman I really click with that I have enough love to share. Jason - I'm also getting banded on the 17th. Good luck! :thumbup:
  18. I think there were about 3 weeks in between sleep studies. Since you're already scheduled I don't know if it will really matter.. I hadn't been approved by the insurance yet because the sleep study information had to go to them.
  19. Hi! I just now saw your message.. sorry, the website didn't alert me like it does with PMs. My journey is going okay.. the liquid diet is very, very hard. I've cheated a couple times but with surgery coming up soon I've buckled down and I'm trying to be optimistic (hard to do when you're hungry!). How about you?

  20. I had to go back for a second one because the test found that I have severe sleep apnea. When I went back they had me sleep with a CPAP on and it made a huuuge difference. No wonder I've been tired for years even with enough sleep. :thumbup:
  21. Just some advice Froggi.. I would shower there in the morning. They use a really sticky paste all over your face and even in your hair to stick the electrodes in. For my second sleep study I did it on a weekend and didn't shower until I got home and the feeling was so gross.
  22. I brought jammies (a comfy shirt and pj pants), a snack, my sleeping pills, a book, clothes for work the next day, and stuff to shower with. They told me to bring my own pillow in the info packet but they had pillows on the bed.
  23. Last year I went to a lap band seminar hosted by Dr. Spivak. He had a very informative powerpoint presentation and answered everyone's questions thoroughly. I thought he was very nice and enjoyed meeting him but in the end I picked a different surgeon. Not that anything was wrong with Dr. Spivak; I just preferred to use my bariatric specialist's recommendation. Hope this helps a bit. :thumbup:
  24. misskitty84

    Feeling guilty :(

    I am trying to drink a lot of water and keep up with the shakes but I'm finding it to be really difficult. I'm not a big fan of sweets so drinking sweet stuff all day every day just grosses me out. I have re-committed myself though so I'm not going to allow myself to cheat anymore.
  25. misskitty84

    Looking for Bandsters in NW Houston

    4 works for me but if it is at a restaurant I will probably not be able to make this one. I'm on my liquid diet right now and being around food is sooo hard.

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