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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lifeisgood

  1. Hey everyone. Im looking to meet some new friends that have or are getting banded. Never hurts to meet new friends and share experiances. Gawd knows we all needs someone to talk to. And I would greatly appreciate the help. I have not yet been banded for I am waiting for my insurance to approve me first.

    Then I will be well on my way!

    Very Excited!



  2. Sooo today was a very exciting day for me. Today I met with my surgeon Dr. Micheal Snyder. I have been approved to have the surgery, but I have to wait for my insurance to approve it first which may take a couple of weeks..

    Im really trying to find someone who is about to get it as well, and lives in the Denver, CO area. If not its still nice to meet new friends.

    I cant wait for my journey to begin. I consider this surgery to be a rebirth and bday gift to myself since Sept 25th I will be 28 and its going to be a new begining for myself and my son once I have this done.

    It's good to know there is so much support out there. I love this site, I truely do!:thumbup:

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