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Everything posted by LMorales

  1. I got Cigna at the start of this year as my job switched insurance companies. My surgeons office was preparing me with steps toward surgery when I got a call today saying that bariactic surgery isn't covered under my plan. I feel so disappointed. Now what? How can I get coverage? Anyone experienced this? Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. I'm 3 weeks post op and have only lost 14 lbs and now have hit a stall for almost a week. I was losing like a pound a day during full liquids. Now I am in soft food stage and haven't lost a lb since starting soft food. How do I break this stall. I've only lost 14 lbs and almost 4 weeks post op. Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. LMorales

    Stalled at 3 weeks post op

    Thank you. I needed to read this!
  4. I have only lost 7 lbs since my sleeve surgery and I am 1 week post op. Is this normal?? I thought I would have lost more by the 1 week mark. Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. I just got approved from my surgery for 08/10! Any tips for someone starting out? Must haves? Any thing you have learned since having your surgery? Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I am planning to have my surgery date on June 8th. I have a trip across the US mid to end of July. How soon did you travel post op? How did you feel traveling so soon? Any recommendations on requesting to postpone my surgery date until after my trip? Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. LMorales

    August surgery buddies!

    I'm getting sleeved August 10th! I'm so excited !
  8. LMorales

    August surgery buddies!

    I'm getting sleeved August 10th! I'm so excited !
  9. LMorales

    August surgery buddies!

    Surgery date 08/10[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Wow, amazing success!! Congratulations!! Thank you for the tip Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Love this so much! Thanks. Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Thank you for your transparency. I decided to delay my surgery date until after my trip just to be safe. Thanks again! Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Wow! That's amazing! I decided to delay just to be safe. I'm glad everything worked well for you! Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Thank you for saying this! I decided to delay my surgery until well after my trip. I think this is best. Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. How hard was it to get your job to try to get a rider? I honestly don't want to get my hopes up . Like you, I hear so many great experiences in Mexico but don't feel that is the right path for me. I prefer to stay in the states. I live in Florida and everything is so financially inflated but I honestly don't want to lose more time. Thanks for the encouragement!!
  16. That is a good idea! I will look into switching over to my husband's insurance if it is covered. Did you have to wait until a new enrollment year to switch? I kind of don't want to have two insurances for myself on mine and my husband's.
  17. It's very frustrating! I am considering an appeal or what my other options are. Its good to know that I am not alone. I am considering self pay at this point. I will check out your posts. Thank you!!
  18. I am seriously considering self pay. Just trying to pick myself up from the let down as this mainly why my current insurance plan. I was told it was covered. I live in Florida and everything is over priced here but I truly am considering self pay at this point.
  19. This is exactly right. I have contacted my employer and crossing my fingers regarding a rider or them adding this. At the same time I don't want to hold my breath. Exploring my other options and trying to pick myself back up.
  20. I brought my cigna policy for my surgeon to read and it cleary stated that there were no 6 or 12 month long documentation of failed weight loss attempts required. My surgeon called the insurance coordinator and she says in her past experience of working with Cigna they require 12 months of failed WL attempts. There is NOTHING of this mentioned on the cigna requirements. I really don't need anything slowing down my process. Did anyone else run into this issue with cigna and getting approval? Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I don't like premier protein shakes and they give me headaches. The artificial sweetners in a lot of low sugar protein shakes give me headaches. Any recommendations for protein shakes? Plant based prefered. Thanks! Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Hello, I have a consultation for VSG surgery but I am nervous about how serious this procedure is and some lifestyle changes that will come with this. Weird things concern me more than the surgery itself like not being able to drink water with my food. That sounds extremely hard to me. I love water, especially when I eat. Would I be able to just take a tiny sip of water with meals? Taking vitamins daily for life also bothers me but I am coming to terms with this. My last fear is the fear of regain. I struggle with restrictions with food and fear I will over eat or turn back to my old ways that got me to the 280 lbs ( 5ft 8 in) that I am today. My husband loves to eat late and eat fast food. Eating food together is how we enjoy ourselves and I fear I won't have support when I change my eating habits. I guess I need some encouragement from you guys. Thanks. Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Sure! Well like I mentioned, the main one for me was that you aren't supposed to drink until 30 minutes after meals. I believe the rationale was that it pushes your food down your pouch quicker and therefore will induce hunger quicker. He told me that's not really important to worry about and that I can eat and drink together after surgery. Alot of his answers he didn't explain his rationale. More so just yes or no and he kept mentioning he can get me into surgery quickly. Diet questions I had he told me to talk to the nutritionalist which I understand he is a surgeon and not a nutritionalist. I asked about chewing gum and things that I heard you couldn't do after surgery and he said there is nothing that I can't do after surgey. While it sounds great it just wasn't what Ive been hearing which makes me want a second opinion. While I do want this procedure, I am looking for guidance. I am looking for a slow and successful journey not a speed race to the operation table. Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. I had my consultation for VSG today. Everything I have heard such as not eating and drinking, chewing gum ect after surgery the surgeon said I could do. He has been practicing for 4 years. He got great reviews which is why I was interested in the first place. I just found it interesting that in all my research I found every surgeon against certain things post op and this surgeon said I can do them. Has anyone every gotten a second consultation with someone else? I found a great surgeon with decades of experience and thinking of consulting with him instead. Am I over reacting? Should this be a reason for concern? Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. So true, thank you for this!! Sent from my SM-N970U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

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