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About bradley18

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/29/1942

About Me

  • Biography
    Married 50 years, Drives a school bus for special needs children
  • Interests
    , fishing, camping,
  • Occupation
    retired banker, drive school bus
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  1. Happy 70th Birthday bradley18!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary bradley18!

  3. Hi BRadley check with your Dr. is good they know or should know all about your. good luck had mine done 15 months age and feel great lost 88 lbs.

  4. Hi Heidi, I am a 67 year old female, I had the lap band surgery Oct. 2008, I two had my doubts, but I did it anyway. You lose the weight a lot slower than gastric,I only had to lose about 50 pounds, I have done very well, I have lost 38 pounds, still have a few more to go, but I have just not tried very hard, the band is only a tool, and if you don't watch what you eat the weight doesn't come off very fast. I have no regrets, you will learn as you go on what foods your band will tolerate, all people are differant. Good luck to you.
  5. bradley18

    Too tight vs. Sweet Spot

    I went two and a half days without being able to keep water down, finally the nurse told me to come in and that is when he removed the fill.
  6. bradley18

    Too tight vs. Sweet Spot

    I don't think I ever reached a sweet spot. I have a 10cc band and had a 5.5cc fill and got stuck twice. Had to go back to the Doctor and he removed the entire fill and I had to start all over again. That happened twice. So now I don't know if I want anymore fill becauses I'm afraid I'll get stuck again. I'm not losing any weight just kinda staying the same.
  7. bradley18

    New Pictures

  8. I have had a bad experience with getting stuck to the point I had to go back to my Doctor and have all my fill removed twice, I have a 10cc band and only had 5.5cc fill, I could not get water or anything to go down for two days and finally he said he would have to remove the fill. Now I am back up to 4cc fill, but I'm afraid if I get more fill it might happen again. I am only about 13 pounds from my goal. This can be very expensive but so far my insurance has paid. The Doctor charges $395.00 each time I go in.
  9. Wow, that was a quick fix..just the way I like them! Thanks for sharing your story and following up with the resolution. So often, people don't. Not only is it a relief to know your problem was solved, but it'll help the next person to know what to do under similar circumstances.


  10. Kiz, I got to go see my Doctor today, and he removed 4cc from my band, had me drink 2 cups of water, it all went down for the first time since Monday, Then he put the 4cc back into my band, had me drink more water to make sure that everything was ok. Told me to stay on liquids for 24 hours. Boy am I glad thats over with.

    Thanks for al your help



  11. Hey Everbody, I finally got hold of my Doctor about 3:00 pm, he told me to come into his office which is about 20 miles from where I live, he took out 4cc's of Fluid then sit me up and had me drink 2 cups of Water, he watched me and everything went down, no more chokeing, then layed me back down and put the 4cc back in and said okay your unstuck now. Had me drink more water just to make sure I was Ok. Boy did I learn a lesson, no more roast beef and Pasta for me. I did howerver lose 6 pounds during this ordeal. Thanks, Bradley18 :thumbup:
  12. Thanks very much for letting me know you've called your doctor. I know you must be absolutely miserable. Good luck, and if you get a chance, let me know how it goes today. ~kiz

  13. Thanks kiz, I have called the Doctor and he is in surgery, His nurse will call me around 2:00 PM, hopefully he can work me into his office today.

  14. I got stuck on Monday night, I had a few bites of Roast Beef and a few bites of pasta, I have been stuck ever since, I tryed drinking hot tea, warm coffee, warm pineapple juice, noting will go down. I have not been able to eat anything or drink since Monday night. Doesn't sound too good to me. I had LB one year ago, this is the first time I have ever had any problems. I also tryed chewing the Papaya tablet. but it just came back up. Anyone have any suggestions?
  15. bradley18

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Jersey Girl, I was noticing your post on your fills, and I have a question, was your first fill 5cc? wow if so your Dr. really tightened you up fast, my Dr. started out with 1cc and I had to go back in 5 weeks for another and so on. Its funny how differant Dr.s do differant things. It looks like you are doing great.:thumbdown:

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