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Not sure

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Not sure

  1. I see you consume most of your calories from processed and ultra processed foods. They tend to flow straight through us and don’t help with feeling full. I am also very tempted when my spouse brings junk food into our home, and sometimes I give in but I always try to eat only non processed foods. Chicken nuggets ultra processed, ramen ultra processed, cookies ultra processed, soda ultra processed and empty calories. It was really hard to start but it’s been over a year now and has become second nature now. Best of luck, don’t feel guilty about slipping once in awhile we all do every once and awhile, we just don’t do it every day.
  2. I’m getting to the 1 year post operative point and just to slow my weight loss my minimum calorie intake was set to 2300 calories, very hard to do and follow my desire to only eat whole non processed food, so they have asked me to stop exercising until I can get 2300 a day and stay at a steady weight. It’s actually really hard to consume that whole foods to hit that 2300 calorie goal. Anyone else have similar problems?
  3. There are tools for you to use, they are not perfect but they’re are close. As you can see by my resting and active energy consumption is around 3,000calories a day. I’m nowhere near that at 9 months out , so I’ve been advised to cut back on my exercise. Lost total 150lbs from Oct 22 to April and now plateaued, medical team believes my body went into starvation mode and advised me to increase calorie density. Never thought I’d hear someone tell me to eat more….lol
  4. 1. Male, 47, 5’11” 2. 36lbs 3. 287lbs 4. 245 5. 212 6. 181 7. Not at 1 year yet but maintaining at 176lbs currently
  5. Six weeks for me but I have a physically demanding job, should have taken another week or two, 14 X 12hr shifts really burned me out bad.
  6. Not sure

    Plateau for too long

    Agree with the others, 800 is very low. Have you calculated your basal metabolic rate? Example I’m 48 years old male with a basal metabolic rate of 75 calories per hour (changes slightly daily and as you lose weight). So the math for me is 24hrs X 75 = 1800 calories per day just to breathe and live any exercise would add on top of that, I power walk daily for 10km minimum and add about 700 additional calories burnt for 2500 calories burned per day. I currently consume about 2000/day and still losing weight. Talk to your nutritionist about your caloric intake and hopefully they can give you some insight. Best of luck.
  7. Not sure

    Fantastic article

    Excellent article
  8. I limit my simple carbs like bread, rice and pasta to less than 30g day, but don’t limit complex carbs. It is not just about calories in and out, macros play a big part in weight loss. I’m 7 months post op, appetite came back at 5 months but I go by the simple rules of protein, non starchy carbs, and unadultered fruit. I have lost 145lbs and now maintaining my weight at 180lbs. All that being said I track everything going into my body and all energy expenditures to ensure that I’m on track, just my way to ensure I don’t slip. My dietitian has said to live by the 80-20 rule, follow 80% of the time and save 20% for a cheat day, I have been brave enough to try for fear of slipping back to old habits. Best of luck, wishing you all the success to meet your goals.
  9. Congratulations!!!! I just hit and exceeded my goal of 185lbs. As someone who’s been morbidly obese for most of his adult life I never imagined I could ever hit the mythical normal bmi. Guess what, this week my bmi is officially 24.9 NORMAL…woohoo 👍
  10. Dec 5/22 323 lbs VSG surgery, exactly 6 months later and I weigh 185lbs currently. 46” jeans to 31” skinny jeans. Best I’ve ever felt in my life.
  11. I use daily on days off, and had zero issues. I don’t get munchies or tempted eat/overeat. It has not slowed my weight loss a bit having lost 135lbs in the last 6 months. Lots of people have prejudices towards it because of misinformation and lack of education. Just be careful as smoking it can cause ulcers to form, which is why I use sugar free edibles or vape.
  12. Not sure

    Little to no weightloss

    I don’t intend to sound insensitive but you stated you haven’t cheated once and have followed your plan, and you lost close to 20lbs. Great job by the way anyone else would love to have that much loss in such a short time. BUT fasting or water diet is nowhere near anything in your program, is that not cheating or taking a shortcut. Unless you have a degree in nutrition follow what the experts suggest they have your best interest in mind. Best of luck on your journey.
  13. I’m male started at 325lbs have lost 135lbs to date and the only loose skin that I have is my arms near the armpit and upper thighs. My surgeon put my mind at ease and explained that generally men do not experience the same amount of sagging skin because of where we carry it. Everyone is different in where the weight is but even if I had lots it would still be worth it to have my life back again.
  14. Not sure


    I’m in exactly the same situation, hit my first real stall this week at exactly the 6 month mark. Really happy with the results so far, lost 135lbs and would actually be thrilled if I could just stay stable at this weight but I feel my body still wants me to lose more. Still struggling to get over 1500cals daily with most days barely hitting 1200cals. My personal fear is that I lose too much weight and look anorexic.
  15. Not sure

    Gotta get my head right

    Do you track actual food intake? It’s easy to exceed calories and not knowing exactly what you put in when snacking can add up in a hurry. I weigh everything I eat, even at work, and use Baritastic app to log calories and this way you know exactly what goes in. I actually lose too much weight while working because the food they serve doesn’t fit into my new diet. 5 months and 3 weeks post surgery and I’m down 135lbs. Follow the plan and you’ll do great.
  16. Follow the plan your team has to a tee. I follow it religiously and my weight has dropped like a rock. Start weight 323lbs, exactly 5 months and 3 weeks later I’m down to 188.0lbs. Only a single stall that lasted 1 week but again I have not cheated a single time, tracking everything I put in and energy out. Just my personal experience but I have watched the people who think they can cheat with no consequences. Use the tool you’ve been given and you will be successful. Best of luck, speedy recovery.
  17. 5 months post Op, officially down 131lbs.
  18. Sleeved Dec 05/22 323lbs pre surgery and now 195lbs and still losing hoping to hit goal of 178 by end of may and switch to maintenance. Currently attend aqua fitness 2/3 days a week and walk 6-10km daily. I have never felt so good at any other time in my life, best decision I’ve ever made.
  19. I had the same issue I lost 87lbs in 3 months started at 323lbs now 5 months out and weighing in at 201lbs. Good news is it has slowed down to about 1-2lbs a week now and some weeks I have started to stall. My team basically told some lose it really fast and others at a more controlled rate but they assured me that it was not too fast. Hope this helps.
  20. I’m going through something similar, I get lightheaded, start to lose focus then vision and finally I have passed out once. The current thought is my resting heart rate is low like 42bpm and sometimes my body is not reacting fast enough when I make sudden movements. I have a holter heart monitor scheduled soon.
  21. Not sure

    Low On Iron

    Ensure that you take your Iron at least 4 hrs after taking your multivitamin, my dietitian made sure to explain about absorption issues when taken to close to each other. Best of luck!!
  22. Not sure

    Recovery TImes / Back to work

    I have a very physical job working in a remote underground mine, took 8 weeks for me to return to work and still feel really bagged out by the end of a 12hr shift.
  23. Not sure


    I’m always cold as well, living in northern Canada has forced me to buy heated everything from blankets to clothes. What a difference from last winter when I thought everywhere was way too hot.
  24. Not sure

    5day Gastric Sleeve Post op

    I have leg cramps as well, been told it’s just my body readjusting. As for craving something I haven’t had any yet. Most of my craving were gone while on 3 week liquid diet. I still don’t feel hungry ever, and get full around 1/4-1/3 cup per meal. Surgery date December 5th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
