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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gabi311b

  1. gabi311b

    Approval from Aetna finally

    Congrats! Keep us posted on your upcoming surgery!
  2. gabi311b

    Kaiser Southern California

    I am also a SO Cal Kaiser patient and my doctor pretty much told me that I don't qualify and I should just work out more. I came home completely frustrated and didn't know where to go from there. I am about to switch insurances but if there was some possible way to get it done through Kaiser I would! I'm miserable and I have some co-morbidities (high blood sugar, high blood pressure, joint pain, depression). Can anyone call that options/education line and sign up for orientation?
  3. gabi311b

    Aetna - How I Got Approved

    That is so awesome! I am switching my insurance this week to Aetna, from Kaiser. I am hoping to start my three month diet when the new insurance kicks in 1/1/09. I am hoping mine goes as easy as yours!!! You are helping me be more optomistic! :biggrin:
  4. gabi311b

    Patty in El Segudo, CA

    Hi Patty, I am in Pasadena and am looking into the LapBand as well. I am looking for surgeons right now and am interested in who your sister went to. I am not sure whether or not insurance will pay for it or if I will have to be self pay so I'm looking into both options. I also have about 100-110 lbs to lose and am so excited about it. Any info you have would be great but it would be nice to have a friend that is going through this too.
  5. gabi311b

    I am approved!!!!!!!!

    Congrats to you! I can't wait for that day...soon it will be my turn! I am very excited for you! Good luck!
  6. gabi311b

    Dr. Liu v. Dr. Coon

    Dr. Liu is through Beverly Hills Physicians huh? I have heard WONDERFUL things about him. I am going to a consultation tomorrow at the office in Pasadena. The Dr. is Dr. Nazarian and he comes highly recommended as well. If it were me, I would go to the more experienced doctor. I know there are other support groups that will allow you to join even if you didn't have your surgery by their doctors.
  7. May I ask you, which surgeon are you going to? I live in Pasadena and am trying to find a surgeon. Please let me know. Thanks!

  8. I am reading so many things about people have gall bladder surgery after getting the band. I'm looking into getting the band in March and I'm wondering if everyone has issues with their gall bladder? What are the issues? Does someone NEED their gall bladder? :wink_smile:
  9. You guys are scaring me!!!!!!!! I'm still new to all of this, sorry. What is sliming????
  10. gabi311b

    Living with Roomies?

    One more question...where did you find your doctor??? I tried to google him and I didn't find anything.
  11. gabi311b

    Living with Roomies?

    Hi Cassie, I am wondering what books you have read? I'd like to start reading more about the surgery...not that these boards don't help, I'd just like more information. Load it on!
  12. I am interested in getting the Lap Band done and have not even approached my doctor yet. I do have an appointment next week. I am 26 years old, 5'8'' and 245lbs. I have had issues with acid refulx, high blood pressure and borderline diabetes. My BMI currently is about 38. My biggest fear is to get excited about this tool that will be so beneficial to me then come to find out that I don't even qualify for it. What is the first step when considering this type of surgery? Does anyone have any tips on insurance coverage (I currently have kaiser so.cal and am thinking about switching to Aetna)? Has anyone had this surgery with Aetna insurance? I am also wondering about hospitals, after surgery diet, recovery time, etc. Any help would be wonderful! Gabi
  13. gabi311b

    Newbie and need answers

    Yeah Boopie, I'm so happy for you! I keep getting the good news/not so good news/good news/not so good...blah blah... I have my first surgeon consult next week just to talk about the procedure and stuff. I still haven't decided on self pay for sure but I do know one thing...I'm switching insurances to Aetna! Let me know how the orientation goes...will you try to find out for me the qualifications Kaiser has so at least I know? My PCP wouldn't even tell me. Thanks!
  14. No, I haven't yet. I am switching insurances on 1/1 so I'm waiting to see if they will cover it. If not then I will be doing self pay. I'm very excited and am doing my research. I noticed that you wrote to Kellster too. She is my roommate and we are doing this together. Nice to meet you...where are you at with your story?

  15. gabi311b

    Viagra in his suitcase before trip

    I am so sorry this has happened to you. I understand tests like this are on the expensive side. There are people that will do them but again it's you get what you pay for. The level of equipment and such differs drastically. I say go with your gut...I've been cheated on before and at one point tried to regain the trust and ended up just getting hurt again. Never again will I make that mistake! You are worth more than that!!!
  16. Thank you so much! I will definitely look into that! Do you mind me asking how much you paid for ALL of it?

  17. gabi311b

    Need a buddy in Claremont CA

    Hi, I am in Pasadena and am not banded yet but am hoping that I will have the sugery soon (February-ish 2009). I will most likely be a self pay because my BMI (38) is too low for coverage. I do have Kaiser but I will be switching to Aetna during my open enrollment. I am looking into surgeons right now and have my first consultation on the 16th. It's interesting...I have always been drawn to special education teaching. I was a teachers assistant in high school for our special ed class and I have been contemplating going back to school to get my credential so I could teach special ed. I am glad you posted this and I hope that we can be a support system for each other.
  18. gabi311b

    acronym help

    Can someone enlighten me and tell me what a 'flouro' fill is? What is the difference between that and a regular fill? Also, what determines the different size band people get? Why are some people's 10cc's and some 8cc's etc? I saw on some posts people referencing a 'VV'...what does that mean? I know there is a post that goes through some of the most common acronyms on this forum but these weren't listed and I am just wondering. I'm new to all this so if anyone knows the answers, please help a sister out. Thanks!
  19. gabi311b

    Kaiser SUCKS!

    This is my story so far...it's a compilation of other posts I have put up but I just wanted some new opinions, suggestions, ideas...ANYTHING!!! So I have Kaiser So Cal and I met with my PCP last week. It did not go very well. My doctor said that I don't qualify for the referral at all. She said even if I did Kaiser requires like 50 weeks of a weight management class (only offered in Panorama City or South Bay) and if you miss one then you are out of the program. It is pretty apparent to me that I need to switch insurances or pay for this out of pocket. I ONLY weighed in at 252lbs and that wasn't FAT ENOUGH...are you kidding me? It made me sick... She gave me all these suggestions like...try overeaters anonymous, food addicts classes, exercise more/eat less. All that bs that I've already tried. She also offered some basic weight management classes that Kaiser offers but again I would have to go to those other locations. I'm so confused, I don't know where to go next. I don't know if I should switch insurances and see if I'm covered or if I should just look into self pay...grrrrrrr I am so sick of Kaiser's s***. I am 5'8'' and my BMI is 38.8. The saddest part is that if I were to gain 20 more pounds I would qualify for the surgery. I HAVE TO GET FATTER TO GET SKINNIER!!! Isn't that unfathomable? I have decided that I am going to switch insurances for sure and then from there see if Aetna will cover with no co-morbidities or I will take out a loan and self pay. I am so frustrated with all the if's and maybe's and we'll see's...I want a definitive answer and I am being so impatient!!! I know I shouldn't be like that but it is so hard when everything I have done has just made me hit walls. It sucks...
  20. gabi311b

    Newbie and need answers

    That is a great story! Thank you so much for sharing. The thought of going to Mexico scares me slightly...I've been to Tiajuana (to party when I was younger) and it wasnt' the cleanest of places. I know that is very close-minded for me to say because the hospitals and surgery centers are probably not in the middle of the night scene but it just freaks me out a little. On top of that, where do you go now for fills? I am assuming you don't fly back to TJ all the time. How long ago did you get banded? 3 days ago? I appreciate everyone's stories and I have no idea where I will go from here but I HOPE that everything will work out the way it's supposed to and I will be a skinny, sexy chica once this is all over!
  21. gabi311b

    Newbie and need answers

    Does it matter though that I have never been actually 'diagnosed' with co-morbidities? They have never given me prescription drugs for any of them. I can try to switch PCP's (which one do you have)? :tongue2: You can private message me with the name if you want. Minxz, Unfortunately I used to have Kaiser NorCal and now I wish I never moved! Oh well, this struggle will make me stronger. Thank you all for all of your support, stories and inspiration! I am truly learning and moving forward because of you all and I can't express how truly apprciative of that I am.
  22. gabi311b

    Newbie and need answers

    I am so sick of Kaiser's s***. I am 5'8'' and my BMI is 38.8. The saddest part is that if I were to gain 20 more pounds I would qualify for the surgery. I HAVE TO GET FATTER TO GET SKINNIER!!! Isn't that unfathomable? I have decided that I am going to switch insurances for sure and then from there see if Aetna will cover with no co-morbidities or I will take out a loan and self pay. I am so frustrated with all the if's and maybe's and we'll see's...I want a definitive answer and I am being so impatient!!! I know I shouldn't be like that but it is so hard when everything I have done has just made me hit walls. It sucks... AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :tt2::cursing::smile2::cursing::thumbup::cursing::smile2::cursing::scared2::bored::scared2::tt2::scared2::tt2:
  23. So, it looks as if I am going to most likely be self-paying for the lap band procedure and I am wondering if anyone has ever been to or heard of B.H. Physicians... I live in the Los Angeles area and am looking for some suggestions on doctors, hospitals, etc. Any help would be great! :thumbup:
  24. gabi311b

    Beverly Hills Physicians

    Hi di1138, did your insurance cover the procedure or were you a self-pay? I am trying to weight (no pun intended) all my options becuase I don't know if I will qualify for insurance coverage and B.H. Physicians is like 16k. Let me know...thanks!
  25. gabi311b

    Frantic - please help!!!!

    I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I say stick with it...you have already seen such success. Everything will work out, I'm sure! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

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