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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gabi311b

  1. I know I had wanted the LapBand AP but then I got the Realize instead. I haven't gone back to the Dr. yet for my post op but I will ask why he did Realize instead of AP. I guess it doesn't matter and actually Realize offers an online support group just for patients with their products which I think is pretty cool. You get a special number when you have your surgery and that is you ID for the online tools. I haven't been on yet but will very shortly. The only difference I see that makes me think is the date each was approved by the FDA. AP was in 2001 and Realize was 2007. Other than that they are pretty comparable, from what I see...
  2. gabi311b

    San Fernando Valley/Los Angeles Bandsters

    I would love it also. I was just banded on 3/8 and I think it would be GREAT to meet up with fellow bandsters in the area. Keep us posted.
  3. Congrats Pezo...I think I would agree that my nerves would get the better of me if I was the fourth person going on one day. I was second and that was bad enough, I just wanted it over with! Good luck, it isn't that bad. Just stock up on GasX strips and liquid Tylenol...they will be your best friend. I also got a heating pad to put behind my left shoulder and that really really helped alot with the gas pain. Let us know if you need anything.
  4. gabi311b


    YAY I can't wait to hear how it all went. I'm two days out and am feeling MUCH better! Each day gets a little easier!
  5. I was banded around noon on March 8th and I came home about 5pm. I don't know about all of you but I am so sore! The incisions don't really hurt and the gas pains are starting to ease but the muscles around my stomach are really really sore and they keep spasming. I feel like I've done 10,000 sit ups. Since I can't use my stomach to sit up I've been using my leg muscles so those are now sore too. And since I can only sleep on my back I have the worst stiff neck. OMG I feel like such a complainer but the Loritab doesn't really help the sore muscles. Gas-x strips worked wonders, so did walking and the heating pad on my shoulder while awake and sleeping. I haven't been able to sleep a full night yet (only 3-4 hours at a time) but hopefully tonight will be better. For those of you that have been banded...when did you start sleeping on your side again? I finally get to take a shower today and I'm very excited for that. I'm having a hard time remembering to drink fluids constantly. I am trying really hard to get the 64oz in per day but man it's difficult! It also seems like every time I drink I get the hiccups and that really is painful. Overall, I feel way better today than I did yesterday or Sunday and it can only get better from here. I've lost 2 lbs since surgery so let's just keep that up! Woohoo, I have no regrets and I'm so excited for the rest of you Lucky Losers that are getting banded later this month.
  6. I am home now and unfortunately not pain free...but I am now banded and today is much better than yesterday was. The gas pains were horrendous! I think all of my muscles are soooooooo sore...the incisions don't even really hurt but all the muscles around them hurt. My neck is so stiff from only sleeping on my back so I hope tonight I will be able to sleep on my side. How are you doing?

  7. I'm leaving for my surgery right now! Wish me luck!!!!!!!!
  8. It's today!!!!!!!!!! I'm leaving in 5 minutes!!!!! OMG I can't believe it!

  9. Hey you, it's been awhile since I heard an update. I'm having my surgery on Sunday in San Dimas and I'm soooo excited! I started my liquid diet this past sunday and it's going pretty well. Let me know how you are...Gab

  10. gabi311b

    St. Patty's Day

    I have been on my preop liquids for 5 days and it's getting better. The scale shows I've gained 2 lbs but I don't know how that possible unless it's Water weight. I have 3 days left until surgery and I am soooo excited!
  11. I know! I can't believe it. The liquid diet is going ok...it's better now but man it's hard! I'm finding that I'm really emotional...I don't know why!!! How are you feeling? Better? Are you back at work?

  12. It's amazing to know that there are so many friends out there that have had some of my same 'worst' moments. One that really sticks out for me is a couple years back, not even my heaviest weight, we were riding in the car with my grandparents and my grandfather said "you know if you lost about 10 pounds your clients would probably be more open to working with you". I work for a bank and am in sales so being face to face with clients was a part of my life everyday. I couldn't believe he said that and I just figured that it was because he was about 90 years old and didn't mean to hurt me....but it did! 6 days until my surgery and I can't wait to start my new banded life! Thank you so much all of you for the encouraging words. They really help
  13. gabi311b

    St. Patty's Day

    How are you doing Cait on your pre preop diet? Have you gotten off the additional 14lbs? I am thinking about you! Let us know!
  14. And our month finally starts! I know there are a whole bunch of us that are getting our bands this month and I want to just say YAY..... I know I don't go until the 8th but there are alot of us getting banded this week and I know we are all tired and hungry, but we should mostly be so excited to be starting this journey....together! I have gotten so much support from you all so far and I can't wait until we are all over this hump and can start really living our best lives!
  15. Haha I'm sometimes a dork! Apparently I like to talk to myself and tell myself how proud I am of me! :) I'm so glad that your surgery went well. What was it like? How are the gas pains? I started my liquid diet today and it's been so hard. I have felt nauseous all day and I've had a terrible headache. I could never be anorexic...it wouldn't work! The other problem is that I get super moody when I'm hungry and I have no patience for anything...this is going to suck! Let me know what it was like so I can anticipate mine a week from today!!!!!! That is if I can make it through the liquids....

  16. This is the first day of my preop diet and I can not have any real food. I can do sf Jello, broth, Protein shakes, sf pudding and popsicles. I woke up this morning and just didn't want to get out of bed cause I was hungry and didn't want to deal with not being able to eat. I haven't had anything yet but I just don't know how I'm going to do this for the next week. When I think about it in the big picture I will not be actually chewing for 7 weeks!!!! 1 week preop liquid diet 2 weeks postop liquid diet 2 weeks mushy foods 2 weeks soft foods Then regular foods. WOW... I just really have to keep focusing on why I'm doing this and be positive! I think that will make it easier...
  17. When you click on mine it takes you to the site where you can make the glitter graphic. In the middle of that page there are boxes labeled 'text', 'font', 'size', 'angle' etc. You just type whatever you want your stuff to be then it will populate the weblink. You don't have to enter your email for it to work, just skip that box! I never entered my email and it worked just fine. Try that...
  18. We need a name. Here are the suggestions I've gotten. Let me know what you all think!
  19. ****As of the beginning of Febuary we are officially the Lucky Losers! It won on the poll (at that time)!**** Time to make your graphic. If anyone wants the one I have it is from www.glittertextgraphics.com and the font size is 35, the font is "Rockwell", the text color is "006600" and the Back color is "009900". The link you copy and paste is Bulletin Board (1). Please let me know if you have issues and I will try to help.
  20. I am waiting for my liquid diet to start on 3/1 and I am wondering if some of you that have started already could give me some advice on what stuff to buy and things like that. I know it's going to be hard but I am so looking forward to the change I'm about to make. Any advice would be great. Thanks.
  21. I was just thinking of you today. I was going to write you. I bet the liquid thing gets better after your surgery since your tummy will be smaller. I am so proud of you for sticking in there and I can't wait to hear what happens tomorrow. 12 days until my surgery and I start my liquid diet on Sunday. I am so excited for you and I know you are going to do great! Keep up your spirits and I know everything will go wonderfully! Keep me posted and I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.

  22. gabi311b

    Liquid diet time

    I start my liquid diet on Sunday and I'm starting to get a little apprehensive. I know I can do it but I'm just worrying myself I think! Blah...
  23. Hey, I'm from Sacramento and I am here visiting until 3/4. My surgery is on 3/8 and I can't wait! It seems like we have a few things in common since I've been going to OA too and had some struggles with telling them or not. I have chose not to so far.


    Did you grow up here? What do you do?



  24. gabi311b

    Looks like I'm a March bandster

    We are officially the Lucky Losers! It won on the poll! Time to make your graphic. If anyone wants the one I have it is from www.glittertextgraphics.com and the font size is 35, the font is "Rockwell", the text color is "006600" and the Back color is "009900". The link you copy and paste is Bulletin Board (1). Please let me know if you have issues and I will try to help.
  25. I'm the day before so we could totally be buddies! I'm having surgery on March 8th in CA but still, we can chat! PM me if you want to!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
