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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Scorpio77 reacted to KimA-GA in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    sorry i have been a bit of a ghost! busy time of year for my work and been having to get my tail in gear since i was out or part time most of november …
    i hit a stall from nov 23 until today… but woo hoo i went from 329.2 to 326 today!! ding dong the stall is dead !!!
    Hw 456 (July 2021)
    Jan 2022 440 lbs
    June 6, 2022 - 404 lbs
    sleeve surgery November 3, 2022 - 351.4
    December 3, 2022 - 329.2
    December 4, 2022 - 326 !!!!!!
    got a long way to go but for the first time in my life i believe not only can i do it, but i deserve a better life
  2. Like
    Scorpio77 reacted to KimA-GA in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    11/3 surgery… 20 days post op… infection nearly cleared.. incisions are healing up, a couple already done… feeling good overall!! Still not on par with liquids and food (purée) is a chore but I am ok with that…had zero excitement for purée or any of the food things I was looking forward to pre surgery but I guess that comes with the new normal…

    getting waves of emotional… that’s expected but always exhausting… no regrets so far even with the setback!

    it’s also weird I have both more energy and a lot less stamina… when I am going, I can go faster and with more pep in my step.. but I am still crashing by early evening … getting better since I can stay up past nine now which I didn’t for the first two weeks ….

    hope everyone is doing well!
  3. Like
    Scorpio77 got a reaction from KimA-GA in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    Me too, good luck tomorrow!!
    Thank you to everyone who has given updates, it really helps to hear the different experiences. I'm SO nervous now that it's almost here and I'm questioning whether I really want to do this 😬 However, I know I need to do this and will be glad I did.
  4. Like
    Scorpio77 reacted to CFRS in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    Checking in after surgery. Post op plus 2 days. I'm grateful for the overnight in the hospital for the IV fluids and nausea meds (zofran). No real surgery pain, mostly discomfort, gas, and my tummy being so empty. Tolerate warm and room temp liquids better than cold (cold sends a sharp cramping when it hits tummy)
    I've never been so aware of where "food" is in my digestive system! 😆
    Sweet things taste soooo sweet its almost gross...maybe that will help save me in the long run...
    Taking it slow and careful, but each day gets easier to hit goals.
  5. Like
    Scorpio77 got a reaction from CFRS in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    Checking in post-surgery. It was yesterday and overall things went smoothly. Today the Dr. left it up to me whether to stay one more night but strongly recommended it so my nausea and pressure gets under control, and I decided to stay. I'm getting really good sleep here, haha. Working on hydration goals, it's tough! Good luck to everyone in the next few days!
  6. Like
    Scorpio77 reacted to Fellbunny in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    I had my surgery!!!! Doing good with fluids. Pain was terrible for me when i first woke up. I hurt most on my left side at my stomach. I have been up walking. Getting up and back down are the very worst.
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    Scorpio77 reacted to jsquires in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    I just had mine yesterday 11/8. Anyone close to me? How are you feeling?
  8. Like
    Scorpio77 reacted to AboutDangTime in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    Day 6 post-op and I am feeling fantastic. liquids are going down quite easy. Up to about 7-8 ounces an hour, easily getting my 64oz min a day. Down about 10lbs so far. I think I have been one of the really lucky ones because I have not felt the need to take 1 Tylenol since coming home (the 1st and 2nd day in the hospital I did). Incisions healing up very nicely, though still a bit bruised/tender. I don't say this to brag at all, I just want people going into this to know there are various outcomes after surgery.
    Don't push yourself too hard, although you need to be very conscious of what you're doing afterward. One of the ways I was able to find my limit to Water intake was to start with 1 sip from a 1 ounce cup every 15 minutes. See how your body tolerates it. If it tolerates it well, then move to 1 sip every 14 minutes, then 13, and so on and so forth. It is a process but you will find your limit within the first day or two. One of the one ounce cups should probably take you 3 sips to get through, although everyone is different so test that out. If you feel a new pain after your sip, stop and let it fully go away before taking another sip. I think these steps should help anyone with their water intake.
    I am terrible at logging into here, but I will try hard to update as often as possible with what I have found to be helpful for me for those that would like an opinion.
    To everyone who has recently had or has an upcoming surgery, I wish you nothing but the best. If you have questions or would like to know anything please ask, I'm happy to share.
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    Scorpio77 reacted to Fellbunny in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    My surgery is tomorrow! I am taking preop pics tonight and weighing myself. Anything else i should remember before tomorrow?
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    Scorpio77 reacted to KimA-GA in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    Good luck to the Nov sleevers this week!
    to all done last week: post an update please!
    to those prepping: you got this

    day 4 post op:
    really focusing on getting liquids today. Got 34 oz yesterday and that was a struggle. I have 6 incisions and only 1 hurts, the big one.. it is heavily bruised and hurts when I get up and down or move wrong, but bearable. So far I am down 3.8 lbs, which is great because I was sure I would be up after surgery with all of the fluids they put in me!
    I’m glad I took this week off.. I have low stamina and have been going to bed around 830 pm, sleeping four about four hours, up for about an hour or two then getting a little more rest… still have a little gas, stil sometimes have pain swallowing, still occasionally hiccup, still have occasional waves of nausea (under 30 seconds but waves over me)…
    going from clear liquids to full today.. not sure what I am going to try first yet! Doing beef broth for Breakfast so I have hydration before attempting something new.
    As soon as the sun is up I am going to do more pecan walks in my backyard. Picked up a bunch with my stick so far (no bending.. ouch ouch that couldn’t happen right now)

  11. Like
    Scorpio77 got a reaction from j.matthews94 in November 2022 Surgery Buddies   
    Hello! I'm glad to have found this forum. I'm scheduled for surgery Nov. 10th. Can't believe it's less than a week away - I'm nervous, excited, and ready to be done with the pre-op diet! Good luck to everyone, I'm looking forward to going through this journey together.

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