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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by totohatesoz

  1. totohatesoz

    Christian Bandsters

    Thanks - I have been looking for a place of refuge for my decision. I have gotten mixed feedback from friends and family members over my decision. I have often felt like a failure that I could not do what I diets even if God was there. The hardest thing for me will be to rely on God when I still want to eat instead of turn to him. Anyone else there?
  2. totohatesoz

    Christian bandsters

    I just found this site and am looking forward to your support and supporting others. I am having lap band surgery soon, although I don't know the date yet. My insurance has approved it - PTL It has been long prayerful journey. I am ready for an active life again. Glad to see others in the same place. God Bless:cool2:

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