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LAP-BAND Patients
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About aunty

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  • Birthday 11/18/1962
  1. Happy 50th Birthday aunty!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary aunty!

  3. aunty

    Did you tell people?

    Hi Nickers, I have only told a selected few. I was lucky enough to have my band done on Thursday 7/8/08 (12 days ago) I was concerned, as you are, about telling my boss and work mates so I told a white lie I told them I was having a gastric hernia done so that got me through. The other good thing is the Medical certificate dosn't state what you have done, so that was a help also. Good luck with it all and I am sure as time goes by you will want to tell the world it was the best choice that all LAPBANDERS could have made. :biggrin: :thumbup:

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