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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About CFRS

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  • Birthday March 11

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    Painting, Travelling, My husband, and My dogs
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  1. CFRS

    Dealing with Sabotage

    That is just awful. She sounds horrid. I hope you get away from her as soon as possible. I would also start documenting everything she does and says with date and time and take pics too (all the things about leaving stuff out, throwing things away, etc.) - she's trying to gaslight you. The documentation could help should you ever have to commit her. Put key locks on all cabinets (leave her one) and fridge. And definitely put one on your bedroom/bathroom. It's your house. She may have 'nowhere' to go, but you absolutely do not have to be near her or engage with her.
  2. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Checking in after surgery. Post op plus 2 days. I'm grateful for the overnight in the hospital for the IV fluids and nausea meds (zofran). No real surgery pain, mostly discomfort, gas, and my tummy being so empty. Tolerate warm and room temp liquids better than cold (cold sends a sharp cramping when it hits tummy) I've never been so aware of where "food" is in my digestive system! 😆 Sweet things taste soooo sweet its almost gross...maybe that will help save me in the long run... Taking it slow and careful, but each day gets easier to hit goals.
  3. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Same to you!!! I know! I've been so excited about it - didn't even mind the 2 week liquid too much - but now that it's here, I'm super nervous and questioning... I know it's just my brain playing mean tricks, but man I have the jitters this morning!
  4. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Only thing I thought of is measurements!
  5. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    That is GREAT to hear!! I'm on Thursday!
  6. Glad she was able to give a bit of comfort! Our bodies can do crazy things and you've just thrown a whole lot at it. I'm schedule for surgery this Thursday, so I'm also glad to know the time frame of the first 'go' after.
  7. Always verify with your doc, but I'd imagine during your surgery some blood very likely got into your system and it's got to come out some way. If it persists or you just feel something is off, call your doc and ask.
  8. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    It's surgery week and today is the first time I've really felt any jitters - just overall in general. I imagine it's a control thing because it is manifesting in a drive to get alllllll the things done - complete half done projects, purge the closet, get Christmas started/ready, organize stuff that's been that way for years.... Anyone else feel a sense of nesting before their surgery? Hope everyone that went through surgery last week is doing and feeling good!!
  9. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    I have giggled a few times about your term 'nut walks' earlier! Glad to hear you are doing well!
  10. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    How are you doing so far??
  11. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Welcome - I'm pretty new also. I'm right in the middle of my 2 week liquid diet and it's been ok - I thought it was going to be the absolute worst, but it hasn't been... I think I was finally fed up enough to do whatever it takes. The tools that saved me are an immersion blender, a little bullet blender, and a stir tool (it's a milk frother for coffee, but I don't froth things ) My food staples have been Fairlife 0% fat milk, protein powers (mostly chocolate and vanilla), PB2 powdered peanut butter, blended soup so no chunks (Bean with bacon, cream of chicken, and I made some butternut squash soup), Bare Bones bone broth, sugar free popsicles, Premier clear protein. Most you can order on Amazon. You can do it!
  12. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Big big wishes for all the success!
  13. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    You've got this! Big big wishes for all the success and eeeeeasy recovery!!
  14. CFRS

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Hi all! New to the site. Scheduled for surgery on Nov 1oth in Dallas (I live just north of Dallas) - Super excited and nervous. I'm on day 5 of the 2 week liquid...Sometimes it's way easier than I thought and other times it's way hard (when my brain starts it's madness about what I 'want' or 'deserve') Glad to have others at the same stage as we go through this.
  15. My surgery is scheduled on Nov 10th - Very excited!!

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