Hi guys
I'm in Canada and thinking about getting a band.
I'm 61 years old, 6'3", 295 lbs, BMI about 37.
They have local clinics that do them but its about $16,000.
I'm really reluctant to spend all my savings, but if its going to save my life, I will.
I am an addictive type, having recovered from the typical addictions from the 60's and now battling my current addiction : food.
The local clinic wants me to have a BMI of at least 35. But, I'm planning on going back to the gym and working out to improve my fitness, so that if I DO go into surgery I'll be better able to recover.
So, my dilemma is, do I work out, possibly lose just enough weight to take my BMI too low to qualify, or do I get the surgery and workout after?
I've heard of surgeries in Thailand, India, Costa Rica and Mexico. I'd read the good reviews here of the Mexican places, what about those in the far east?
I'd be glad to hear from any of you with suggestions and comments.