Hello. I went in to my yearly visit to my PCM and she gave me a ref. to Dr. Santiago Horgan at UCSD Center for Obesity. She was happy to hear I have been thinking about Lap band. We discussed Gastric Bypass in the past but she was not into the idea since I have minor hypertension and no other issues. I am 5'5 1/2 and 303 lbs. and have been 275+ for over ten years (overweight my whole life).
I was wondering if anyone could give me the process after this point. The ref. says to call his office next week to make an appt. What happens now and later. I have been reading a lot on this site- but it all gets so confusing. I know I have a BMI of 49 and I am almost 200% over so I am guessing it should not be an issue with approval. We have Tricare Prime. I assumed she would send me to Balboa military hospital but sent me to a private for a consult. Anyone who could give me some insight it would be helpful.
I am really excited if this is something that will happen. I was looking to do it last year out of pocket in Mexico but my husband talked me out of it. Thanks and I am looking forward to becoming one of the many banded soon.
I actually read your story before when I was in the "I think this is for me phase". It was one of the stories that turned "I think" into "I know". Hopefully this will not become a trainwreck. I hope for the best.
If my PCM ref. me to someone, it should be in my network, correct? When I was looking on line with Tricare it said that USCD hospital (which sends a link to the obesity clinic) is in the network but the specific doctor is not. So I was not sure.