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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About rhaenyra

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  1. Yes, this was the most miserable part for me. I didn't hurt near as bad in any of my other incisions from the surgery, but that one hurt like hell and the pain did not go away for several weeks. It made standing up for any period of time uncomfortable from the tugging at the incision and the general discomfort. It does eventually go away though.. but mine took a lot of time (I think it's even worse if you carry most of your weight in your stomach imo)
  2. Put my Apple Watch on for the first time since pre-op yesterday. I used to have to have it on the furthest hole thingy because it’d be too tight otherwise. Put it on and it was way too loose on that same one I used to need. Can hardly believe it.
  3. rhaenyra

    Tailbone found!

    I ended up giving in and ordering a tailbone support butt pillow thing from Amazon. It has gel and it's cooling and it has been working for me. I didn't realize the space where the tailbone sits has to be empty/cut out -- I'm glad I looked it up on there. I'm getting a steroid shot tomorrow (or I guess today since it's the am lol) though for the prior inflammation in my tailbone to help chill it out a bit
  4. I had bought some of the Hello Kitty Forever 21 pajama pants in large as a wishful dream. I received my pair in the mail and held them up like "am I sure she didn't send the kids size??" Tried them on and I was absolutely shocked to find that they fit perfectly and without strangling my legs. I could've actually cried. Add onto that that I also got a pair of Torrid sleep pants in size 0 (sizing down from size 1 because before WLS the 1s could run large especially in the lounge/pajama pants). The 0 was so large on me that I had to reorder a 00. I'm so unbelievably happy and I never thought I'd get here.
  5. rhaenyra

    Tailbone found!

    You're not alone. My tailbone has been screaming at me since my pre-op skim milk diet and hasn't stopped screaming. Sitting on the couch isn't comfortable. I need to find a specialized support pillow or something because it hurts pretty bad. I WISH I had some cushion on my rear. Lol
  6. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    I officially started phase 3 of eating today and I started with some of my favorite mongolian BBQ chicken and rice from my favorite Thai place in a very small portion with the chicken cut up into very small pieces. I also didn't want to miss the McRib (it leaves "forever" the 20th lol) so I got it without a bun and cut it in half and then ate half of it cut up really small. I'm having a really good time progressing on foods. Aside from a hiccup where I got sick and vomited up turkey (I shouldn't have ate it during pureed though, I jumped the gun and messed up because we were doing early Thanksgiving and I thought I'd be fine), everything has been fine for me. But what's really crazy is I am officially down 62 pounds. I can hardly believe it. I'm only a month out from my surgery! Albeit, let me add, I was down about 24 pounds before my surgery so I'm really technically down an extra 38 pounds post-op. But it feels so great because I am lower than the weight I was at the beginning of 2020. I can tell I've lost weight in my face and legs at the minimum, but my mother has made multiple comments about how different I look and how much weight I've lost but I keep finding it hard to believe lol. It's those body image issues -- only really hit home I really am losing when I saw my weight yesterday at the doctor's office on the scale. So excited to be on the soft mechanical phase, cannot wait to eat my Sunday chicken dinner. I miss moist chicken soooo much. Wishing everybody good luck and in case I'm not around by next week, happy Thanksgiving to you!
  7. rhaenyra

    Covid Testing Prior to surgery

    Yes. I just had my surgery October 20th and I was required to get a COVID test both for my endoscopy prior to my sleeve and then another COVID test right before my procedure.
  8. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    It kind of feels nice to be transitioning into other phases with other people who understand. I started pureed foods on the 3rd. It's been a bit harder both because I want real food (namely chicken lol) and because I feel a lot more of that really overly full feeling on this phase. When I was on liquids, I didn't really have the pressure on my breastbone that they talk about. But on pureed, it has been pressing and not long after I start eating stuff. It sucks. I've even had to stay up later at night to wait for my food to empty a bit because I couldn't take my nighttime meds (that I take in protein shake) because I felt so full. I've decided to swap out one of my meals to just soup daily - and it'll likely be my evening one so I can take my medications. I can't wait until the next phase... counting down. It's gonna suck watching my family members eat turkey and gravy in front of me this weekend though lol (we're having an early Thanksgiving since a family friend is flying in to celebrate). Question for those in here though - were you allowed to have scrambled eggs during pureed? Everywhere I read online (doctor's offices, universities, etc) say you can, but my PA was staunch on no eggs unless they're pureed -- which is disgusting lol. I wanted to know if anyone else is eating them or has eaten them during pureed.
  9. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    Thank you for your never-ending kindness, your replies have made it easier to get through this past weekend! I ended up calling the on call number and once a nurse called back after hearing what I was going through, I ended having to go to the ER. They gave me a bunch of fluids and a few medications through IV in the ER and I was there all day into the evening. They did a scan on me to make sure I didn't have a stricture and that came back clear. They sent me home and said if I was still struggling to keep stuff down I'd have to come back the next day to the ER to get more fluids and then my doctor would be in on Monday. They also sent me home with the nausea suppositories you mentioned and it has made a world of difference - no clue why the oral Zofran or the nausea patch didn't work at all for me. I'm happy to report things have looked up for me since my ER visit, I only dry heaved once while in the ER and it was when they administered the pain med (dilaudid or however you spell it). So because of that, I have literally been on zilch for pain meds since I was discharged from the hospital because I get nervous about dry heaving again - so I've been just existing with lots of pain, RIP. I started eating tomato soup with skim milk and that has helped my hunger and getting through the day. Here's hoping the incision pain gets better over time. I hope you're doing well!
  10. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    Thank you so much for the kindness. I ended up speaking waaaaayyy too soon. The last 12+ hours have been miserable. I was discharged from the hospital last night and I’ve dry heaved/vomited three times. The first one I can explain away because I took my pain med on a practically empty stomach without protein (which I didn’t know I shouldn’t do until after the fact), but the other two there’s no rhyme or reason to them. I’m not even taking any medications because I keep getting nauseous / dry heaving — except for the nausea patch behind my ear (which clearly isn’t doing anything for me), Zofran, and the Prilosec. I know for a fact I’m not drinking near enough between my fear of vomiting and then the fact I am (TMI) spitting up bile and some of my liquid the last two dry heaves. Worried I’m gonna end up back in the hospital at this rate. Also sucks that I’m heaving because I can’t take any pain meds to ease my pain — though most of my pain is when I get up and down or bend more than anything
  11. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    First day post op for me and I’m really pleasantly surprised. I know when I go home the pain might be worse but so far so good. Aside from my aforementioned issue with not being able to pee at first (and the threat of a catheter looming over me) along with the occasional pain when I get up and down, I actually don’t feel too terrible. All of my meds are liquids though and they haven’t been super fun to get down at first. Especially with the sizes, tastes (not all so good), and frequency of them - and only having water to drink at first so no ability to clear out the taste. Had some nausea on my first round of liquid Tylenol but thankfully it passed and I’m doing okay since with the rest of them. I’m already really glad I did this. And even more glad because I lost 25 pounds pre-op and I found out when getting ready for surgery 😊
  12. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    It ended up working for me (and was not that bad!) and has helped with pain exponentially. I only hurt a little bit after I woke up and they gave me something through my IV to help, and since then I mainly only hurt when I have to get up and then lay back down. Only thing that sucks is it numbed me a bit down so I struggled peeing because I couldn’t feel it. I finally went a couple of hours ago this morning, glad I did as they were about to give me a catheter and that’s probably one of my worst nightmares lol.
  13. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    I'm not sure if everyone does it, but they have an optional spinal injection to help with pain management post-op. It has been highly recommended and I intend to do it, but nervous about doing a shot in my spine / how much that'll hurt Unfortunately, I'm not that lucky. Mine is a nerve block shot in the spine while I'm awake. I have to be awake for it because I have to be hunched over a bit I guess while sitting up. Hence my dread lol. I'm glad to hear it helped with the pain though!
  14. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    My surgery is tomorrow and i'm so nervous. I'm not necessarily anxious about doing it as I'm ready, but I'm more concerned about how brutal the recovery will be. I'm also nervous for the spine injection I have to get done while awake, but I know it's supposed to help exponentially with the pain.
  15. rhaenyra

    October 2022 surgery support

    Your post is extremely helpful, thank you so much! I can't swallow pills so it helps a lot to find alternatives for the vitamins post-op. Especially since the doctor's office I go to only has a swallowable pill version, no dissolvable or chewable version.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
