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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NP_WIP

  1. NP_WIP

    Shakes with clumps

    I use the blender bottle when using powdered shakes too, then add to the blender if adding fruit. Every time I open a bottle I'm always looking out for this lol, have not had any issues with the flavors I get.
  2. NP_WIP

    Food Boredom

    Completely agree, everyone's situation and journey are different, and we have to be respectful of everyone's story. I understand where the OP is coming from when saying she did not have a love affair with food, neither did I. I ate because people told me I should be eating at certain intervals, or certain quantities even when not hungry, which ultimately led me to not understand my hunger/full cues and eating out of habit instead. I didn't enjoy eating unless I was trying different things which became eating out more often etc. Not everyone who is obese is thinking about food 24/7 or using food as a coping mechanism.
  3. NP_WIP

    Just had surgery 2/14

    I felt like that when twisting for about a week, but that was the main discomfort I felt, aside from getting up from the couch the first few times. It does get better, stay hydrated that helps with bowel movements and you can try stool softener if needed. My incisions were glued, most were coming off by the 4th week because unintentional rubbing with clothes, others I started picking at them have some ocd tendencies lol, do not recommend, scarring its rougher in those.
  4. NP_WIP

    Food Boredom

    I feel like that now, I have stress from all parts of life and when I have to think of food nothing interests me, plus I'm cooking for 3 diff dietary needs right now. I have been surviving on baby bel cheese, avocado and tilapia this week, hopefully things will get better after next week so I can dedicate the time to meal planning.
  5. I will suggest staying away from the scale, just do once a week, and if you see no changes, do every 2 weeks. It is common for people to have stalls and fluctuation in the weight due to water retention etc. I would weight myself more often in the beginning but realized the pressure I was putting myself on so moved to twice a week or once a week and I have not seen any stalls and I concentrate on the whole picture not just on one week, otherwise I tend to have obsessive behavior with my intake.
  6. NP_WIP

    Recovery TImes / Back to work

    I work from home, had surgery 11/22/2022 on Tuesday and was working on Monday 11/28/2022. My worst day were Friday and Saturday prior to starting to work, by Monday I wasn't taking any pain killers, and was doing decently with my liquids which I prioritize the first week and then moved to prioritizing protein. I personally didn't feel tired but was ready to take breaks if needed and to do 6hrs instead of the usual 8-10. I lined up the medicine cups to have 1oz of water every 15 minutes and got up every hour to walk to the bathroom even if I didn't need to go just to get moving.
  7. NP_WIP

    Why so many sleeves

    I chose sleeve because I personally did not want any rerouting, I was self paid and thought it was safer to do the sleeve and I like having the option down the line should something happen.
  8. NP_WIP

    Liquid diet

    I originally bought slim fast, and had to return, horrible after taste. With Premier I have tried and liked Vanilla Cake Batter, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate and Caramel. My sister loves the Latte one, but I haven't tried it yet. I found they tasted good and when I was tired, I heated the chocolate as hot cocoa and it was good, and fyi I do not even like chocolate lol.
  9. NP_WIP

    Documenting your journey

    I have a wellness log, where I try to put in the exercise and food I will have for the week, groceries list etc. You set up goals for the month and write other things that will help you achieve those goals, so I have been putting a picture at the beginning of each month along with my measurements and weight to keep track of it. I also kept one pair of jeans from when I did my consultation with the surgeon to remind me of the journey and do that picture at 1 year. I have seen others do the picture on the same door and in the frame, you can really tell the difference in those.
  10. NP_WIP

    Skeptical spouse

    I agree take her with you, sometimes they need to hear it from a professional. My husband didn't like the idea until I did my research and told him I was doing a consultation. Once I explained the pros he was onboard.
  11. I have no pictures but on pureed/soft I mainly had greek yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, hummus, chili, ground turkey and chicken which were allowed in this stage for me.
  12. Agree that the liquid diet is not for weight loss but for safety. That thought alone allowed me to do it, I did not want any complications or worse to be opened up and closed back up because of the liver size, I saw some videos on YouTube that made it easier to stick it through. I was allowed a lean dinner, maybe they can let you have that?
  13. As everyone has said stick to your plan and try not to compare yourself to others. All surgeons have different plans, and you will see the most weight loss from those that were on a liquid diet for longer periods. For example, my sister had the sleeve done in April and I in November, her weight loss is higher than mine at 3 months post op even though she was 215 at the time of surgery and I was 268, but she was on liquids for a full month, pureed for 2 weeks and softs for 2 weeks. I was allowed pureed food 10 days post op. We can see how much weight someone has lost but everyone's journey is different. Know that if you do what you are supposed to be doing and put the effort in, you will lose the weight.
  14. NP_WIP

    Premier Protein Shakes

    Some people do develop lactose intolerance after the surgery. I did get the film feeling preop but after it was fine and I can still have them today, I do switch up the flavors not to get bored. I also use the Elite which has 42g of protein in one bottle but have only found chocolate when I have one of those it is so much easier to reach that protein goal.
  15. NP_WIP

    Vacation tips

    I have been on 3 trips since my surgery at the end of November, I always bring powdered protein shake usually unflavored and some fruit one to mix with crystal light. I do take some premier shakes, you can pass them through security and they will do an extra screening, have not had an issue with them, only once they asked and I told them I recently had surgery but they will assume you are diabetic. Once at location I purchased baby bel cheese and greek yogurt to supplement with the shakes and the rest of the meals were just sharing an appetizer or splitting a meal and taking leftovers for the next day.
  16. NP_WIP

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Officially 11 weeks, so excited for my upcoming 3 month appointment, I know the Doc goes over important info for going forward and expectations. Yesterday was a day that I was having lots of head hunger, my hormones are going nuts having a period every 12 to 14 days, I'm not going to weight myself until the day before my appointment since I tend to get swollen ankles when having pms. I guess having multiple periods is better than going 8+ months without one [emoji57] Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. NP_WIP

    Tips for pre-op diet?

    I didn't feel the need to be near the bathroom my bowel movements were the same, and I may have peed once or twice more than usual. I did not feel hungry, I was having 3 shakes a day and chicken breast with brocoli or cucumber for dinner. The first day was easy, the second was hard, but then it became a habit since I had my dinner ready and would look forward to it. Also, when I got wild thoughts, I kept thinking if I did not do it correctly something could happen during surgery, that kept me in line especially when I had to cook for dinner parties, didn't even taste the food lol Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. NP_WIP

    Dental issues?

    Not sure how the surgery affects teeth down the line, but understand your frustation, I have been having similar issues since puberty. My mom has dentures from her early 20s, and I have 3 implants from when I turn 18, had a bridge, braces, some chains attached to my braces (I know lol), had to get 2 bone grafts because my jaw bone was not enough and had to eventually get a gum graft because of my receding gums, multiple root canals, etc. Not sure if you have insurance or not, I do not but have Dental Plans, it reduces your dentist fee up to 80% and you pay about $90 per year. You can use this to cover the fee or the portion your insurance does not cover. Good luck Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Try the unflavored protein, protein waters or Gatorade zero protein and the Isopure fruit protein mixes. The protein waters and fruit mixes have a chemically after taste, but if you use some crystal light and mix it in, it tastes better.
  20. You can try mixing in the unflavored Isopure shake with the premier and a little bit of milk, it will make it less sweet and amp up the protein in it.
  21. NP_WIP

    Carbonated Beer

    Carbonation is off limits for me, but I did try non-alcoholic sparkling wine and I was able to tolerate it very very slowly. My sister had the sleeve earlier last year and 3 months out she was having beer, nursing it for a few hours but now she can do 2 small ones comfortably.
  22. NP_WIP

    4 days postop! ~ ♡

    Almost 11 weeks. The nurse did tell us if we had any issues to use a stool softener and make sure we are hitting our fluids. Some from my support group do a suppository when things do not move for a while.
  23. NP_WIP


    Hi KCuster83, sorry to hear you are going through this. When I started birth control after surgery I started with my old one, but notice how nauseous and anxious it made me, two weeks later I decided to try a progestin only, which is night and day. Hopefully you can find something that works better for you.
  24. Have to agree, you find more negative information because people are looking for advice and support from someone who may have experienced it. Barely you see, aside from some golden members from here, those that keep the new ones updated on their progress.
  25. I have to agree most are short lived, the only ones I tuned into once in a while is No Guts No Glory and Our Sleeved Life, though I do wish they will focus more on the actual bariatric journey etc.

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