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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NP_WIP

  1. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    Oh great, I was waiting for 1 month post op before starting anything other than walking. But I also only have the lifting restriction until week 5 or 6 depending. I do still feel that sore muscle when bending but my surgical glue is coming out of the side incisions since I sleep on my side.
  2. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    Happy my soft phase is over this week, was feeling a little bored with food even though I was having different things, but I guess it was the cooking method and textured. Found my sweet spot with food portion, I can have between 1oz to 2oz, but once I go a little over 1.5oz, I start the cues. So now my left overs are 1.25oz which I know I will be satisfied with. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    I love HIIT, you were already cleared for it? Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. NP_WIP

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Have you tried adding some calories? I was the same weight for a few days but once I added 50-100 calories a day, it moved Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. I'm right there with you. One of the things that had me scared was loose skin, but there is a world of things to make you look better out there that I'm not afraid to use.
  6. I feel like I look less bloated all over, hadn't realize I had a back hump till I compare them now. I was using shein since they are cheap when I needed a top for a work event or a birthday, I was using 3x in their clothing and today I tried a 2x that fit big, and the 1x fit nicely. Most tops are looser, or they are longer, my jeans/undies are baggier. Can't wait till I fit in the dreaded too small closet.
  7. NP_WIP

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    😆 They do say to concentrate on your eating so sounds right to me. I try to pace myself by looking at my phone and that is not working. The last few days have been better though, and I almost hit my water goal yesterday. Have my regular appt on Friday with my primary, let see how that blood work is.
  8. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    Make sure you are having your protein and your liquids and try to squish some walking in your routine. I found it hard to drink the first few days, but I made sure I was drinking at least 1oz more each day still can't hit 64oz, but my doc said as long as I hit 32-40oz and use the restroom 4 times a day, I will not get dehydrated.
  9. NP_WIP

    Hitting goal

    Congratulations and thank you for being an inspiration! Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. My team has never mentioned goal weight but has spoken about the average weight loss with the surgery. I originally picked 180 but figured if I'm making this change, I was going all in to 160, this was my weight since from 11 to 28, and I felt comfortable, just needed to tone. I ran into a video that said your goal weight should be 20 lbs above your normal weight which ended up being 160 so that worked out. I know there is a possibility I will not hit it but I will be okay with 180. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    It definitely has been better, at first, I was taking too long but found a medium, hope I don't forget in a couple of days.
  12. NP_WIP

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Was running low on my protein shake, which the only one I have had post-surgery is premier chocolate and I do not even like chocolate but find it good. I reordered the caramel which I found good before and the chocolate peanut butter which is delicious like a butter finger or resees cup. I will be taking a few for my holiday vacation. Last night I had a slice of ham too fast and just sat on the back of my throat, granted yesterday was a day I was eating everything fast so that did not help. Today is a new day and I'm making sure I take smaller bites and chew chew chew. My weight has fluctuated a bit, but it has moved I think is the hormones (dry skin anyone) and the fact I took some stool softener too.
  13. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    Was running low on my protein shake, which the only one I have had post-surgery is premier chocolate and I do not even like chocolate but find it good. I reordered the caramel which I found good before and the chocolate peanut butter which is delicious like a butter finger or resees cup. I will be taking a few for my holiday vacation. Last night I had a slice of ham too fast and just sat on the back of my throat, granted yesterday was a day I was eating everything fast so that did not help. Today is a new day and I'm making sure I take smaller bites and chew chew chew. My weight has fluctuated a bit, but it has moved I think is the hormones (dry skin anyone) and the fact I took some stool softener too.
  14. NP_WIP

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Have you tried adding more calories? I thought I was hitting my first stall and without realizing was adding 50 calories per day, and after 3 days lost a pound. I have been doing good with food, not yet at 64oz of fluids, especially with the 30 min rule, that really becomes 1.5hrs without drinking a couple of times a day. Starting a walking routine tomorrow since I will be starting week 3, have a conference for 3 days so during the day would not walk much, hoping that will distract the 3 week stall. Either way will start weekly weigh ins after Tuesday. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. NP_WIP

    I did it!!! I lost 100 pounds!!!!

    Congratulations!! Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. NP_WIP

    5day Gastric Sleeve Post op

    More than craving, it was habit of eating, but that was gone by week 1. I still have leg cramps and tingling, I used to get them occasionally before surgery and sciatica pain, but it got worse since I was sitting and sleeping in the same position for a week. I use the heat pad before bed and when I walk a little more I only get it once or twice in the night time. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. NP_WIP

    Am I overreacting

    I feel your pain and commend you for actually involving her in your process. I took the easy way out and just did not tell my mom even though she lives with me. She stills try to see what I eat but I have a different eating schedule so she only sees my snacks. Keep following your program and remember your why, and maybe remind her too, if she wants to be a part of the process. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. I'm going on vacation for Christmas, and I will one month the day I fly. I bought a water bottle that is easier to carry around and has a time stamp. I will be taking some protein powder because I need at least one shake a day to meet the minimum requirement. I do not plan on drinking alcohol or anything aside from water or eating any carbs, so I will just eat whatever protein is being cooked where I visit and will snack on deli meat and cheese if needed. I would not lie, I do not care about the alcohol but some of the food that are customary during this time in my country will be missed, not because I really want them but more because it's a cultural thing.
  19. I paid for my surgery, but knew I was investing in my health and it will make up for it. So far our grocery trip is lasting almost 3 weeks and if I wanted I can make it to the month, since I can't have produce/fruits yet, and 1lb of protein is good for 10 meals, so I'm freezing some portions and my husband is eating from the protein I make. My blood pressure med is back to 5mg so my prescription of 3 months is going to last 6, have not been out to eat since Oct and even then I had started to only eat half of my portion and taking the rest home. I stopped drinking few weeks before surgery so we no longer have 2 boxes of beer in the pantry, no unhealthy snacks, or bread that goes bad. On the other side, my self esteem is coming back awd with that the wanting to shop lol but I have some clothes that do not fit and are new that I will wear till I hit the 100s, will mainly need bottoms, but once goal weight is hit, all bets are off [emoji1787] Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Welcome, glad to hear you had your surgery and hope everything is going well. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. Hi Alicia, I had surgery on 11/22, I can also tell easily when hungry, but the first time I had food had trouble telling apart from digestion or fullness so I took it really slow. What you are feeling means you ate too much, you want to eat until you are satified but not stuffed. I'm allowed to eat 1 to 2oz, once I hit 1oz I take a few min break and see if I still want more and do the same at 1.5oz. If still hungry consumed the full 2oz but if I start feeling the food is slowing down when going down I stop. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    We have what the doctor calls a boot camp, I try to stick to it as much as I can but essentially is get up have a hot drink, breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up, which is now an egg bite with hummus or some protein shake, then every 2.5hrs to 3 alternate between protein shake, lunch, protein shake and dinner. Meals should only take 30mins so it is whatever I can eat in that time. I have a premier shake which is 30g, I add water and the unflavored protein to make it closer to 40g and split that within the 2 protein shakes I will have in a day. Lunch and dinner are basically the same (tuna/crab salad/ground turkey) and at most 2oz. Then is sipping water all day, I start the moment I open my eyes in bed, even drink throughout the night. Take the bottle to the bathroom and make sure I sip ever 5 to 10 min. Last night I stayed up 30 min just to finish my last 2 ounces 🤣 but he said that as long as I'm getting 40oz I'm doing good, since my program does only count protein shakes as half the liquid.
  23. NP_WIP

    November 2022 surgery support!

    Had my 2 week follow up, everything is going great. I have to start my gall bladder medicine today and in 2 weeks my B12 injections. Everything I have had to eat has settled good, and I'm consistently drinking 50-55oz which he said was good. I have not been doing much activity, I figured I will start when the dreaded 3-week stall comes around and that will trick it lol, let's see if that works lol
  24. NP_WIP

    November 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Had my 2 week follow up, everything is going great. I have to start my gall bladder medicine today and in 2 weeks my B12 injections. Everything I have had to eat has settled good, and I'm consistently drinking 50oz which he said was good. I have not been doing much activity, I figured I will start when the dreaded 3-week stall comes around and that will trick it lol, let's see if that works lol
  25. NP_WIP

    Gas problems and binder.

    I did not get a binder but did hold my belly with a pillow when getting in and out of bed, coughing and sitting. Held with my hand when walking and laughing. Gas pains for me were gone in 2 days, any discomfort at week 1. Now at week 2, I sleep on my sides, can bend kind of easily and only have discomfort if I twist too much Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
