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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by leapfrog0506

  1. OMG how well I can relate. I was told by my husband I was being antisocial because I wasn't sitting in the kitchen with everyone as they were chatting and eating. I just removed myself from temptation and went into the living room with my two boys and watched television. I explained to him how hard it was for me to be in there and he understood. I am guessing everyone else did too but if not oh well. I was one of the one's that gained 3 pounds from post op appt to 1 mo follow up....but I have now (as per my scale) lost 11 pounds since that "slap in the face reality check" first fill which was on December 10th (little over 2 weeks ago). So I feel avoiding the situation helped a little. And now I know if I cheat even a little that is 15 extra minutes on the eliptical just to work off that bit of calories.....not worth the extra time....LOL

    Good luck to everyone and stay focused.....we have all proven we can do this. Good luck in the New Year to the New YOU!

  2. I am very thankful my insurance paid 50% of what is allowed. My total out of pocket expense for surgeon, OR, and anethiesia was a little less than $1000. I did however see the bill that was sent to insurance and about fainted myself. Being that I do insurance for a living I knew that insurance NEVER pays the full amount that the provider bills, if they are contracted with the insurance company. The hospital portion itself was $72,000 (give or take) I paid $100 outpatient copay.....insurance paid a little over $22,000 for that part. However, since my insurance policy states this procedure is only payable at 50% of the allowed amount for the surgeon and anethesia, I thought I was going to have to pay around $5,000 to $8,000 out of pocket....but to my surprise NO. The surgeon billed insurance a little over $7,000 which BCBS AL only allowed $1,078 for the banding procedure itself.....I pay $539.00 and insurance paid $539.00. Also, since I had to have a heital hernia repair he billed for that as well around $2,300 and it paid the whole amount for that. My portion of anethesia is $326.00 insurance only paid 50% of that as well.

    So all in all I think I came out so much better than I thought....and worth every damn penny. When I saw these statements from the insurance company I was pretty pleased. Like I said I thought I would be coming off a lot more than that. So this was a GREAT Christmas present to myself!

    Merry Christmas EVERYONE.....

    good luck on your journey and

    great food choices during the holiday season.

  3. I had my first fill today and it was painless as well. About the only thing that stung even a little bit was the second poke of the numbing medicine. The nurse felt around for the port and wanted to make double sure of the location and was going to send me for a flouroscope *sp*. That ended up not happening....when the doc came in he found it no problem. One stick he was in and I was asked to drink a little Water and off I went back to work. PAINLESS....and he said the first one is sometimes the only one that can be tricky. I got 1.5cc so I now have 3.5cc....I wish he would have given more at least until I felt some restriction. From what I understand I have a 15cc band so you can imagine 3.5 in a 15. He said it usually takes 2-3 fills for good restriction, I don't know if he just takes a conservative route or what....but I love the doctor...he is absolutely wonderful.

  4. I had one (or shall I say a couple) of those cry days as well. I had one of those days around day 4 after my surgery. But it was a weird kind of cry....one where I told my husband Thank you for loving me thick and thicker...LOL I have had a few angry days (at work especially). People expect you to bounce right back (since you are at work) but sometimes you have to ease yourself back into it. I went back to work on the Friday before Thanksgiving which gave me Friday at work to get some things accomplished. Then I had a weekend to recuperate from that day. By Monday I was about 85%, only because I caught some kind of cold/allergy/flu crap they decided to give me at the office (everyone was sick while I was gone as well). My doctor (that I work for) said my immune system will be in turmoil for a little bit (good excuse for getting me sick). The backache was worse at work because I couldn't stretch out in the recliner or bed like I could at home while out of work.

    It should subside...good luck....and congrats.

  5. Thank you Thank you Thank you...I am glad I am not crazy. I keep telling my husband about this feeling and he just looks at me like "Oooookay". LOL I don't think my band is too tight as I don't have much restriction right now. I do go get my first fill tomorrow. It may be the way I sleep. I sleep half on my right side and half on my stomach. I haven't gotten the courage to sleep on my left side yet (as my kids say that is Port side...not Starburt *sp* side..LOL).

    I don't go to bed on a full stomach (eat too early for that) so I don't think that is it...I make sure I eat early enough I can drink a cup of milk before going to bed each night(nighttime routine). I could be just sensitive or it could be the way I sleep at night. And I am just Thankful it does go away and does not stick around. No problems eating or drinking. Don't eat Breakfast anymore I just down a Protein Shake to make sure I get all my Protein for the day but the sensation is not the reason for doing the protein shake at breakfast. I just find that I am not hungry enough to eat in the morning....never have been a breakfast person anyways. Although I love breakfast for supper.

    Thanks for the replies so far....keep 'em coming.

  6. Well I am thinking it is where I am banded....either the bottom of the esophagus or stomach. It is hard to explain exactly where it is. Nothing to do with heart....LOL It is just a really strange feeling....it doesn't hurt and it doesn't stick around.....it is just weird. I have an appt for my fill on Wednesday and I am going to ask the doc about it but just thought I would see if anyone else has had it.


  7. Okay I know this is a weird question, but I will ask anyways...LOL I was banded Nov 13th...so that makes me almost 4 weeks post op.

    On to the feeling I am having. Every morning when I get up (once the alarm goes off) while I am tossing and hitting the snooze button, I am getting this weird "squeezing" sensation. It is very hard to explain but IF you had it you would know it. It is not something that is painful or bothersome, just weird and I can't figure out for the life of me what it is. It is only happening in the morning after I have laid down through the night. Maybe it is a spasm?????

    I emailed the Bariatric Coordinator since she has also had the LapBand and she hasn't had this sensation. So, I thought for my first question on the site that I would see if anyone else could fill me in.......PLEASE tell me I am not the only one....:angry_smile:

  8. Went for post op appt with Dr. Robbins today. Had my surgery last Thursday....doc said everything looked good I was doing great. I have now lost a total of 42 pounds that includes pre op diets, etc., although my ins did not require me to do the six month diet. So from August 13 to November 20 I am now 42 pounds liighter.....ahhhhhhh! I was just too excited I could hardly sit on the table. My husband and I had a bet he thought about 10 pounds I said 8....what was so funny is that he was jumping around and was more excited than me at first....LOL He is so very supportive and helps keep me motivated. He has tried and tried to get me to go to the gym with him for years now. He works out, eats right, and lift weights because he doesn't want to have the same health problems as his parents...but I just made a PROMISE to him that when I hit 250 I WILL GO TO THE GYM WITH HIM (to me all I ever see go in and out of there are women that are there to meet men).....I will go back and get a fill and see the doc on Dec 10th...I asked about how bad the first fill was he said he will numb me up real good. THANK GOD! Just wanted to share. THANKS


  9. This is my first post, however, I have been reading all the info since I decided to have the lapband surgery. I had my surgery November 13th and am feeling absolutely wonderful. I go see my doctor for post op follow up tomorrow and have never actually EVER been excited about going to the doctor as I am tomorrow. The surgery was so much easier than I thought it would be...in regards to pain, etc. I was asleep off and on the first day (no bad pain) once I got home. My doctor does the procedure as outpatient so was home by 1pm the same day. Overall started feeling like myself by Saturday and have been on the go ever since. I have not returned to work as I am taking all the time that is due to me (I am never sick so I have plenty of sick leave). I will return to work on Friday for a half day and then a few days next week before we out off for Thanksgiving. I made sure I had the most time off work possible....LOL.

    I decided myself to stop eating bread beginning September 1st and I believe it was the best idea for me. It made the 30grams max of carbs daily for two weeks before surgery a breeze. I had to do the liquid diet 2 days prior (the thought of that I was thinking was going to kill me but it was much easier than thought). I made sure apologized to EVERYONE in the office in advance if I were to snap or be ugly to them while on the liquid phase. After surgery (4 days) it was Clear Liquids only..that wasn't bad either. I still have not been hungry but I did get to go to foods on Monday. A one egg omelett with 2% cheese slice, diced mushrooms, and a little turkey dices make for a wonderful Breakfast. I have had a little Soup and it all seems to do okay. I have this fear of things getting stuck. And I don't know when I am full yet so I just eat a small portion as I am too scared to gain any of the weight back. I worked to hard to get off what I did on my own to gain it right back as usual.

    I want to thank everyone for sharing all their stories and even their problems with lapband and they help someone like me who continuously researches this stuff. Knowing I am not the only one with the severly excrutiating pain in my shoulder is good to know. I did find that heat helps it...I tend to have it twice a day (AM when getting up and late in the afternoon).

    Haven't seen anyone from Southeast Alabama area on here yet...so if you are from around SE Alabama let me know.

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