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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Patti703

  1. I'm scheduled to have my lap-band removed. After struggling with pain for the past 4 1/2 years, and minor weight loss (30 pounds), I am ready to say goodbye to the band. When I got banded in 2008, I had all good intentions. Follow up with the doctor, follow the diet guidelines, and get support through classes. I tried to find the sweet spot. After being filled, unfilled, refilled, there was never any sweet spot. In fact, with the band unfilled, I still have restriction, and pain. The pain is centered in my chest, and feels like someone is standing on my sternum when I wake up in the morning. The band has my stomach so irritated, I cannot eat eggs in the morning, and must stick to liquids. Any vegetables I eat must be heavily steamed. And if I'm in a social situation, and take a bite of food without chewing thoroughly, I will throw it up. Even the most unlikely foods (like Japanese seaweed salad) reacts with my band. Rice? Forget it. Steak? Nope. How about a chilean sea bass? It's not tolerated. This is no way to live life. I am tired of the burping. I'm tired of the pain. So, enough is enough, and the band is coming out. Yes, I know it's a tool, and not the answer to my weight loss, but it was a tool that hurt more than it helped. Wish me luck. Out it comes next week.
  2. It's out! I had the band removed last week. The surgery went fine, and I took 3 days off of work. A big help is using a pillow to press against my stomach when I sit or stand up. The day after the removal, I stuck to liquids and moved to soft food the next day. I find it best to bring my own lunch to work now so I have no gastric upset. It's good to have a bland, low fat, non-greasy food while healing. I love being able to eat and not feel like belching or vomiting. Good luck everyone.
  3. Thanks for the well wishes. The band is gone, and I'm recovering from the surgery. I can tell this was the right decision because I can take deep breaths again, and no longer feel the foreign object in my chest. Best of luck to everyone on your journey. I'm going to take the holistic approach now, before considering surgery again. Take care, Patti
  4. Thanks for the words of encouragement. This is a LapBand AP system. Thursday's the day it comes out. If anyone has converted to a gastric sleeve, I'd be interested in hearing your story.
  5. Patti703

    Giving Up On The Band

    Thanks for the responses. I did meet with a nutritionist recently for some tips, and I have an appointment next week with a new bariatric doctor. I need to read up on how to live with this band before making any drastic decisions. Does anyone recommend any good books for post-band living?
  6. Patti703

    Giving Up On The Band

    It's been over three years since getting my band. Original weight was 274 and today i am 247. I am not happy with the results and feel I have done nothing but fight with this band. I have had numerous fills and unfills. Currently I at 1cc. Certain foods do not react well with me, and I find it easier to eat mushy food. Last week at a party i had one bit of stew beef. I immediately felt stuck and my band was swollen for four days. I am so disgusted. It was a social occasion, and i was enjoying conversation. By sticking this one inch cube of beef into my mouth, and not chewing well, i had four days of pain to deal with afterwards. I am going to see a different bariatric surgeon about getting a gastric sleeve. I don't want to spend the rest of my life on mush and getting slimed.
  7. I am completely discouraged. I have gained 12 pounds since May. After my surgery, three years ago,I started losing weight right away and got down 45 pounds. Then, I had to have hernia surgery 4 months later, and the weight loss stopped. Over the past three years, I have been filled, unfilled, never finding that "sweet spot". The latest news is my band is partially filled. It had been unfilled in July when I was living with a too tight band since last May's fill. A couple weeks ago, I had a partial fill, though the doctor said it wasn't a "theraputic restriction' and he didn't want me to be miserable. I'm tired of this lapband yo-yo. I paid over $16,000 for this band, and it has not been a success for me. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  8. Patti703

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Everyone! It's been almost 4 months for me since the lapband surgery and I'm down 32 pounds. I developed a hernia since then, and surgery this past Friday to correct it. The anesthesia kicked my butt! I was so intensely sick, I was miserable. Now I'm in a binder to keep my belly from flopping around, and I go for a post-visit next week. That's when I'll be getting my second fill. I can tell that I can eat more than usual, and the weight loss has been slowing down. Happy Holidays to everyone. Patti
  9. Patti703

    down 32 pounds, but now have a hernia!

    :thumbup: I have a hernia the size of a small grapefruit above my navel...and need to go in for surgery next week.
  10. Patti703

    down 32 pounds, but now have a hernia!

    I think it's from the LB. I had gallbladder surgery last hear, and the hernia is not hear the GB incisions....but the LB incision near my belly button.
  11. Patti703

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    I was born at the Faulkner Hospital.
  12. Patti703

    Hair loss

    I noticed my hair is thinner too... but I associated it with menopause.
  13. Patti703

    down 32 pounds, but now have a hernia!

    :biggrin: I have a hernia the size of a small grapefruit above my navel...and need to go in for surgery next week.
  14. Patti703

    20 days post band

    Yesterday was a bad day. I decided to try eating a tuna salad sandwich for the first time. Bad news! I immediately had chest pain and it lingered for 8 hours!!! Today I'm back on mushies. I guess I can't tolerate bread!
  15. That makes a lot of sense. Yes, bread does expand in water, and it certainly made me feel expanded. How miserable.
  16. Patti703

    20 days post band

    Yesterday was a bad day. I decided to try eating a tuna salad sandwich for the first time. Bad news! I immediately had chest pain and it lingered for 8 hours!!! Today I'm back on mushies. I guess I can't tolerate bread!
  17. Patti703

    I'm here to help...

    When I had my pre-op testing done, it was discovered I had a bad gallbladder, and had to have it removed. My gallstone was the size of a small golf ball! After the surgery, I felt better. My appetite was normal. If your appetite is out of control, I'd talk to you doctor, and also try to eat foods that are lower in fat. Hope you start feeling better. Patti banded 8-22-08
  18. It's been tough. I'm in the soft food stage, and have gained a few pounds since the initial liquid diet. Some days I've felt down, or had a painful day. The doctor said it's because of the healing taking place from the various incisions. I've had quick sharp pains. Today I attempted eating a tuna sandwich. Bad news. It sat like a lump in my chest. It took several hours before I felt better. It was the first time I had tried eating bread. I'm not going to repeat this mistake again. How have you been feeling? :omg_smile:
  19. Thanks for the info. I'm having the same problem.
  20. :frown:I'm struggling with the soft food diet. I am eating way too much food. I can easily eat over a cup of food and don't feel the restrictions as I did last week. My weight loss has actually stopped and I gained 2 pounds. It's been only 15 days since my operation.
  21. Patti703

    Struggling - Banded 8-22-08, eating too much!!!

    Thanks for the pep talk. Today I just got out of the house and visited some big department stores. I didn't buy anything, just walked and walked. I really feel this is like hell, and hope it will pass. My doctor did give me a meal plan which I'm sticking too. Low fat cottage cheese, stoffers spinach souffle, lots of water. It's just hard to get those protein drinks down.
  22. Patti703

    Banded August 22

    Hi folks! I was banded on August 22. I was really good on the pre-op diet, and lost 12 pounds by the surgery date. Everything went well, and now I'm 12 days post-lapband. Some problems I experienced during the first week were Shrek-like burps. I would have my liquid diet meal, and about an hour later feel something like a vulcano rumbling in my gut. It made me feel a little queasy, so I'd walk up and down my stairs to get things moving. Finally, I would let go a burp so loud and long it would win the admiration of many teenage boys. Real gross. Last night I decided to order chinese food to taste some shrimp (no dough) and meat dumpling. I put the food in my mouth, and chewed, chewed, and chewed then spit it out. I also did the same with jellybellies. I would pick a flavor, then mash it in my mouth for taste, then spit it out. Has anyone done this? I did swallow a couple tablespoons of hummus at lunch today. I also tried some watery mashed potatoes a couple days back. I brought a heating pad into work last week. My hands have been freezing! Can't wait for some solid food.
  23. Patti703

    Banded August 22

    I'm in bandster hell. I've moved to the mushy foods, and got my hunger back! I've had a hard time drinking protein drinks now, I'm sick of them! And, my weight has started to creep up! Tomorrow I meet the doctor for my first post-op appointment. I feel like I have no restrictions now with the lapband and wonder if I can speed up a fill.
  24. Thank you for the advice. I'm struggling too. Day 16 post surgery and I'm feeling out of control.

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