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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Hollie519

  1. Ok so I took a little vacation. I broke up with my boyfriend in like September. YEAH ME! I moved back in with my parent and quit my job.

    Holy crap was I just looking for a drastic change or what? Lol I partied for a few month and now I'm back.

    So I need to get back on track. I gained like 10 pounds in this process. I'm back to work, back to school and have a new (WAY BETTER) boyfriend.

    Life has finally started to feel good. I feel good about myself and everything else around me. My mom and I were having a discussion the other day about guilt.

    When I eat bad food, I feel guilty. I have always grown up rather religously and I was thinking, God doesn't punish people for eating junk food. Just because you are fat, doesn't mean that you are going to go to hell. It honestly helped me come to terms with the fact that my body doesn't have to be perfect and I don't have to feel bad because I don't look like a freakin porn star.

    So I'm going to get my ass up and put my running shoes on. Just being back on this site is an inspiration to me.

    Thanks all

  2. Ok so my opinion is my opinion. I'm letting go of this because when I had the lap band, I also vowed to change my state of mind. People's opinions are people's opinions. I actually said in the interview that I would go to TJ. People get kiddknapped and raped and all kinds of crap there. I frequently spend time in Mexico. Farther down and even there it isn't safe. Don't get so deffensive. You are 46, you should know better.

    If you know you are so right, than it should be easier for you to brush it off. The same way when people ask me why didn't I just stop eating, I don't get mad. I just know its their igorance speaking. No need to get upset.

  3. Katie you sound just like me! I have not stopped partying since. I mean I am responsible about it but damn I have fun. I stick to mixed drinks. I can have about one the whole night and be chillin. I love it.

    I am finally living life instead of focusing so much on being fat.

  4. Like I said, you drop the weight in the beginning because its different. Once your body gets used to the new thing you are doing, you have to change it. Ultimately, it means working out more. Its the same way alcoholics build a tolerance to alcohol. You have to drink more and more to get drunk. You have to work out more and more to keep your body burning fat.

    Does that make sense?

  5. Thanks so much for your encouraging words. this is my future. And I promise I will do a great job representing all of you. The world has no idea what is about to hit them.

    I was banded October 3, 2007 and have now lost 101 pounds. 20 left and I will be normal. lol What is it that they call that, healthy?

  6. Its pretty crazy isn't it. I used to be the person who ate when i had emotional stuff happening. i had a super messy break up with my ex and I just didn't want to eat at all. It's because our brains obsess over food. Now that we aren't obsessive, we don't think about it anymore.

    You should be making sure you feel full. As long as you are eating the amount of food that you are supposed to, which I had trouble doing, than you are perfect. :] If you don't eat enough, than your body will go into starvation mode and save all the food you eat. You should be full after you are done eating and than not get hungry for hours afterward.

  7. You are at the normal stage. Just change up your eating habbits and change up your exercise. I've noticed that if you get too routine, your body gets used to it and it is normal for you to survive that way. Just throw some other stuff into your work out.

    Don't get discouraged because that will put you in the wrong direction. Just make it be insentive to try even harder.

    good luck!

  8. First I did the KPS radio interview. Than i did the Union Tribune (huge San Diego newspaper) interview. On Monday, my team of doctors wants me to speak to all the patients scheduled out to December for surgery.

    NOW, momlogic.com (which is controlled by the people who made Oprah and the Tyra Banks show) want me to do an on camera interview.

    What will be next?

    I can't wait to spread the happiness i have to the rest of the world.

    Ok i'm going to go cry tears of joy now. My life couldn't be more perfect!

  9. Thanks for being worried. :]

    I filed a police report last week. So if he shows up here, he will go to jail. He gave the key back to my apartment and signed his name off the lease. Mamma didn't raise no fool. So, i had my dad come re-key the locks. I think I am pretty close to having it all be over and done with. We are waiting for the deposit back from the last place we lived. He thinks he should get half but he's dreaming. My mom has been talking with him (because for some odd reason he listens to her) and says after the money is dealt with, it will be over for good.

    Funniest thing in the whole world, he was looking up 'plus size ass' on my computer. lol

  10. Hollie,

    Last email from me today, promise!

    09-12-07 screening visit- 245 lbs

    BMI 40.8

    waist 44 in

    hips 57 in

    10-01-08- 12 months post-op - 145 lbs

    BMI 25.8

    waist 29 in

    hips 39 in

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jill Jarrett, MS, RD

    Registered Dietitian

    UCSD Medical Center

    Center for the Treatment of Obesity

    200 West Arbor Drive #8400

    San Diego, CA 92108

    (619) 543-5438

    (619) 543-7785

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