Don't be discouraged. I'm not sure who you had the surgery through, but at UCSD medical center, they tell you not to drink any liquids 30 minutes before and after each meal. If you don't do this already, you should try it and see how your body reacts. The whole thing with the band is that its supposed to help the bottom of your stomach as well. If you are drinking liquids while you eat, than there is really no point in you even having the band at all. I know its so hard to give up these food that we love so much. Trust me, I was overweight my whole life and am a big fan of anything chocolate and Peanut Butter or bread. You have to learn to give these things up. If you are not committed to the dieting part, than the lap band just won't work for you. Try to hang in there and just keep working hard. Just think every time you put something like chocolate in your mouth, remember how many miles you'd have to run/walk to burn it off. please keep me updated on how the liquids work for you. i am very curious. I had surgery 10 months ago and have lost 89 pounds. So keep me filled in. :]