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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by FeistyLory

  1. Hi Juliana, I hope things are going well for you! I haven't been on much; this site frustrates me so much - I have a terrible time navigatign - finding messages from people, trying to pretty up my profile, etc. I transcribe for a living, so it's really frustrating when I can't get it... anyway, I've lost 35 pounds now.. had my first fill, can really feel the restriction, and that's a good thing. Please write again, but keep in mind, I have a hard time finding my messages.. :(

    Take care! Lory

  2. Hi Juliana, thank you for replying to my first post.. I'm really lost and don't understand how to reply to comments! Thank you for responding, and for the encouraging words. You are doing fantastic! I'm so excited!!!!! Keep up the hard work... hopefully it will pay off and you will get your #1 wish!!


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