Wow! I can't believe so many people have responded so quickly. I'm glad, however, that there are people who understand where I'm coming from because it seemed like I was the only one in my "group" who was having problems and not losing! I quit going to the support groups locally because I never had any progress to report, but reading your comments and genuine concern today has brought tears to my eyes. Thank you is no sufficient but I thank you from my heart.
It's so odd because I NEVER in my life snacked between meals and now much stomach growls all the time! I'm diabetic also, so sweets were never a part of my diet other than an M&M here and there or some small bite of chocolate. I just never wanted the sweets and knew I didn't need them even more.
You've given me some really great suggestions though and hopefully I can find something to help me pull this off. The hard work I don't mind and I've been a life-dieter myself so doing without is nothing new, but this time I really had high hopes that the weight would come off and stay off for life, but so far that hasn't happened.
This past year has been horrendous for me. My Christmas present was my husband telling me he wanted a divorce, then having the surgery in March with no one to be there with me (my family lives 8 hours away), then going through the nasty process of the divorce and two weeks before the surgery I was told my job would end before my recovery time was over! Not good. Stress was pouring out my pores and with that my beautiful thick hair all fell out and I had to cut it short or go bald! It was almost to my waist.
Well, my contract at work was extended until the end of September, the divorce is almost over now, but I keep eating like there's no tomorrow and can't seem to get that "hunger in my head" quieted down. I work my tail off around the house with a huge yard to take care of and work from 6:30 am to 4:00 pm, so there's little time for me go to the gym, although I know I need to. It's like my life is falling apart and I weighed this morning and had gained 3 pounds :biggrin:
Not that anyone wanted to know all that.... but I do thank you for the wonderful advice and hopefully I can get back on track soon. A big hug to everyone... thank you!