Hi everyone.
I found this forum from a friend. I had to have emergency Gastric Sleeve surgery on 25th August as my hiatus had been strangling my stomach. Part of my stomach had died or diseased he said, it was all a blur for me. Anyway it was another kick I needed for weight loss help. I had been going to gym 4 days a week for a month prior to help me loose weight. So on surgery day I weighed in at 103kgs. I didn’t get the chance to do any pre op I have read. I was basically thrown in the deep end. I’ve been on liquid diet since surgery and still could not tolerate soft puréed foods unless it was able to go through a straw. Today ihad to go back for surgery as I had stricture from the hiatus repair and the sleeve done. They removed some scarring and ballooned my oesophagus. So I’m on liquid diets for another week the dr said.
I am over the “smoothies”. And puréed fruits/soups. Is this normal?