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    N S reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Re-sleeve   
    I didn't know you could be resleeved. I thought it was a one-and-done thing and if a revision was needed, you go to RNY or DS.
  2. Like
    N S reacted to liveaboard15 in Re-sleeve   
    i have never heard of someone getting resleeve. Its always bypass. So they are just making the sleeve again? your stomach stretched?
  3. Like
    N S reacted to catwoman7 in Re-sleeve   
    hopefully someone to respond. When sleevers revise, it tends to be to bypass or DS (duodenal switch) - but I think I've read about some people re-sleeving. Hopefully someone on here has done it and will respond to this.
  4. Like
    N S got a reaction from Tomo in Retained Gastric Fundus causes inferior weight loss with sickness   
    Yes and I do thank you for your response. That may be due to situations of stretching the pouch but the gastric fundas doesn’t apply to that as I was told but regardless of overeating the pouch itself will eventually stretch but this doesn’t apply to me because my weight is of the same with a couple pounds of gain due to an unrelated surgical procedure(fibroids) but now it’s more so constantly losing due to inability to swallow but no blockage according to the endoscopy.
    To answer your question, the fundus is retained. Never was removed or wasn’t removed as it was supposed to be. Immediately post op I had within weeks gas, bloating, stomach pangs, etc while still losing weight. The fund as itself have created more health issues with severe acid reflux and dysphasia.
  5. Sad
    N S reacted to BigSue in Ugly, boring, and weak   
    Today is my 2-year surgiversary. I've lost 200 pounds from my highest weight -- a staggering amount when you think about it. I'm literally (less than) half the person I used to be. I should be on top of the world, right?! I don't want to dismiss the many scale and non-scale victories I've had, but it's not all rainbows and butterflies.
    When I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I'm taken aback by two things: how small I am, and how freaking ugly. I was certainly never beautiful -- not even "pretty for a fat chick" or "would be cute if I lost some weight" -- but now, I look downright scary. I probably look 10 years older than when I was fat. My hair was already fine and flat before surgery, and now I've lost a lot of it and it hasn't grown back and it's a mess no matter what I do. Ironically, people often tell me I look great, which is obviously code for "not fat anymore." Sometimes, before saying I look great, they ask me if I'm sick or if I lost weight on purpose. I don't know what the point of that is; if I said I lost weight because I'm sick, would they instead say, "You look like $h!t"?
    When I imagined my life after surgery, I thought I would be the same person, but smaller. The same person, but able to wear non-plus sized clothes, fit into an airplane seat without a seatbelt extender, not have to check the weight limit on furniture and ladders. The same person, but without hypertension and diabetes.
    I guess, deep down, I knew that wouldn't be the case, because that's a big part of what held me back from having the surgery for so many years. I didn't want my life to revolve around my pouch. I didn't want to give up my favorite foods and think so hard about everything I eat. I definitely didn't want to turn into one of those boring a-holes who never shut up about their diet and exercise regimen.
    But here I am, and I feel like weight loss has taken over my life. I spend so much time and energy preparing and eating healthy foods, working out, keeping up with my supplements, that I don't have room for anything else. There was a period of time after my surgery when I felt great and full of energy, but now I'm tired all the time, and despite being in the best shape of my life, I feel weak because I no longer have 300+ pounds to throw around. People used to be surprised by my strength, but now I struggle to open pickle jars and heavy doors. (Yes, I've had my bloodwork checked and everything is great; the working theory is that the bradycardia due to rapid, massive weight loss is what's causing these problems.)
    I used to be incredibly devoted to my job, and most people would describe me as the hardest worker they knew (maybe a workaholic), and now I just don't have the same drive that I used to because I'm so focused on my weight. I feel like I'm letting everyone down because I'm no longer up for spending all my free time working. I think I was a better human being when I was fat.
    If I -- with the benefit of the hindsight I have now -- could go back in time to two years ago, when my morbidly obese self arrived at the hospital, and still had time to change my mind, would I still go through with having the surgery? 100% yes, without hesitation.
  6. Like
    N S reacted to shaasha in complications   
    Had endoscopy before my symptoms got worst. I don't have infection, no fever, last blood work a month ago white blood cells not elevated.
    Saw bariatric surgent recommended scan of stomach & chest. That is where I'm at now. I appreciate the feedback. When you are experiencing serious chronic pain suddenly, I want to get to root of the problem and not mask it with PT, or pain meds. So I'm doing all I can think of on my part to find out what is going on.
    So, again thank you for your feedback its very much appreciated.
  7. Like
    N S reacted to shaasha in complications   
    Its been over a year since my surgery. The past few months I've been experiencing constant pain on my right side, lower back, neck, nauseous after eating, some Constipation, bloating. More recently, headaches and not sleeping well. Over past few weeks pain has increase particularly at night. My primary doctor has ruled out problems with pacreus, liver.
    I'm doing my own research to cover all basis. After a brief discussion with my gastric surgent he didn't think I had a leak, reason being that its not very common so far after surgery. I have experience a number of things with my health that was not very common and it took doctors a very hard time to diagnose. No one has said that after a years time a gastric sleeve leak can't happen, It was said, it was not common. So I continue to search for answers.
  8. Like
    N S reacted to Tomo in Retained Gastric Fundus causes inferior weight loss with sickness   
    Did you find out that at the time of your surgery your fundus was, in fact, not completely removed?

    There are cases of people who overate regularly (more than 4 ounces) and permanently stretched their stomachs (and top of stomach, fundus) within a couple of years.
  9. Like
    N S reacted to N S in Retained Gastric Fundus causes inferior weight loss with sickness   
    Hello to all. I had a Gastric Sleeve in 2019. Yes I’m old to this but here’s my problem and please to the newbies or to those who are thinking of having a Gastric sleeve, make sure the surgeon completely remove your fundus. The Gastric fundus prohibits inferior weights loss.
    I loss approximately 85 pounds within a 3 years time because of this and went into complete stalling. The surgeons kept over telling me I’m overeating which I told them I’m not. I just now found out my fundus is intake and wasn’t removed. I’ve been so sick from 2019 til present (2022) with stomach issues but CT scans during my emergency room visits shortly after surgery all come back normal. Nonetheless, I just suffered and stop trying to seek help until this year my acid reflux and swallowing started to interfere with my daily life. So the ER suggested a ENDOSCOPY in which the results come back as A Gastric Fundus is Generous and Mild Gastric lining Thickening. After researching, I found that the gastric sleeve was supposedly be removed. I don’t want any more revisions of surgeries but to not be sick, I will decide on it.
    Again, please inquire of this. Do your research on the topic of a “Retained Gastric Fundus” after weight loss surgery.
    Have anybody dealt with this and if so, what did you do? Lets be of help to one another with truth and honesty.

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