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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    A civil trial from a car accident.
  2. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    It is so nice to see someone that has done well with this for years from around our area. It makes it more real somehow. Thanks for posting your information.
  3. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I also made it through my jury duty. I am still on my case until maybe tomorrow. It took half the day just for the lawyers to finish interviewing the potential jurors. We made it up to juror #24 before they were satisfied with 12 of us. I started to wonder if we were on trial after all of the questions. They didn't start the trial until after lunch. Thankfully, the judge said he didn't believe in staying past 4pm.
  4. *slim*

    Listening to my Body

    I know exactly what you mean. I knew what heartburn felt like, so I knew exactly what it was. I fried pork chops for my family. I decided I just didn't want another piece of baked salmon, so I ate a pork chop. I tried to take my time chewing, but that was hard to do. Also, the greasiness of it really made me feel awful. I won't be in any hurry to eat something fried like that again. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.
  5. Since you are going to the doctor tomorrow, it would really be best to ask him/her. Every doctor seems to have a different set of rules for their patients. I would think you could take anything that doesn't contain aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. I hope that you feel better soon.
  6. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :lol: :cool2: What she said! I had my first day of jury duty today for my hours of sitting before going home. I even got to pay $5 for the pleasure (no free parking). I have to report again tomorrow. :tt2: You make my day! That sounds really painful.:smile2: You can now crown me the new queen of the multi-quote button!:wink2:
  7. I have been able to eat brown rice with no problems (white rice got stuck from eating either too fast or too much). I always buy Barilla Plus pasta and haven't had trouble with that. I have only had 2 fills so this information is subject to change.
  8. *slim*

    WLS Books

    I was going to tell you the same book. I have post-it flags on information that I want to be able to find fast. I have read it twice and referenced it several times. I got it on Amazon.
  9. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I can see that.:biggrin:
  10. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    ***whispering so that plain doesn't hear***I saw that plain has a new avatar. I like it. Don't tell him I said it.
  11. I believe you would cringe if I told you how long I took off work. I will say this, if you go back to work that soon, make sure that you schedule breaks through the day. You will get worn out easily, even if you only sit at your desk. I wish you the best.
  12. *slim*

    Am I in trouble?

    I think you should contact your doctor. Only your doctor would be able to tell you for sure whether or not you have hurt your band. I would like to think that you are simply sore from heaving, but only your doctor can say for sure. When you talk to him/her, you should ask about having a prescription for phenagrin or something like it to have around just for situations like this. I hope you feel better soon.
  13. I am a little over two months out, and I have found that everything but missionary is comfortable. After missionary, my port area aches a little. Not extreme port pain, just soreness that lets you know it is there.
  14. It really depends on the restriction as to how much you can eat. Your mother may have a lot of restriction, and your friend doesn't have much restriction at all. Your friend really needs an adjustment if he is able to eat that much. You will have to find a happy medium. You want to be restricted enough that you are not hungry between meals on a small amount of food, but you don't want to be so loose that you are eating everything that you did preband. That's defeats the purpose of the band. The band is a tool to help us. We each have to be willing to make lifestyle changes and better food choices. I wish you the best of luck with your surgery.
  15. *slim*

    Plateau need help

    I am no where near as experienced as Jack, but I have read in more than one place (here and in a couple of books) that after a time of eating so few calories, your body goes into starvation mode. It starts to store every ounce you put into your mouth in fear that you won't feed it again. I have read on several other threads that if you boost your calorie intake for just a few days, it shocks the system out of starvation mode and into losing again. I hope this helps and good luck! Oh and congrats on your wonderful weight loss so far!
  16. *slim*


    AngieAngel is right. You are in bandster hell (the time between surgery and good restriction). You will have to use whatever will power you have and also make good food choices. I know it is hard (I am still struggling with that one myself), but we have to remember that this is a process. Use this time to work on your eating habits and to practice the bandster rules (taking small bites, chewing, etc). Keep coming here for support because we have all either been there or are there. Either way, we can be here for each other.
  17. Something else to think about, it sometimes takes a couple of weeks for a fill to "settle" in. I know I had my 2nd fill two weeks ago and didn't feel a difference at first. Now I do. You might want to give it a little more time. You don't want to get too tight. Good luck!
  18. *slim*

    struggling with food

    If you just had surgery on Oct. 30, you probably haven't had a fill yet. You don't have good restriction which makes it harder to stay hungry. Most people call this bandster hell. Check with your doctor about maybe allowing a protein based snack like sf/ff pudding or beef jerky to help keep you satisfied between meals. I know my doctor's office said that until I get proper restriction, that I was to eat until I was satisfied not just trying to stick to 2 oz of protein per meal. They said that once I have reached proper restriction, I won't want but about that amount. Just contact your doctor and let them know you are really hungry. They may tell you it is time for a fill (usually done within 4-6 weeks). I hope that you are able to get this resolved. Being hungry between meals is a bad feeling and a fast way to discourage you. You can do this!
  19. *slim*

    Having problems with new clothes

    Debbie, accept that you have lost a lot of weight. You have to let the "fat girl" go. You have moved beyond her. If you really can't stand shopping, ask your daughter to buy a few more things from the same store in the same sizes. Also, measure yourself around your hips (undies usually have hip sizes on the back of the package) to get your undies size. I am stil wearing the same size right now because I was OBVIOUSLY in denial about how big I had gotten. Now the clothes that I THOUGHT fit, are fitting the way a normal person would wear them.:thumbup: Who knew?:wink2:
  20. *slim*

    Odd Side Effects?

    Don't feel bad about not being 100%. It took me about 3 weeks before I felt "normal". Even now I get the odd twinge or ache around my port. Give yourself time.
  21. Your mom and my mom must get together and talk. My mom keeps asking me when am I going to START losing weight. Then she asks when are they going to pump up my band to make me lose weight. I know that she is trying to be supportive, but pointing out that she isn't seeing that I have lost almost 30 pounds is NOT helping me. Between her and my aunt, they ask me every time they talk to me (several times a week) how much weight I have lost. I don't have to the heart to tell them to stop asking already!!!! I just take a deep breath and explain (again) that this isn't like gastric bypass and that my weight loss is supposed to be slow. They have both asked me if I regret this. It hasn't been long enough for me to regret it. You have to love the parents.:wink2:
  22. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Susan, you shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed. You are human. You are NOT a failure. You really sound like you are dealing with some possible depression issues. That can really affect everything. Maybe you can make an appointment to talk to someone? Also, schedule yourself for a small fill. Maybe that way you can work to getting your eating in check. I know that I haven't been banded long enough to really offer much advice, but we are here to listen and encourage any time. I hope that you are able to work this out soon. I hate for you to feel bad at all.
  23. It is like a mini vomit. You heave like you are vomiting, but it doesn't have that nasty taste. Also, once the food that was stuck comes up, you stop. It is still really gross.
  24. *slim*

    Where did I go wrong? (HELP ME!)

    What everyone else has said.:wink2: You can do this. You have been doing this. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start over. We are all behind you!:thumbup:

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