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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. *slim*

    Only water for 5 days

    I too think that is very extreme. The one thing my doctor's office stressed was that although I was on clear liquids, I was still to try to get some calories in for healing. I was allowed sf jello and sf popsicles along with my broth and crystal light. I would never tell any one to go against their doctor, but I will say that is the most extreme post op diet that I have ever heard of. If you haven't already, you might want to take that week off so that you aren't so weak at work. I wish you the best.
  2. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I'm sorry that you are feeling bad. I hope that you start feeling better soon.
  3. The next time you get the urge, you might want to take a moment to see if you recognize what triggered (i.e. stress, emotions,...). Also, if you continue to have the urge to binge, you might want to consider setting up an appointment with a counselor to help get to the root of why you want to binge. I have been seeing a counselor that deals with food related issues. It has helped me a lot. Good luck to you.
  4. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    My son and I went to see Bolt last week. We both thought it was really cute (he's 11).
  5. Telling is very personal. I will admit that I regret ever telling anyone other than my husband. My family members that know are acting like the food police. I know that they mean well, but asking me everyday how much weight I have lost and can I have that gets old quickly. I also told one person at work that I thought I could trust, but they let it slip to a busy body. Now the people on my job know. I don't like that. I work with some really rude and obnoxious people that don't really care about me or my well being. They just like to spread other people's business. I think, based on your original post, that you are an out spoken person. If you feel comfortable telling, do that. Don't let any of us deter or sway you away from being who you are. Good luck to you.
  6. *slim*

    drinking and eating

    Something that has helped me to stop drinking while eating is to simply NOT have it there while eating. I know that seems simplistic, but it's the truth. Fix your plate and sit where ever you normally would, but don't fix yourself a glass of anything to go with it. I noticed that if it wasn't there, I didn't miss it. You reach for the glass out of habit because you have it available to you. I have also requested that I not be given water on the table when out to eat. It's a small thing that has really helped. Good luck to you.
  7. *slim*

    Eating with the Non Banded???

    For the most part I cook only one meal. I have made myself something different only a few times and only because I just didn't want the same thing that they wanted. I don't have a problem seeing them eat normal size portions. Also, they (spouse and son) don't have a problem eating in front of me. It bothered me the first month, but it doesn't seem to bother me as much now. I only have a few foods that I can't handle at this point. I guess I will see how different it is after my next (3rd) fill. Good luck to you!
  8. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I don't blame you at all. They were so helpful in Dalton. The problem for me was, since my surgery was done in Chattanooga, she still had to speak to someone in Chattanooga. That is how Brooke got involved. I also asked her, when she told me someone would call me back, if she was SURE someone would call back. I don't know if she took the hint that I hadn't been getting my call backs from Johnna. I can only hope so since Brooke called me instead of Johnna.
  9. If you don't really feel hungry, then I agree with the other posters that it is probably gas. I will admit that gas-x really didn't help my gas at all. Only walking and a heating pad helped me. Keep walking even if it is just the hallway of your home. Don't over do it, but walking helps to move the gas from surgery out of your body. I hope you feel better soon. Congrats on your surgery!
  10. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hello everyone! I have a VERY stupid question so don't be too rough on me. Having never been on facebook or myspace, what exactly do you do on there?
  11. *slim*

    FREE Nutrition advice

    That's what I was afraid you were going to say. I had started losing then after a couple of days of having so few calories, I went up 3 pounds in two days. I picked up my calorie intake yesterday. Thanks so much for offering us your advice!
  12. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I'm telling you, they need to do something about her. I wouldn't want anyone to lose a job, but they need to put her somewhere else. Insurance and billing is not her thing. It doesn't make sense that your surger was that long ago and still having problems. I was shocked hen Brooke called me about my situation. To me, that says something when the billing people from Dalton called her instead of Johnna.
  13. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Single digit! I would love to just get into a pair of pants with a double digit number with 1 in front instead of a 2. I am getting there. Yeah for all of the NSVs. :wub: Sorry that you have been sick Susan and Diva.
  14. *slim*

    Tired of the med crushing.

    I was told that I could swallow any pills that were no bigger than the size of an M&M. Anything bigger than that needed to be either split or crushed. I have split a couple and even opened one capsule. I won't be doing the opening of capsules again unless it is just unavoidable. That open capsule was so gross (even in applesauce). I won't make that mistake again. I hope that you are able to get a straight answer from your doctor's office.
  15. *slim*

    FREE Nutrition advice

    I have a question about calorie intake. Can you really put your body into starvation mode if you eat too few calories? If it is true and you can, how long does it take for that to occur (i.e. 1 week, 2 weeks on fewer than 1000 calories)? Thanks!
  16. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I called Dalton today. It seems that I didn't pay my first program fee. My goodness the fees they charged are outrageous! There was supposed to be a $75 program fee on top of my $20 copay. They didn't use the check that I gave them since I had signed up for Care Credit to pay the big fees. They just put it all on Care Credit. I checked my bank account and the check that I gave them was not cashed. I don't understand how Johnna could sit there looking at my account all of this time and never tell me any of this. I also found out from Brooke that I did actually have a hiatal hernia repair, but that they don't charge any extra for that. She said that my x-rays didn't show it, but when Dr. Ponce went in there to do my band, he found the hernia and had to fix it before he could place my band. I am glad to finally have an answer to the question of my account (even if it's not the answer I wanted).
  17. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I saw on the news this morning that most of the airlines are trying to make those "temporary" price hikes and fees permanent. :whatchutalkingabout
  18. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP-Hello everyone. Back to the dismal court trial. I hope every one has or has had a wonderful day.
  19. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have never understood the bread and milk phenom. Do your tastes supposedly change with the snow so that you ONLY want bread and milk? WTF?
  20. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I was already a card carrying member of IBTC (Itty Bitty T*tty Commitee). I filled out a D with back fat. :thumbup: Now, my Ds look like I need a pair of socks to help them out. My husband (a card carrying breast man) is VERY upset.:cursing:
  21. *slim*

    2nd night

    You may want to ask your doctor for some medicine for that. I don't recall being nauseous at all the first week. I was given something to have on hand plus being sent home with a patch behind my ear. I know that the liquid pain medicine on basically an empty stomach (liquids only) can cause that. I am sorry that you are feeling poorly. Call your doctor for something to take.
  22. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I just don't understand how they have let her keep doing the things that she is doing. Surely we aren't the only ones having trouble out of her.
  23. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Heck no! Johnna just stopped returning my calls. I finally got a statement in the mail from Dalton so I am going to call them. I don't know what if anything is ever going to be done about this. I have a feeling I will never see that money.
  24. It took maybe a week for it to be gone. The problem comes in when you start your full liquids to mushies. Your scale will say that you are not losing weight or even gaining weight, but really you are still losing, just the heavier food is filling your intestinal tract while you are losing actual fat. I am only added that to warn you before you think something is wrong (like I did). Good luck to all of you.
  25. I had nausea medicine that I took just in case with the lortab. Also, even now, I sleep with a pillow under my stomach to sleep on my side. I have found that I can no longer sleep on my stomach (I can really feel my port) which is very disappointing to me. I am learning to get over it, but it has taken a while. If the lortab is bothering you, maybe you can take some liquid tylenol. That actually helped my pain better than the lortab anyway. I hope you all feel better soon, and congrats on your recent bandings.

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