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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. *slim*

    Do you douche?

    My last suggestion would be to make sure that you get up and used the bathroom to flush your urethra after sex. I remember a GYN telling me to do that years ago. I am sorry that you continue to have issues.
  2. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    luluc-I've got my fingers crossed too. fanny-good luck! LJM-how are you doing? How is the baby? Still staying put? Brad, Beth, LJM-you know the first meal should be pizza and diet coke!
  3. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I don't know if I was just a freak of nature, but the gas-x really didn't help me at all. Walking and a heating pad on my back were the only things that helped me. I hope you feel better soon.
  4. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Congrats! Walking (even just your hallway) will help get rid of the bloat and possibly prevent the gas pains. I am glad that your surgery was so uneventful. That is the best kind. Keep us informed on how you are doing. Any questions or just want to complain, let us know. That is what we are all here for.
  5. *slim*

    Butter Tub Savers

    Typically, if I bring home leftovers from a restaurant, it is for my husband. He is very antisocial when it comes to dinners out with my family (every family event is around food), so I end up bringing home food for him to eat. Usually my mom will feel so guilty that he wasn't there that she would order something for him. I would let him starve because I figure he should have come with us. I guess that is for another thread though. :op
  6. *slim*

    Do you douche?

    There is an over the counter product by the people that make the UTI prevention medicine (AZO i think?) that is to help prevent yeast infections. Also, there are a lot of women that swear by yogurt to end yeast infections.
  7. *slim*

    September Bandster Check-in

    That is awesome! That is exciting! I am ready to go shopping just to see what I am wearing. My underwear is starting to get too big.
  8. *slim*

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    Way to go Kiz!
  9. My understanding is there are two types of stuck. One is the painful feeling in your chest. I haven't ever had that one. The other is stuck in your esophagus. It doesn't take long. I get this one when I am eating too fast, took too big of a bite without chewing enough, or have eaten too much. By the time I am getting the second bite chewed and starting to swallow, that is when I notice the food is still sitting there. That is why people talk about going slow when eating. You have to remember to put your utensil down between bites (I am still working on this one). Also to just sit there after swallowing before taking another bite. It is a learning curve. You probably don't have much restriction right now, but now is the time to learn to do these things without hurting yourself. Good luck to you.
  10. In theory it is, but with restriction, some things can become difficult. I have been eating the same things as my family, but my last adjustment changed that somewhat. I have to be careful and pay attention to what and how I am eating. I have been able to eat just about everything before now. Even now, I am just learning some of the things to go REALLY slow with. For example, fruit that has edible skin. I was eating a pear for the first time. I was fine with it, but the next day I got cocky. I ate another one, but I wasn't really paying attention and concentrating on eating it. I was swallowing the second bite when it hit me that the first bite hadn't moved.:confused: I had to get up and move around to try to get the bites to go down. It's all a learning curve. Just read and do as much research as you can. It will really help in the long run. It will help you when you start to feel things aren't moving at the rate that want. You are already ahead of the curve because you are on here asking questions. Keep up the good work. You will do great.:sneaky:
  11. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Isn't he the cutest?! I watched the first two episodes. You are right about her. I haven't watched any more though.
  12. *slim*

    pain- how long?

    I will admit that I felt the port pain for more than a week. Heck, I stayed off work for 4 weeks after my surgery (I don't think that is the norm, but I have a physical job). I did move to the liquid extra strength tylenol on about day 3 just because I was tired of the druggy feeling. Give yourself time. Everyone heals at a different pace. You will do fine. Good luck to you!
  13. It is possible that it is still gas. You also may still have swelling from surgery. You just want to take your time when drinking. Your sips might be too big at this point. It takes a little while to get used to the small sips. Also try putting a heating pad in the location of your chest pain (but not directly on any incisions). That may help. I hope you feel better soon.
  14. I know that the long wait is very frustrating. I didn't have as long of a wait, but at times I wish that I had. You have all of this time to really learn about what life will be with the band. You have time now to start learning band friendly recipes and such. You also have time to get a clear understanding of your doctors post-op instructions. I say take this time to learn. Your surgery time will come faster than you know it. This way, you will be well prepared. Continued good luck and success to you!
  15. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You'll be in my thoughts.
  16. I wish I had done it that way! To the original poster, be selfish if you have to. That is what I am doing now that the cat is out of the bag. My mom has tried to put the guilt trips on me, but I explained that I am living my life for me now. Good luck to you.
  17. My doctor didn't say anything against red. Your best answer though is to ask your doctor. That way, you are following his orders. Something else, it might be better to post your question in a separate thread. That way your question stands out. Good luck!
  18. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :sneaky::lol:So true.
  19. *slim*

    So...SO Pissed at my mother.

    Wow, I thought my mom was the only one to do that. I feel your pain. You are doing the right thing for your daughter. Don't allow your mom, however well meaning, to undermine your authority with your child. In the end, it is on you to make sure your DD is healthy and well taken care of. If your mom doesn't get it after your message, she never will. Keep up the good work with your DD.
  20. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Though I am QUITE sure I know who you are talking about, I have NEVER met a person like that in my real life. I hope that I NEVER meet someone like that. You have to wonder what happens in a person's life to make them that way.:confused:
  21. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ok, so I went to the prostitution thread. My goodness... That is all I will say.
  22. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ok, so the pizza ads are back. luluc-that is too hilarious. I have to admit I thought mistress too. I have never had any of those "special brownies", and now I am too old to experiment. Darn it!
  23. *slim*

    Do you douche?

    My doctor told me to stop several years ago because I kept getting my body out of balance. I had a standing rx for Relegard to get me back in balance. Once I stopped using the douche, I stopped having problems.
  24. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I don't know, but I wish they would come back soon.:w00t:
  25. *slim*

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    Good luck! You will get there soon!:w00t:

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