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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Beth-good luck at the interview! So sorry about the sunburn. Is there anything that you can do to ease the discomfort on your face? Tap-hopefully we will be able to come up with a date that we can all do. I so want to meet all of you!
  2. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am so glad that you made it to Florida ok. Enjoy yourself (like you really had to be told that one). I am living vicariously through you (just like I have done through everyone that has traveled recently) so as many details as possible! I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the job front! Obviously, I am so excited about work that I can't sleep!
  3. today-I am so sick from eating dinner b-coffee w/splenda, yoplait light, string cheese stick l-cubed steak, .5 c mashed potatoes, .25 cup pinto beans d-more cubed steak, .5 c mashed potato, .5 c turnip greens s-way too much rice pudding. I feel so awful. I haven't felt this bad at any point since banding. I won't do that again.
  4. *slim*

    I tried on a "very small" size

    That is so awesome! I am so excited for you!!!! No need to ask how you are doing. You are doing fantastic!
  5. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    G4E-I meant to add that you are right about the people that didn't come to DGS' birthday party. The least they should have done was called to say that they couldn't make it. They should not have done that to a child.
  6. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    G4e-I am so sorry that you are not getting the help that you need right now. I just don't understand it. The people that abuse the system get what they need, but the people that have worked hard and are simply on hard times get left in rain. That sucks. I hope that you are able to get some relief and help with your situation. Susan-I was around, but no one else was...I have no life (other than the pesky MIL situation). DH went to work today. I tried to get DS to go with him, but no... I am just going to do as luluc said, veg out in front of the TV. My vacation is officially over in the A.M. (although I have been on call since Thursday night). I am ready to go back to work (can you tell I am trying to work myself up here?).
  7. I still don't get it. My first "experience" was in a doctor's office as a teen during an exam. That was an awful experience. Now, I could never look on it as something that could possibly be pleasurable. Not happening. My DH and I tried it once and that was enough. Neither of us liked it (thank goodness).
  8. *slim*

    Little known facts about you??

    1. Were You Named After Anyone? Supposedly after a song 2. When was the Last time You Cried? yesterday 3. Do You like Your Handwriting? nope (it changes everyday) 4. What Is Your Favorite Lunch meat? land o frost ham 5. Do You have Kids? yes, 1 6.If You were Another Person, Would You be Friends with You? probably 7. Do you use Sarcasm a lot? sometimes 8. Do You still have Your Tonsils? nope 9. Would You Bungee Jump? heck no! 10. What is Your Favorite Cereal? frosted flakes 11. Do You untie Your Shoes when You take them off? nope 12. Do You think You are Strong? nope 13. What is Your Favorite Ice Cream? phish food 14. What is the First thing You notice about People? smile 15, Red or Pink? red 16. What is The least thing You like about Yourself? my skin 17. Who do You Miss the Most? my cousin 18. What Color Pants and Shoes are Wearing now? jeans shorts and black socks (no shoes) 19. What was the Last thing You Ate? 1 hot dog 20, What are You listening to now? boom boom pow (blackeyed peas) 21 If You were a Crayon what Color would You be? red 22. Favorite Smells? honey suckle, baby powder 23. Favorite Sports to Watch? basketball 24. Hair Color? blond 25. Do You Wear Contacts? nope 26. Favorite Food? thanksgiving dinner 27. Scary Movies, or Happy Endings? happy endings 28. Last Movie You saw? taken 29, Color Shirt/Blouse You are Wearing? blue/black tank top 30. Summer or Winter? summer 31. Favorite Dessert? cheesecake 32, Favorite Place ever Traveled? chicago (haven't traveled much:sad:) 33, Where would You like to Travel Next? TX!:smile2: 34. What Book are Reading now? the rules of "normal" eating 35, Where were You Born? TN 36. Big Band or Rap? both 37. Interesting Fact about Me? i'm not that interesting 38. What did You Watch on Televison Last Night? snapped 39. Beatles or Rolling Stones? rolling stones 40. Do You have a Special Talent? nope
  9. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have been completely lazy! We did the hot dogs for today. I have found that I can't tolerate my moms ribs, so it has made me scared to try any. :thumbup:
  10. today- b-coffee w/splenda, 1/2 can slim fast low carb l-ham omlet d-1 hot dog, 5 french fries s-chips and salsa I hope everyone had a nice holiday!
  11. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning everyone! I hope that everyone has a very happy, healthy, and safe 4th! re:get together...heartfire, you are not alone. I have NEVER done anything like this in my life. I am so stoked though! I have already told DH that I plan to be in TX next summer, come hell or high water. DS is gone to an amusement park for the morning and part of the afternoon. I am enjoying the quiet time around the house. Of course, the morning didn't start out quiet. MIL called at 8:30 wanting foil! Come to find out, she had already called begging for charcoal! OK, if you can't afford the stuff to cook out, then don't cook out! ok, end rant. DH had already told her she could have the foil. My doorbell rang a few minutes later. She came in begging for cigs and coffee. WTF?!!??!?! grrrrr Thankfully, she left soon thereafter. What a freaking way to start the morning. It can only get better, right? Beth and Ebony-I hope that you both are having enormous amounts of fun on your trips! Everyone have a great day!
  12. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That reinforces you not craving it anymore which works out well. I wish I had an electric dog collar or something to zap me everytime I get ready to eat something bad for me.
  13. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    The get together is in TX next summer. Some time in June. No complete plans yet. I am so there! You should be, too! I am glad that you are moved and getting settled in.
  14. today- b-coffee w/splenda, slim fast low carb shake l-shrimp coctail s-2 blueberry muffins (made w/water so not as bad as it could have been, but still bad:unsure:) d-sun chips and salsa, yoplait light blueberry yogurt
  15. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I bet you were a sight, Glou! I am glad that you are ok today. I can imagine how you felt last night. I have only been sick from drinking twice in my life, but it was enough! Everyone have a safe and happy holiday!
  16. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I'm glad that you seem to be doing well with your fill, Carrie. I am hoping that getting back to work will help me get back in order. Today, I decided to try to work on it. It helps that my son is going to be gone most of the day so that I don't have to worry about cooking for him. That seems to have been my downfall this week. I could almost ignore my stomach until I started cooking for him. Then, I would suddenly feel as though I was starving. I hope that you all have a safe and fun holiday weekend!
  17. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What she said! Morning!
  18. b-coffee w/splenda, 1 egg omlet w/1slice turkey & 1 slice honey ham diced inside s-intant oatmeal l-hamburger patty, 1 piece string cheese d-2 chicken breast tenderloins, 2 tbs beans, 1 tbs rice
  19. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Goofy nostalgia=good! I think about how I spent an entire weekend reading this thread. By the time I finished, I felt like I knew you all better than people that I have know my whole life!
  20. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning all! Heartfire-I am so sorry about the furlough and the truck. Don't apologize for complaining among friends. Ebony-Enjoy your vacation! I hope you hear something today on the job front! re-TX trip, I just need to know before November. We pick our vacation for next year then. I am so excited about this! PJTP-ok, so my family is having a reunion that starts today. They are charging $135 per person (even children)just to attend! All but one of the activities are at free locations. I cannot for the life of me understand why the high cost! Don't get me wrong, I know that food and such is not free, but considering how large my family is, there is NO reason to charge so much. They could have charged half that amount and still had plenty of food, fun, etc and still had money left over!
  21. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I don't know. I have made some poor choices lately. I am paying for it on the scale. I have been at home all week for vacation. It has been to easy to graze. I have actually gained about 3 pounds since my fill. That makes me feel bad which makes me want eat. It is a horrible cycle. I can understand why you are scared to get another fill. Maybe they can give you just a smidge less than they did on your last fill? Being hungry and being able to eat whatever can be discouraging. I hope they are able to work it out for you. Carrie-how are you? Did you get your fill?
  22. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Am i bad for being excited about meeting you all, but unwilling to go to my family reunion?
  23. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I'll start planning my trip to Texas. I won't be sky diving. I can only pray that I will be at goal by then. If not, I am still up for the trip.
  24. Today- b-leftover "muffins" s-spoon of peanut butter l-chips and salsa, yoplait light yogurt d-crockpot salsa chicken w/sprinkle of cheddar
  25. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That's what I'm talking about!

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