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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am hoping like heck that it works. I am already feeling like a failure because my weight loss seems as though it has stopped.
  2. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi everyone! Ebony, how great on the weightloss! I love your attitude today! I will be praying for you while you are at your meeting. Beth-way to go with the workout detailing your bike. Maybe if I did that with my truck? re butter:didn't start using real butter for cooking until banding. I only would use it for cooking crab legs before. Now I love it! I really like browned butter on veggies. Can you tell I am hungry? re cold:It dropped to 60 here last night. DH was hot (he has some new extra padding) and I was freezing. I was under a sheet and 3 blankets! I was still freezing! I thought I was getting over the forever cold thing, but apparently not. PJTP-I am supposed to be working on changing my attitudes(saw my therapist today). I am supposed to be rewriting the internal script that runs through my head to a new more positive script. My "homework" this week is to write down my new positive goals and reasons for making changes in my life. Then I am to read them at least twice daily until they are automatic thoughts instead of how fat I am or something else negative that I think daily. We will see how that goes. I am also supposed to create a "cravings" box. I am to put things to do in the box i.e. manicure items, puzzles, etc. Things that are supposed to distract me long enough to get over the craving. We shall see how that goes too.
  3. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That sounds completely yummy Beth. Morning!
  4. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thank you so much. I have to say that I have tried so many different foods now after reading the things that you and KC have eaten. I loved this and cannot imagine it tasting better. I could hurt myself eating this! I didn't miss having meat. DS did want to know why I didn't put any meat in it, but ate it anyway. Thanks again for sharing.
  5. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi. I find that I cannot really eat early in the morning. I start with a warm drink (it seems to ease eating). My doctor says that warm will go down better than cold because the esophagus is a muscle that must be warmed up just like any other muscle. I don't seem to have a problem later in the day at all. As a matter of fact, I think I could eat almost normally at dinner (unless I am stressed).
  6. today- B-coffee w/stevia, buscuit and gravy L-salad w/deli turkey, string cheese S-string cheese D-zucchini w/garlic, tomato, cannellini beans, onions, and parmesan. (thanks luluc!)
  7. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ok, fixed the zuc (minus the pasta). It was so good:drool:. I cannot believe the brat ate some too! Of course, DH wouldn't touch it. Does it freeeze well? I don't want to waste this since I made too much. Or actually, will it still taste this good tomorrow? My goodness. I am on my second helping!
  8. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Thanks for answering my million questions. I hope to never have to use the emergency number, but wanted to know just in case. How are you feeling?
  9. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Is the number a pager, or does it go to someone's cell phone or something? How much do they charge if you call that number and have to be seen?
  10. No luck at Sam's in TN. I would absolutely KILL for a Dr. Pepper :biggrin:(drinking it fast, straight from the bottle like a lush drinking bad whiskey:blushing:). You might try taking smaller bites, but you may be too tight. You really shouldn't consistantly have trouble getting protein down. I only have trouble when I let myself get too hungry. Even then, I don't normally have it come back up. I just have to sit there and let it work its way down.
  11. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Very pretty flower luluc. I have a question about the zucchini. When you sautee it with the garlic, olive oil, tomato, and the beans, do you slice it in rounds or strips? I bought everything including the shiritaki noodles. I plan to make that for my dinner either tonight or tomorrow. Rant alert: PJTP-everytime I think I am letting go of the MIL issues, DH does something to bring her back to my mind. First off, he had the nerve to call the car that he is paying for (and barely able to pay bills because of) her car! WTF?!?! Then he told me that she called yesterday wanting a cup of coffee. So now I can add short order restaurant to my list of things? He even went so far as to try to tell me to make her some coffee and tell her to come over this morning. I told him NO! I said my morning before work is MY time. I wish I wasn't such a freaking wimp! I would have said that I am not running a resaurant/hardware store/grocery store! I went home at lunch time to see that he had brewed a huge pot of coffee (just in case she calls to ask for a cup, I guess). I questioned the huge pot, but he couldn't (wouldn't) really answer me about it. I wish I could either just let this go, or let him go! Letting him go is looking prettier and prettier. I would hate to lose my marriage over her, but this can't go on. Things had quieted down for the most part, but now it is just picking back up. I guess it is the middle of the month and she has spent all of the monthly check instead of budgeting. I mean why should she if she knows she can count on her knuckleheaded son to bail her butt out!?!?!?! Ok, rant over.
  12. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I'm sure it's not. How are you doing? I am curious, did you call the emergency number to get seen by GBI on Friday, or did you go to the emergency room? I have always wondered what the best action for a situation like that is.
  13. B-waffle w/ham (that was pathetic on my part) L-left over chicken chow mein (mostly veggies) S-low fat vanilla cone D-scallops, iceberg salad S-string cheese, wasa light rye I scheduled an adjustment for Tuesday. I can't decide if I want the adjustment, or try the pouch test first.
  14. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I know how painful that it. I hope they are able to get to the bottom of it soon.
  15. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Wow! I am so glad that you are doing ok now. That is so scary! I am glad that you were able to be seen in order to get that taken care of. I cannot imagine the pain and fear that you experienced. I am glad that it was a repair and not removal. I wishing you a speedy recovery.
  16. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I was planning to go to the health food store in town to see if they have those noodles that you mentioned before. I think I might pick up a zucchini too. I might be able to get my brat to eat them with the parmesan cheese on them. He won't eat most cheese, but seems to love anything with parmesan. Go figure. Thanks for the info luluc.
  17. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ok, so I am not sure I have ever had zuchinni(not sure I can even spell it) much less bread made with it. What does it taste like? The recipes sound great, but I just don't recall ever having it before.
  18. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning! PJTP-It is glorious outside this morning. The temp is very decent (around 65). The high is only around 85 instead of 100... Alas, I am stuck at work in a windowless building.
  19. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I hope everything turns out ok. I hope that surgery is not needed for whatever it is.
  20. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Can I hop in one of the suit cases? I don't care who I go with. Carrie...Downsdc? Please? I promise I don't eat much...:cursing:
  21. Today- B-coffee with splenda, instant potato soup w/bacon L-couple handfuls of cherries D-chicken chow mein (more veggies than meat)
  22. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ebony-my heart goes out to you for going through so much heck with those idiots. I can never understand how people that have NO business managing people, end up managing people. Let them out of your head for the weekend. Try not to think about them at all. Whatever is going to happen, will happen whether you constantly think about it or not. Don't let their ineptness make you ill. They aren't worth it. Plus, that lets them win. You are better than that. You deserve better than their treatment of you. I believe that your previous employment history will speak for itself. I agree that any potential employer will notice that there is nothing like this on your record any where else. You are a strong, intelligent woman. You can/will do so much more. Don't let them ruin your self confidence.
  23. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Have fun! That sounds like an awesome vacation!
  24. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ebony-you are in my thoughts. You work for a real witch. You will be much better off out of there. God has something much better in store for you.
  25. *slim*

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Congrats on the 100 pounds! I can honestly say that had I been there, I would have talked. I go in on Tuesday.

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