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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. There is no real delicate way to ask, but if it is your TOM, some people say that their band is tighter during that time. That would make a little sense if you are since you haven't had a fill. I would call the doctor though if you are concerned. I hope you feel better soon.
  2. We are going to make it! Hugs right back at you! :sneaky:
  3. *slim*

    Has Anyone Made a Love Connection?

    I don't even come close! :girl_hug: I had begun to wonder if you ever even sleep!:biggrin:
  4. *slim*

    Has Anyone Made a Love Connection?

    Actually, there is a singles forum on here under the special interest support groups. Since I'm not single, I haven't been in it, but check it out. Here is the link: Single Bandsters - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum
  5. I might actually have to tell my son to bite me anyway. I think the people in the white coats have been on to me for a while, but the figured there was just no hope.:smile2: Don't jump out of yor skin. You are going to do so well that you won't even remember being nervous at all. I hope. Well, maybe not. hahahaha
  6. *slim*

    Time off Work

    You aren't alone. I really want a few weeks off. I get sick time up to 7 calendar days, but after that it is considered short term disability. I have to put in paperwork to see IF they will pay me for being off more than 7 days. I can't afford to be off without pay. Thankfully, I have a great supervisor. Even though she can't get away with letting me stay at home, she did say that if my benefits aren't approved, she will let me just come to work and not really make me do any of my regular duties until I feel up to par. I am hoping that my surgeon's office will go ahead and send in the paperwork ahead of time so I will know how much time I am allowed. They are really weird about disability. When I had my gallbladder taken out, they gave me three weeks to recoup, but when I had my tubal, they said the 7 days should have been enough. I actually hurt worse after the tubal (my wound got infected) than I did after the gallbladder. Ok, sorry for the dissertation. I tend to talk a lot. :girl_hug:
  7. I know I'm not Kiz, but I couldn't help but answer. Ususally, if your doctor hasn't said anything about a pre-op diet, you aren't supposed to do one. Some doctors make every patient have one, and some don't. The point of it is to shrink the fat around the liver before surgery. I know that my doctor's office actually gave me a form with my diet information on it. If you are really concerned, call your doctor tomorrow to see if you were to be on one. Good luck on Wednesday!
  8. *slim*

    Time off Work

    I am having surgery this week also. I am for sure taking 7 days (5 + weekend) because my company allows me to take that much and get paid for sure. After that, it really depends on my short term disability company (the company I work for HIRES another company to handle short term disability claims). I don't have a desk job, so I am hoping that they allow me more time off for my port to heal before I get back into the swing of things with my job (I do a lot of climbing, bending, lifting, etc). Everyone is different, but most people on here have said that after a few days, they felt pretty much back to normal. Just be sure to follow your surgeon's instructions about your activity level and you should be fine.
  9. I think that works for me! ROFL Thankfully, I don't spend that much time with the food police (except my 11 year old son).
  10. *slim*

    computer dingleberry

    I am sorry that didn't work. I tried to copy the picture of the page after entering my pin, but it wouldn't copy it here as it appears on the screen. I guess you will have to make a new ticker.
  11. I have heard to have a heating pad on hand to help with the gas pain.
  12. *slim*

    Tomorrow's the big day!

    My prayers to all of you having surgery tomorrow. I will be thinking of you all. Keep us posted on your progress.
  13. I started out saying I was only telling the person taking me to the hospital (I was separated at the time). Then I had to tell DH after he moved back in. Then I told my mom (she can't hold water). I told my supervisor at work because I knew she would understand and not be judgemental. I told one good friend that I trusted. Now I have told a few other people, but I regret it. Some are going to watch everything that I eat and question my weight loss (or lack thereof).:girl_hug: I don't want the scrutiny. That has been my biggest issue from the beginning. I don't need the food police watching every bite that goes into my mouth. :smile2: I also don't need the unsupportive people in my life questioning why I have either lost too much weight (they are all heavy) or why I haven't lost enough weight after spending money on it. It is a lose/lose situation.:biggrin: I can only hope that as I am more comfortable with myself and my band that I will change my mind. :sneaky: I have a few family members that have looked into WLS that I think could really benefit from something like the band. I guess we shall see.
  14. *slim*

    Yoga after band?

    Can you recommend a beggining video that you tried? I want to try it at home just so I will know something instead of trying to learn in class in front of other people.
  15. Woohoo! I am glad that you are doing so well. Keep up the good work.
  16. *slim*

    surgeries September 22

    My prayers for all of you on your surgeries tomorrow. GOD bless!
  17. Don't be scared. Laproscopic surgery isn't really bad. I have had two so far and was ok within a couple of days. You will do fine. If you can handle childbirth, you can handle this. Piece of cake. Good luck to you.
  18. My surgeon said that he will not put any fill in during surgery. He said that they won't due any fill until at least 4 weeks out plus, he won't tell me what he puts in. He dues the fills with fluro. I guess I will see how that works soon.
  19. Prayers are being said to everyone having surgery this week. Good luck! Good blessings to us all!
  20. If I visit someone that has shoes outside the home, then I would remove my shoes. I have to admit that I have never actually been asked to take my shoes off at anyone's home. If I ever get rid of my carpet (I really hate my carpet) and get tile, then i might do something like that. Of course, when I get home, the first thing that I do is take off my shoes. I do that so much that if I have on shoes, the first thing my family wants to know is where am I going?
  21. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    My upper GI went quite the same except at one point, I told them I was going to gag (they didn't thin my barium at all). They handed me this handy barf bag and jumped back. It would have been rather hard for me to barf in the bag since I was still squashed between the table and the xray machine. There was no way I was going to be able to move my arms to hold the barf bag below my mouth. I guess that is the reason they moved back....hmmmm
  22. I am so sorry. I pray that HE gives you the strength that you need right now and the wisdom to do what is going to be right for your body. Be blessed.
  23. Hey, my surgery date was moved up. We have the same surgery day! I have been doing the liquid diet since this past Monday morning. Wow, I really understand how you feel now. I felt pretty good on day 3, but on day 4, I was so hungry!:cursing: I hope you are right!
  24. *slim*

    Yoga after band?

    I have never really tried yoga, have either of you tried any of the yoga videos out there? I have been thinking about that to improve my flexibility after surgery. Thanks for any response.

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