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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. I am sorry that you were rescheduled. October 16th will be here before you know it.
  2. *slim*

    Today's surgeries... september 25th

    Ouch. It does hurt, but that was so worth it.:sad:
  3. That sounds odd. I haven't heard of anyone being told that they were approved, but then the file sent in for review. Are you sure that they understood your question. It souds like they were telling you that they are actually still in the approval process. You might want to call them again (heck get on a first name basis if you have to), make sure that they understood that you wanted to know if your predetermination request has been approved. It can't hurt, and they are paid to be there to answer your questions. Good luck to you.
  4. I am so sorry that you were so sick, but glad that you feel better. I had a reaction after one of my previous surgeries. I didn't know if it was the pain or the medicine, so I started telling them ANYTIME I had surgery about that reaction. Today the gave me a cocktail of everything that they could. They put 2 or 3 medicines in my IV and a patch behind my ear. I also have a prescription medicine at home that disolves on my tongue. My surgeon's office called that one in just in case. They wanted me to avoid vomitting at all costs.
  5. *slim*

    Today's surgeries... september 25th

    You take that back! (said with a big pout) My "happy" drugs would never do anything to hurt me. It LOVES me.:sad: LOL I am going to get a SF popsicle right now. Thanks.
  6. *slim*

    Sexism Rules!

    Big head, little body... that is such a funny visual!:bored: Enjoy the attention! I hope to get to that point one day!:smile2:
  7. *slim*

    Today's surgeries... september 25th

    Thanks Debbie. I can't believe it, but I don't feel bad at all right now. I know that is subject to change at any time. I have been sipping all afternoon, but my mouth still feels full of cotton. Are there any tips for that?
  8. *slim*

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    I was really scared too. I figure as long as I stay on top of my medicine, I should be ok. I am so surprised at how well I feel. I normally wake up in tears from the pain. This time I could even tell if I had been cut.
  9. I have to be at the hospital in a little over an hour. I am trying to cook a meal for my family to have tonight (I know, I am not the brightest). I am really just doing this to pass the time. My nerves are on edge. I am excited and scared at the same time. I would really appreciate any prayers and good thoughts (I could use all of them that I can get). I am sending out my own prayers to everyone else having surgery today. Be blessed today on our new starts!
  10. *slim*

    OMG!! Less than 2 hours to go!

    I am amazed at how great I feel today. Thanks for the prayers. I have my gas-x and Phazym here just in case. :bored: I was actually thinking the same thing this morning when whatever foolishness hit me. Then it was too late. I made my self some homemade broth and then cooked the rest after that. It smelled so good.:smile2: Thank you for your prayers, too.
  11. *slim*

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    I am home, and officially part of bandland!:bored: I want to thank every person that prayed for those of us having surgery today. I got to the hospital at 9:45a.m. They took me back to the pre-op area within 5 minutes. I got undressed (they wouldn't allow me to keep on my panties:frown:). They started my IV fluids, antibiotics, anti-nause medicine, and happy juice :smile2:. They told me that I could expect to stay back there for a while since I was my surgeon's third patient of the day. I was back there for almost 3 hours before they took me to the O R. I SORT of remember getting on the table, but that is all. The next REAL memory was in stage 1 recovery. I asked the nurse if I had a band, and if they did any type of hernia repair. I didn't have a hernia (or if I did, he didn't repair it). I didn't have any pain. I dozed in and out for a little while there. I was then taken to stage 2 recovery. That is where they brought my DH back. I was required to drink 2 cups of water and 1 cup of apple juice before I could leave. I asked to get up to start my walking. I was able to get up without any help. I made 4 trips around the room. They called my surgeon to ask if I could have some Benedryl because the pain medicine was making me itch. He told her I could have it and go home at 5pm. All of the nurses talked about how well I was doing. I got dressed on my own. I am so shocked at how good I feel. I figure it must be some darn good drugs. I still have the motion sickness patch behind my ear. I figure I will leave it there since I am on clear liquids until next Thursday. I came home and changed into a night gown. I was happy to find out that my short term disablity benefits were approved through October 23! That works out for me because my son has a break from school coming up. That will keep me from having to pay for a babysitter. I am so proud to be a Samurai!
  12. *slim*

    cycle out of whack

    My understanding is, the weight loss causes a rush of hormones to be released. I was told by my GYN to expect crazy cycles after surgery. When in doubt, call your doctor. That is what they get paid the BIG bucks for.
  13. *slim*

    Today's surgeries... september 25th

    Thanks so much. Skinny sounds so good to me right now.
  14. *slim*

    OMG!! Less than 2 hours to go!

    Thanks so much! I really appreciate the thoughts. You take care of that infection. I hope YOU feel better soon.
  15. *slim*

    Have to see my surgeon tomorrow morning

    I am glad that you were able to catch it before it got any worse. I hope that you feel better soon.
  16. I started crying during my pre-op diet. I feel so goofy saying this, but I cried looking at Deal or No Deal, when the lady lost her money. I have noticed that the slightest thing sets me off. I can only imagine how bad I am going to be in the next few weeks. I can only hope that we all get over it soon (my family hopes so too, lol). :confused:
  17. *slim*

    Who's YOUR insurance company?

    1.) Who's you're insurance company? BCBSIL 2.) What state do you live in? TN 3.) Was your plan provided by your employer or do you pay for it out of your own pocket? Employer provided 4.) Are you banded yet, waiting for approval, denied...etc? approved, surgery today!:confused:
  18. That sounds yummy. I love Dijon mustard anyway. I have so many ideas to try once I can eat food again. I am going to be stuck on a graduated diet for the next 4 weeks. :confused:
  19. *slim*

    Sexism Rules!

    ROFLMAO!:smile: I am so glad that I wasn't drinking anything. It would have come right out of my nose! :confused:
  20. *slim*

    How long.....

    I am one of the few that can climax with penetration. My DH can't seem to get with toys so I just have those for when he is being an a$$ (which seems to be all of the time now:biggrin:).
  21. Thanks for answering. I forget about using a marinade for chicken. I love salmon and had found a 3 pound reclosable package at Wallyworld with precut pieces. I will have to remember to stock up for myself (no one else in my house will eat it). Thanks so much for the information!:confused:
  22. I was taking 1 metformin er tablet a day. My PCP told me to stop taking them after surgery. She said that she doesn't anticipate me needing them any more, but to watch my blood sugars closely.
  23. *slim*

    Bowel issues?

    It does sound like IBS. The symtoms you describe, describe me to a t. What is always odd to me is, a food that causes symptoms today, may not cause them tomorrow. I now control my sypmtoms with medication. You definitely want to see your doctor about this. You don't want to risk getting dehydrated from the watery stools. I hope you feel better soon.
  24. *slim*


    I am so glad that you are feeling better. Make sure you take care of you.
  25. Good luck to you in 4 days. It will come sooner than you think. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

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