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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That's ok, you can keep her locked up today. I now know who all I can call when the time comes.:wink2: Congrats on your bandiversary! I am glad that they are putting the rush on for you! I know with your surgery day coming soon, that you were worried. I am glad it is working out!
  2. *slim*

    before and current comparison

    How awesome you look! I hope that I can have that kind of result a year later!
  3. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Somehow I don't think you weigh enough to do any damage to anyone, but I appreciate the thought.:wink2:
  4. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks Diva. I needed a laugh this morning. I am just not going to say anything else to her. That will hurt her more than if I just lose it on her like there is no tomorrow. Thanks for the idea though.:eek:
  5. *slim*

    Tomorrow is the big day!!

    Today is going to go very well for you. Good luck and God bless!
  6. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I am posted to say that I am peeved! My so called best friend (who also works with me) decided that it was her place to tell the most evil, talkative person from work about my surgery! I did not want those people watching every thing that I eat or discussing my business. GRRRRRRR!:eek:
  7. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I just talked to the service rep that answered. I told them that my doctor had sent in paperwork for predetermination of benefits for WLS. The rep was able to check to see if they had the paperwork and see if the review department had started looking at it. I also sent emails from their website. The rep that got my email actually requested follow up from the review department to tell her as soon as they were done with it. She emailed me the afternoon it was approved. My surgeon's office accepted the copy of the email until they got the official approval letter 2 weeks later.
  8. *slim*

    A typical day in the life?

    I have to be honest and say that the fullness was different. The shakes and broth left me floating. I would be sloshing around after drinking my shakes (I was required to use Glucerna). The pudding at least gave the illusion of eating (I missed chewing). I felt awful for the first 3 days. On day four, I was no longer hungry. We actually were given two booklets with examples of what can be eaten and when. Our nutritionist visit was actually in one of the hospital's WLS center. It was guided towards lap band. I also had a pre-op class with the surgeon's office that went over eating guidelines. Hopefully, if you decide to do this, your surgeon will give you that information. Most of the doctors pre-op and post-op diets differ so don't worry if your information doesn't match someone else's.
  9. *slim*

    A typical day in the life?

    My surgeon doesn't like diet pills. :sad_smile: I was told that I had to stop any diet pills 1 month before surgery, and that I am not to try taking any more. Basically they told me that during my clear liquid and full liquid stage, to eat as much sugar free Jello and sugar free pudding to get satisfied. They said that they didn't care if it took 9 cups of pudding. Just for me to not stay hungry. I just started soft foods. I am still not really limited on how much I am allowed to eat. The only restriction that they put on me for now is to not drink for 45 minutes after eating. I am just trying to limit my portions because I haven't really lost as much weight during these weeks after surgery. :smile: I have PCOS, so I am sure that is making a difference in my weight loss.
  10. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    My insurance company said it would take a month, but I had my approval within 5 days. I called the insurance company for a status everyday. I know that I got on their nerves, but so what? Don't get depressed yet.
  11. *slim*

    A typical day in the life?

    I haven't been banded long enough to give you a true picture. Give me another couple of weeks, and I can tell you. I go for my first fill in 2 weeks and will then truly know the life of a bandster (I hope). Right now I don't really have any restriction so I am in "bandster hell" where you have a band, but it isn't really doing anything to help with hunger. I am only walking right now. I won't be released for real exercise until my 4 week post op appointment. I hope that you are able to find all of the information that you will need to make up your mind about getting a band.
  12. *slim*

    Tell us about yourself

    It is so wonderful to see how many people have joined this forum! Welcome to everyone, and good luck to you all on your journies!
  13. I really depends on two things, who your insurance provider is, and what options were purchased with your policy by your employer (or whomever provides your insurace). My insurance company required a 6 month diet plan, BUT they accepted 6 visits in 6 months with my PCP that showed my weight, bmi, and some discussion about my weight and what to do about it. Just contact your insurance company and ask for (in writing) the requirements for WLS through them. Good luck to you!
  14. *slim*

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Hello everyone. I am interested in doing low carb. I know just enough to be dangerous. Any help from you pros would be appreciated. I am going into my 3rd week post op. I am on soft foods right now. I noticed when I started them, any weight loss that i had started, stopped. I was already losing very slowly (PCOS), and adding thin mashed potatoes and all of those cream soups (if I smell another one, I think I will gag) has not helped my weight loss. Anyway, I just wanted to drop in for any tips/tricks of the trade to eating low carb. Thanks.
  15. *slim*

    surgery embarrassing questions

    I was naked underneath the HUGE gown that they put me in. I was not allowed to keep on my undies. They give you sexy leggings to keep your circulation moving correctly. I did have the runs after surgery, but then again, I had the runs from the day I started the liquid pre-op diet until I started mushies. Liquid in, probably liquid out.
  16. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It did freak me out. All I could think about was what if I had gotten in my car and tried to drive? I had taken it for quite some time before that happened. I really think my getting up in the middle of the night caused it. I can say that now, but then it just scared me spitless. Plain, I like your new avatar!
  17. Hi. I am currently on one week of Clear liquids after surgery. I am rather curious how any one else got their calories in during this stage.:thumbup: I have been tracking my calorie intake, and it isn't that much. I have only had 80 calories so far today and found it hard to get that in. Any suggestions would be great.:frown: Thanks
  18. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I took it and went to bed, but in my "dream" I got up to go to the bathroom. I figure from there, I must have thought everything was normal. It all seemed like an out of body experience. I was watching it happen instead of participating. It was really weird.:tt1:
  19. *slim*

    I'll be away

    I will be praying for you and your baby. Also, he won't hate you. It will be tough, but there is NOTHING like a mother's love. Take care.
  20. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I'll never tell....:wub:
  21. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    My husband found me sleep walking once after taking ambien. I thought the events of the previous night were a dream. Then when he started telling me different parts of my "dream", I realized he was telling me the truth. I did not take ambien again after that. Posting just to add my two cents about ambien.
  22. Liquid in, liquid out. It will get better once you are on more solid food after surgery.
  23. *slim*

    Liquid Diet Pre-Op

    Not quite. My liquid diet was just that, all liquids. I had 6 shakes a day and all of the low or no calorie drinks I wanted.
  24. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Do you have a certain genre of books that you read, or do you read everything?
  25. Another possible option, some of the makers of the bands offer financing. Just go their websites. I have seen the information there.

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