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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by *slim*

  1. *slim*

    First Fill

    Right back at you Debbie.:eek:
  2. *slim*

    Liquids or real food after a fill?

    My doc says clear liquids day of fill, full liquid to soft food day 2, and then soft food to regular food on day 3. Moving up on all of them as tolerated.
  3. *slim*

    First Fill

    Hey Debbie. Thanks for the warm thoughts. The funnel cake went down fine. I am so grateful. I am going to boil some chicken in the morning to grind for chicken salad. I have only had wheat toast since banding. My doctor had stressed that the bread needed to be crunchy in order to be able to possibly eat it. I haven't tried to eat just plain white bread. I figure that is really pushing it. I am going to take it slowly after mindlessly eating the piece of funnel cake. I need to get some pineapple juice to keep around the house just in case. I hope to never need it though. You know you mentioned the cream of wheat, I haven't had that since I was a child. I have really bad memories of it being forced on me. How do you eat it (I mean like with what)? Do you put anything on it? I know that it would be better for me than the toast.
  4. Thankfully, I haven't had that type of episode, but my doc says at least 24 hours on liquids after an episode like that. Then to try to work your way up from liquids to soft foods and so on as you get comfortable. I hope you feel better soon.
  5. *slim*

    Baby food?

    As a person that tried to puree my own food, buy the baby food. Actually seeing it being pureed did something to me. I know it was mental, but even now that I am back on regular food, I can't bring myself to even eat the food that I tried to puree (i.e. bean soup).
  6. You are not alone. I had my first fill on Thursday. I actully have felt hungrier than I did before the fill. My understanding is that most doctors don't put much fill in the first time to get us used to trying to eat the bandster way. We are still in banster hell. It could be as many as 3 or more fills before we feel real restriction. Don't get discouraged. We will make it through this tough time. Just keep trying to make good choices.
  7. *slim*

    First Fill

    My doctor did give me times. I did Clear Liquids the day of the fill. Then it said day 2 full liquids to soft foods. Then day 3 soft foods to regular food. I tried some scrambled eggs this morning. I took my time with it. It took me about 40 minutes to eat the eggs and a piece of wheat toast. I was full until after lunch time. I went to a fall festival today at my son's school. Without thinking, I ate a piece of funnel cake. It didn't get stuck, but I am still full 3 hours later. I tried to drink something a little while ago to make sure the funnel cake wasn't stuck. It went down (the drink did), but I still fill heavy like that funnel cake is sitting there. That was so stupid. I was just holding it for my son like I would do any time. I was watching the kids dunk the teachers in Water, and just stuck it into my mouth. I guess it didn't kill me, so I need to get over it. I am glad that you feel better Debbie. I am going to do soup tonight (just the broth) to see if this doughy feeling with go away. Isn't it funny the things that we do without even thinking?
  8. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It is a dreary 50 degrees here today. I wish everyone a happy weekend! SMS, your bf sounds like he needs a swift kick in the arse (or his other areas). Hugs for you. SNT, I am so happy for you. She, I know my vote doesn't count, but you look great with that extra 10 kilos! Tapshoes, even at 6am my house is not that quiet. What's your secret?
  9. *slim*

    First Fill

    Debbie, I haven't had heart burn. I have only had major gas.:thumbup: Maybe your soup was a little too rich. I am starving. I knew that they didn't pot much fill in, but I didn't think I would be hungrier than I was before the fill. I tried to drink something to see if it was head hunger. I was really hungry.
  10. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Would you swoon just a little for me? I haven't swooned in years. *sigh*
  11. I had to have a talk with my mom about calling me about food. She loves to just call and tell me what she ate today or what she is thinking about eating. I explained that if she is going to talk to me, we are have to have real conversation and not talk about food all of the time. She said that I should just get used to talking about food. I told her that I have to decide that food is not my life anymore. She doesn't get it yet. Go to user cp. On the left hand side you will see an avatar option. It will let you either choose one of their avatars, or choose a picture from you computer.
  12. *slim*

    Daily Calories

    Hi. I am 4 weeks out, and my calorie intake ranges from bout 900-1300 calories a day. I noticed that when I kept my calorie intake really low, my weight would not move. When I started changing it from day to day, the scale finally moved. That may just be coincidence.
  13. I totally understand how you feel. Like Donna said, until we get good restriction, the band is just there. I had my first fill yesterday, and I am just as hungry today as I was before the fill. I can only hope that I get a little more restricted as the days go on (I am not holding out any hope). Just try to make good choices so that you don't undo the good work you have done so far. We will get out of this hell soon (I hope).
  14. *slim*

    First Fill

    Debbie, I survived. I was starving by lunch time. I drank maybe a quarter to half cup of tomato soup. I was stuffed. Not an hour later, my stomach was grumbling. I Thankfully, my paperwork said that I could move up to the soft stage as soon as I could tolerate it. I ate soup with soft cooked veggies. That went down very well. I took my time (almost an hour for 1/2 cup). I feel good right now. I guess the question is going to be how long will I stay full?
  15. Debbie, I guess this was the one place that we were not the same. I haven't had real trouble. During the liquid stage, my IBS was there with me the entire time. As a matter of fact, it is still there. The only time I had trouble was when I took the high powered pain killers. I wish that I could give you all some of my "relief". I have had a little too much "relief" lately. I hope that you all find a solution soon!
  16. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Way to go!!!:thumbup: Not even a little sympathy? Holy smokes!
  17. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wait... It's Friday? Why does it feel like Monday to me?
  18. *slim*

    First Fill

    My goodness Teri, you are doing so good! I haven't tried step aerobics. Heck, I haven't tried anything other than walking. Your fill date will be here before you know it! Keep up the awesome job! That really depends on so much. It can be as little as a few weeks to several months. It really depends on your insurance companies requirements for approval. Then once you have approval, it really depends on your surgeons schedule. It took me personally, a little under 3 months from seminar to surgery. I had my seminar on 07/05 and had surgery 09/25. Good luck to you on your journey1
  19. *slim*

    i need help

    I'm glad that you got some relief Nay. I hope that you continue to feel better.
  20. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP-drive by post from work!!
  21. *slim*

    First Fill

    Debbie, I made it through about half of my cup of jello. It has taken me this long to eat it. I was too scared to eat any faster. Of course, eating with a baby spoon makes it slow going anyway. I guess the true test will be on some real food. I cringe at the thought of eating.
  22. *slim*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Donna, I love that! ROFLMAO!:smile:
  23. *slim*

    First Fill

    I think you are doing the only real thing that can be done by being seen tomorrow. I wish you the best.
  24. *slim*

    First Fill

    You are no coward! I think of how brave you were to take control of you health. We did do good! I will swish, squish, or whatever on the jello. I am starving, so I had better try something. I will let you know how it goes.:smile:

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