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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kteggers

  1. I'm 31, 390lbs and 5'5". I know, very large. I'm not good at getting my point across, so I hope this post makes sense. I go this Wednesday for my 6th month weight in, a pre-op diet class, medical evaluation, dietician consult, physical activity evaluation and to schedule the surgery. I'm almost to the end of this part of my journey. It seems like I just started this! I haven't managed to loose anything (i suck) so I'm really second guessing myself about the surgery. If I can't loose anything while seeing a nutrisionalist for 6 months, can I really loose anything even with the band? My head is spinning right now, one day I want the band more than anything and I'm pumped! I eat wonderful and excercise and everything is perfect. Then the next day I fail and eat like a hog. I'm scared to go through with the surgery just for me to fail again. I have it in my head that this is different and I'm not going to let myself go through all this, just to sabotage myself, but then again, it's possible? It's a scary thought. I feel like the morning before you get married, where you are second guessing the whole "togethor forever" idea. I'm at that morning I think. Can you tell me one thing, was this worth it?
  2. kteggers

    Day 12 Post Op

    Welcome! Hope you are feeling well! I to, LOVE checking out the pics, such encouragment! Good luck!
  3. I don't know if this helps but my Mom gets migraines from anything sugar free, you said you get them often, so i thought I would throw that out. My surgery isn't scheduled yet, but I've read on here that people feel pretty crappy on the pre-op diet. Since your doctor applows low-carb, i would make up some chicken and veggies and see if that helps? Good luck.
  4. Baylee, You sound just like me! I can't wait for my New Life! Please let me know how everything goes ok? kteggers@yahoo.com
  5. Thanks for your feedback. Your right, I'm too hard and negative on myself. I've always been that way. It's because I'd rather admit that I know I'm large rather than have someone tell me. Or diss myself before others can diss me to my face. I really appreciate your posts. Your both so right! What do I have to loose? I know I want it and I know I can do it. Thanks again!
  6. :grouphug: So i went to the psychiatrist to get my evaluation. 3 hours and 600 questions about whether or not i hear voices in my head. Never met the guy, just his secretary. I go back a week later for a sit down with the actual dude. He tells me that based on his 600 questions, i seem perfectly normal, BUT i have some depression issues. DUH, i'm 5'5'' and almost 400lbs. Who wouldn't have some issues ya know? So he wants to know how many diets i've tried, i'm much i've ever lost, how many pills i've tried, everything. Then he tells me after about 40 minutes that he is going to tell the doctor that i need to loose a significant amount of weight, between 5-20 percent BEFORE i have my surgery because he doesn't believe that i can change my eating ways. Now, i'm pissed. I walked out in a kind of shock. How could this dude who didn't even ask me why i want the surgery or get into my feelings about being fat, judge me in that short of time. I know I will have to work hard, i've read everything on the band that i can get my chubby hands on! Can he actually do this? My whole goal in life is to loose weight so I can see my 2 year old grow up and give him a little brother or sister. I feel like the band will be like a starting over or starting fresh on a clean slate time for just me, ya know? Does he care about this? No, he only cared about his stupid nut-ball survery I took, cause that must be the know-all in pychiatric medicine.... My insurance doesn't require any weight loss, although I am TRULY trying. My doctor said as long as everything goes well I should be scheduled in January, now who knows when....20% is 80lbs!!! .....has anyone had a shrink hold up their process? I will be so crushed.
  7. Thanks for everyones feedback! To answer some questions, i have been seeing a dietician for 5 months and have lost 12 pounds, so i am changing me eating habits and that's part of my issue. It's been 5 months and 12 pounds! So if he makes me loose 20%, that's going to be a long time!!! I'm hoping it's only another 5%!! I wouldn't be against seeing someone to help me through all my weight issues, but it's not something I can afford. The only way I can even get the band is with awesome insurance. Thanks again for everyones posts, i know it's just another hoop, i just saw an end coming soon and now it's pushed back and it's frusterating. I will be calling my dietician after T-day. Thanks all!
  8. kteggers

    banded yesterday and feelin just fine!

    NICE!!! So glad to hear an easy surgery! Mine should be about 2 months away and I'm starting to get nervous! Good luck with everything!
  9. kteggers


    Vancouver Washington OR Vancouver B.C.???
  10. kteggers

    help!! what do you think?

    I'm at my 5th month of my 6 month pre surgery diet and yeah, most insurance companies make you do some sort of diet, how long depends on them. I know most insurance require that you have a co-morbity, not just be obese. For example I have sleep apnea and high blood pressure. There are other co-morbities that are allowed, but i can't off hand remember what they are? If you are having trouble sleeping, maybe you need a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea? I suggest you go to your general doctor first, who can then refer you to the weight center. This is what happened with me. Before I surgery I have to do the 6 month diet with a dietician, see a psychiatrist, have 2 years of weight history documentation. But again those are just my insurance requirements. I'm having it done so I can see my two year old grow up and to be able to keep up with him as well!! Read everything on this web site, it will give you all the answers you need! Good luck!
  11. kteggers

    GNC products

    So funny you are talking about GNC products. I went to my local store to price what they have and I got a few samples of I believe Myoplex (sp?) I got chocolate and vanilla. The chick there said they are made for body builders so there was 60 grams of Protein in each sample, so i should split it 3 ways so it's only 20 grams of protein per drink. I tried chocolate this morning and I had to pinch my nose to finish the glass (didn't want to waste money, lol) It is chocolately and mixed well, but the aftertaste was like sweet-n-low. I didn't care for it at all. I know some people swear by there stuff though, so I'd advise getting some samples. The big container of chocolate was $60 bucks and lemme tell ya how glad I am today for not buying it! I've tried 5-6 different brands and by far the best was unjury, especially the vanilla! Their website has samples also. Good luck!
  12. Has anyone gained weight on their 6 month diet? Okay, so on Monday I got in to see my nutritionalist lady for my 4th month of my 6 month diet. Last time I saw her I lost 4 pounds. She was thrilled. I neglected to mention to her that I was violently ill the week prior and I didn't eat for 4 days, so there's the 4 pounds. Well now I'm going to go in there and probably will have gained 10lbs. No joke. If I had a scale that went up to my weight I could tell for sure. I weigh probably about 385. I'm dreading going to see her. I keep thinking that I will tell her about all my stresses. Filed bankruptcy, repossed car, sick husband, marriage trouble. You know the normal life struggles, but that's just a stupid excuse! I mean, what to I tell her? I suck? I can't loose weight, I love food way too much. I probably shove food in my face to deal with stress. Well, not probably, I do. So I'm just frusterated. I think the worst thing she ever did was let me know that I'm not required to loose any weight before surgery, so I have that in my head, like it doesn't matter what I eat because I only have 2 more months. Like the last supper syndrome, except mine is the last 2 month syndrome. I know I need the band! I know I emotional eat. I know I can loose weight, I have in the past. I know I should love myself more and take care of myself. I know what I should be eating, anyone who's been on a diet before knows what they should be eating. But it's so damn hard to know that you have 2 more months to eat your carbs. I just wish I could start the liquid diet now so I can clean my brain and body of all these toxic foods and thoughts. Okay how stupid am I? I'm wishing to start the liquid diet? Maybe I should though? I'm not getting anywhere by oinking out, except to get bigger. I seriously keep thinking while I'm suckling down the soda that "just two more months and no more pop". Isn't this wrong? Don't i have the most backwards logic? And I think I'm only getting worse now that I'm freaking about seeing the skinny-hyper nutrionalist. I know she will be dissapointed in me, I'm dissapointed in myself. Has anyone else gained weight while on their 6 month diet? If so, what happened? What did they say?
  13. Hi everyone! I'm on my 3rd month of my 6 month diet. I've been doing, so, so. It's been hard, I was a carb addict! I used to skip Breakfast and my nuitritionalist wanted me to have something, so she suggested I try some Protein drinks for breakfast. So I've tried Designer whey, unjury and another that I'm not sure I've seen on this web site, it's called Lean Dessert. This is by far the best one I've tried, granted I haven't tried many, the other two were good, but this one is killer! I have the chocolate fudge pudding flavor. Now this one compared to Unjury or Designer Whey has the 20 grams of protein, same as the other two. BUT it has 30 more calories, 1 more gram of fat and 1 more carb. Now, first question is. Is this worth the teeny bit of extra calories and fat for the taste after I have the surgery, or should I stick to the lowest amount of fat and calories drink I can find? ALSO, has anyone else had tummy problems after they tried Protein Drinks? I'm only having one for breakfast and I really like how well it helps keep me full, but every morning I get the rumblies in the tumblies and have to go potty. Just wondering if anyone else went through this and if it got better? I'm thinking I was eating SOOO horrible and carbing out like crazy that maybe the protein is killing my tummy and it will just take a month or so to get used to this type of new diet? Any thoughts would be great! thanks! Katie
  14. Isn't whey Protein in regular milk? Just curious because I have never had a problem with milk. THANKS Katie
  15. DUH! I never thought about checking the fiber amount! I was stuck on getting PROTEIN! LOL I'll go home and check, that's probably it! Thanks! Katie
  16. kteggers

    feta cheese tuna cakes

    SOUNDS GOOD, thanks! Katie
  17. kteggers

    Everyday advice from a veteran

    Thank you so much for the post! I was wondering what it actually meant when they say your hair will fall out! I thought it meant like in chunks! A few months after I had my son I noticed those baby bangs coming in, I didn't even realize I'd lost some hair, but apparantly that's pretty common. Anyway, new hair came in just fine. Thanks also for the tip on the wedding rings! I'm hoping I will need an adjustable bracket once I'm banded!!! :confused: Katie
  18. kteggers

    Hi All

    Do you have to do the 6 month diet or anything? I'm in the waiting game as well, half way through my 6 month diet. I hate waiting!!! Good luck with everything! This site has tons of info! Katie
  19. kteggers


    I think some people (GIRLS) are just jealous that you have decided to do something good for yourself and you may end up prettier and skinnier then themselves. I too have had that comment made, but what i think is that once i have the band, i will know that this is just a tool to help me and it's still going to be alot of work. Once i've gone through all the hoops and I have the scars it will be a reminder for what i must do to get down to a normal weight. I think for myself it's going to be a mental tool, maybe even more than a physical tool. Just keep in mind the band is something people choose for themselves, i think it's a personal choice. I'm not telling alot of people for the exact reason you have listed above. Some people don't understand what it's like to be me, to be 230lbs overweight. People just shouldn't talk unless they know what it's like. Good luck with your desicion. Katie
  20. kteggers

    Good Help Book????

    Hello, I'm in my 3rd month of my 6 month diet. I went to the orientation and the doctor mentioned a good book with recipies and food ideas for before and after surgery. I've written down pretty much every recipe everything from this website, lol, just wondering if there a good book out there that has helped anyone? Thanks!!! Kteggers
  21. kteggers

    Good Help Book????

    Thanks so much!
  22. kteggers

    Almost There!!

    WOW that is crazy how the doctor spoke to you! I'm in the exact same position. I have one child and my only goal in life is to have one more! I know the band is the right choice for me and the right choice for when I get pregnant. Don't listen to him, I wouldn't go back to him! You know your doing the right thing!
  23. kteggers

    2 photos

    You look beautiful! You look very happy in the second pic. I can't wait for that feeling! Congrats!
  24. Hi! I'm glad you said I could ask questions, lol! I meet with the dietician tomorrow for the first of 6 month diet. So how was the surgery? During my seminar, the dr. said that some people go home the first day, did you? How was the pain? When were you up and walking? When did you go back to work? Sorry to bombard you, just have so many questions! Can you feel restriction already? Thanks! Katie
  25. kteggers

    Taking the first step

    Welcome, I'm a few weeks past you, but for sure a newbie. I went to a seminar and met the doctor. Tomorrow I'm seeing my dietician for the first of my 6 month diet. I agree with you about the benefits of surgery! It is scary though. It's a complete life change for sure. But I'm ready. I can't live like this much longer. I haven't posted much in this site, but I've spent hours looking and reading. This site has tons of info. Let me know if I can help at all. Good luck!

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