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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cmdagf99

  1. cmdagf99

    realize band vs lap band

    I am 2 weeks Post Op today and just had my first Docters App since surgery....I am down 26lbs in just the 2 weeks....So if anyone is doubting there choice about having their Realize band placed, please dont....Weight loss if personal like I have said before..Your band is a tool to guide you no matter which band you choose....Good luck to everone in the battle...Its a tough one...:crying:
  2. cmdagf99

    realize band vs lap band

    Both bands are great tools...Your choice is a personal decision that you need to feel comfortable with...One band is not better over the other...They both prove to do the same, aid in weight loss. My Dr. places both bands and yes there are some differences in designs, lapband is more round where as Realize is oval (not triangle as someone mentioned earlier)....The ports are secured different, I believe lapband is sutured and the Realize band is anchored into the muscle....Good luck with whichever band you choose, your weight loss will mostly depend on you, your band will just aid you in the fight... : )
  3. cmdagf99

    Virginia gal!

    Hey there Im from Va was just banded in Charlottesville Va on August 12th by Dr. Michael Trahan....It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be...Im still on liquids and I am actually down 17lbs from the morning of surgery. Im sure its all water weight but thats ok Ill take it any way I can get it......The gas was bad, I also had a hiatal hernia repair so I think maybe some of my pain had to do with that also....Good luck with your band....
  4. I was banded on August 12th also and still have gas. I have found the gas strips work wonders for that moment you take them...Walking of course helps too...I thought the pain in my shoulder was finally gone but woke up with it back again this morning.....Im feeling better, and realize that all the pain is and gas is worth the results in the end....My family and I went to Target yesterday and all of the walking there of course released the gas, of course I couldnt or wouldnt hold it in, my daughter just about died, when mom let it go as she said...Thank goodness no one was standing close but even if they where I hate it would have still happened...lol....
  5. cmdagf99

    Lap Band vs. Realize Band

    I have not seen any studies where you loose more with one band over the other....I believe your weight loss is personal, I was banded on 08/12/08 and I have lost 17 lbs from the date of surgery, some people have lost more some less, it all depends on the individual and your body....I have seen people with Lapband loose slower as well as with the Realize....It is a long term process and the main thing is the scales are going down and not up right?..?....Mabye you just arent there with your fills yet...talk with your Dr if you think your not at full restriction... Have a great day...
  6. I think everyone looses diffrently, just as we all gained it differently..:confused_smile:Some are faster loosers in the begining than others, it is the completed loss and the goal at the end that is important...I know its hard to remember that when others are peeling it off quickly, but it all evens out in the end im told...Its a long term loss, so it takes longer to loose, hope that made sense...lol...Good luck to everyone...
  7. Hey there..I had surgery on the 12th...And the pain in the shoulder was AWFUL...Dr. Trahan explained it was from the gas and that the pain/pressure should reside with walking (walking helps get the gas off)..I still have a twinge of pain in my shoulder here and there...I had a hiatal hernia repair also and Im not sure but I think that is where most of my pain is coming from...My stomache is sore but it hurts my chest to take deep breathes and to belch feels horrible...I am still taking my pain meds also...Not on a constant basis but about mid day It takes the edge off.. :thumbup:....Everyones threshold for pain is different and if you need it to be comfortable then by all means honey use it....comfort is key to healing...:sad:
  8. cmdagf99

    Lap Band vs. Realize Band

    Logically I dont think that the websites are the deciding factor in being banded...I just made the statement that I liked the website, not that it was my deciding factor... Good luck with your success....
  9. cmdagf99

    Lap Band vs. Realize Band

    My physician also uses both bands, and I have read that the studies are the same for weight loss at 3 years out which is what the band is for long term weight loss.... Your weight loss has nothing to do with which band you have chosen. It has to do with your lifestyle. The website is just another tool to help aid you in that choice. Im not downing Labband by any means, my cousin has the Allergan LabBand and I have the Realize, they are both there to do the same thing, aid you in weight loss. I dont think this should be a my band is better than yours issue, or as you said "Keep your fancy website, Id rather lose more weight":thumbdown:. Kind of thought we where all on the same boat here whether it be LabBand or Realize......
  10. cmdagf99

    Lap Band vs. Realize Band

    I just had surgery on August 12th, Dr. Trahan is my surgeon also.:tongue_smilie: I had the Realize Band placed.. I liked the website that came with the Reaize Band and Dr. Trahan did not have one band choice over another, so when it came time to schedule my surgery they asked if I minded the Realize Band and I said that would be fine...Like I said I like the website that you use with Realize. Dr. Trahan and his team are wonderful..You are in good hands...good luck with your surgery... Christi:thumbup:

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